Real life based or fiction?


Not a Virgin
Dec 13, 2022
After lurking in here for a couple months I am curious, how much of what is being written is 100% fiction/fantasy versus how much is true or based on events that actually happened. I get the impression that the vast majority are completely works of fiction but I have seen some comments about characters or events at least being partially based in reality. The reason I ask is because besides changing names and minor adjustments to help the story flow better for the reader, the series I am currently working on are actual events from when I was in my mid to late 20s. The next series will probably be the same except based on more recent events that involve my husband. After that I think it would be fun to try some fiction but I wouldn't even know where to start.
I think it's safe to say the vast majority of what you read here is over 95% fiction. My stories are entirely fictional. I have incorporated elements here and there from things I have experienced, but not a single one of my 54 stories is even remotely autiobiographical.

Where do you get your inspiration? Just things you fantasize about?
Where do you get your inspiration? Just things you fantasize about?

1. I have a kinky imagination. I'm also very open-minded when it comes to sexual fantasies, so I let my mind go to a lot of different weird places. I don't get squicked easily.
2. I read a lot and get inspiration from what I read. I read erotica online for over 15 years before writing a word. By the time I started writing I had a ton of ideas based on what I'd read and I had a very clear idea about what I wanted to write and how I wanted to write it.
3. What I like to write about is not necessarily what I actually fantasize about. I have no desire to engage in incest, but I think it's a blast to write about.
Most of my MMC are based at least 70-80% on me, and my MFC are based 70-80% on my wife. As for the events...sometimes there are real events peppered in there, but mostly they are just fantasies that one or both of us have had and shared with one another. I definitely add real life conversations that we have had in the stories.
My earliest works were anonymized recollections of actual events, reality being stranger/sexier than fiction sometimes. Now, occasionally I'll draw on real experiences as a springboard to develop into a little bit of fantasy, although most of my writing these days is the product of a fertile imagination.
I'm too paranoid about someone I know somehow recognizing me to ever risk including anything that would out me. So it's a solid 100% fiction. Except the bits about bears. The bears are 100% real.
I'm too paranoid about someone I know somehow recognizing me to ever risk including anything that would out me. So it's a solid 100% fiction. Except the bits about bears. The bears are 100% real.

I change enough details to protect myself from strangers being able to track me down but if someone that knew me came along they could probably connect the dots. Thats kind of a turn on for me but I'm a bit of an exhibitionist.
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I do mostly mature stories and most of them are based on ladies I've known in my life, some in the same situations I knew them in, others in fictional situations.

Others stories are based on locations I've known with fictional people.

Using people or places I've known, I think adds a sense of realism and detail that I think I wouldn't add if everything was made up.
One of the authors on Lit writes wildly popular stories in the Transgender and Crossdresser category. His stories are based completely on watching transgender porn and as a result, they are totally unrealistic and implausible. He has never met a transgender woman in real life as he freely admits that he has zero actual experience. I think his stories are stupid and ridiculous but that’s what people like!
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All of the scenarios I write are 100% fictional, but I do include small details about characters, including the MC, from real life. There’s a reason so many of my characters are from the tech sector, or had background in the goth scene or gaming, for example. But that’s as far as it goes.
My profile says my stories are made up of thousands of fragments of mine and others' truths, rearranged into a patchwork of pure fiction. But that's the kind of stories I write - the various bits likely happened to someone, but not all of them at the same time to the same person.

Some stories have larger fragments of my own life than others. A few are nearly completely true.

My one attempt at Erotic Horror isn't one of them.
Many of my stories were entirely factual, and either happened to me, or were reported to me by people with impeccable credentials for honesty.
Many of my published stories are at least based upon actual events. The exceptions are where the statute of limitations has not yet run out.
I write fiction, but the real-world informs it. Mostly the scenarios are fantasy, but the sexual acts depicted are based on experience, but not specific instances. Some things I have never done and it’s pure fantasy, but even there, actual experience helps imagine what it would be like in order to describe it. The characters are based on people I’ve met or seen, I suppose, but more like categories or archetypes. An attractive person or their style might inspire a character, but I don’t try to (or want to) imagine it is that specific person. The settings are mostly places I have been, but intentionally anonymous and changed to fit my stories.
I find inspiration in real life events but write a fictional story based off them. Back in December, my wife and I joined friends at a bar, and a much older man asked her to dance and then asked for her phone number! Now, as far as I know, she turned him down :) , but the story wrote itself in my head over the next few days.
Yeh, I'm really Bo Keap the outlaw. But I'm a good outlaw, like Robin Hood. I made a mistake in writing my autobiography and posting online here — I'm pretty sure the FBI is tapping my telephone, when I pick up the phone there's a constant tone — sorta like a hum that keeps going until I enter in the first digit of the number I want to call.

EDIT: That above is a lie and now I'm soooo ashamed of myself! It's all made up from thin air — all my stories are a big fat lie and I'm a nobody that nobody knows :cry:
Most of my stories have the following introduction:

Deb and I write our stories together. Her memory is better than mine, and I put the words ‘on paper’. This narrative is based on our real life experiences, but is also liberally spiced with fantasy. You might be able to guess which is which.
how much of what is being written is 100% fiction/fantasy versus how much is true or based on events that actually happened.
Most of my stuff is complete fantasy, but details and background information are based on 100% reality. My Winter Holiday story Stormwatch: Thundersnow is based on a drive I took from Amherst NY to Cheektowaga NY during a thundersnow storm. Thundersnow storms suck, especially when they hit during rush hour like what happened to me. I changed my MC's route from Orchard Park NY to Springville NY, but the things he had to deal with were the same things I had to deal with.

My 2023 On the Job event story, "That's Why They Call It the Cockpit" will be based on things that really happened, some things will sound impossible, but they're going to be based on things that actually happened, however the details and the final outcome will be products of my fertile imagination.
My writing is mostly fictional. That said, I do not hesitate to incorporate small elements of personal experience that I feel will enhance the fictional plot. For instance, in, the opening bit about dropping the page really happened to me. Then I thought, how can that bit be part of a story? The remaining 99% was all the product of my imagination.
All of my stories are fiction, but all are based loosely on my experience. When I say loosely I mean the particular situation and characters are fictional but the actions undertaken are mostly true as in I have experienced or done them. An example is the story I wrote for a contest about a couple who met while backpacking at a hot springs pool in the back country. There's a natural hot springs pool like that in the mountains south of me. My wife and I camped there for a couple of days and had some fabulous sex just like what I described in the story. I write fiction based on fact much of the time.

I think only a couple of stories that I've written here are complete fiction, and those were sparked by convos with fellow Lit authors. All of the others start off with a real situation I have been in, i.e. ex-husbands 18+ nephew starting flirting with me (not my type, nor was I actually sexually interested in him at all, but it was a fascinating topic to explore) and I took that and created a story from it, and that turned into a series. At one pointin the story, reality fades and fantasy takes over. All names are changed especially because in some cases, I don't remember them!

I'd be hard pressed to come up with something completely fictional; my brain does not work that way at all. It takes a kernal of truth, or a suggestion, to set me off.