Readers who get you...


The Hentenno
Aug 12, 2015
This thread is branching off from gordo12's thread about 'Comments That Make Your Day', and I want to dedicat it to a certain type of reader, the ones who 'get us'. So pretty much what it says on the tin.

This was inspired by a PM I got today, amidst all the bile that one particular pakled was spewing. I read what this person said three or four times and laughed, because it not only made my day, but in its own way was kinda humbling. This person seems to be of quite a bit more than average literacy, so I'm pleased they took the time. The PM was as follows...

"Thank you, sir, for what you do. Allow me to say I enjoy your work, and any critiques I make are meant in the spirit of being constructive. You are a bard, sir, and you have a gift for spinning a tale that draws people in. If I had to liken your writing style to any 'known' author, I would equate you with Alexandre Dumas.

What do I mean by this? Your stories are compelling, exciting, and, ultimately, of no particular importance. They may inspire, but you make no desperate attempts to be deep. You are here to entertain and enthrall, and THAT, my friend, you do in spades.

I will continue to read everything you put out. Hopefully, you find the secret of immortality, and can keep writing to keep us all entertained ad infinitum. Write on, monsieur!"

So he really enjoys my work, I spin a good yarn, and I'm about as deep as a rain slick. I think he gets me. I'm not here to be called deep and thoughtful, I would agree. I'm just wanting to tell erotic stories people will enjoy.

Dumas, hm? Well, I could do a lot worse. I'm pleased by that.

In any event, tell me about readers who you think really understood or got you with their comments. Not just gushy-gushy, but insights into how you write and why. I've no doubt the big fish in our pond get reader responses like these.

Tell, tell!

EDIT: I thought italicizing his comment would help make this readable, but apparently I've forgotten how to italicize here in the forum. Derp. Oh well, I trust people will get through somehow...
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I felt gratified that this reader of my story Teddy Bear "got me":

"This is perhaps the most imaginative tale I've read on Lit in a very long time. IMHO you are very disturbed, SD which is part of your charm. Your style is simple and crisp, amazingly to the point."
I love ones like this:

I haven’t scored this because I can’t work out if it is a 1 or a 5! It did prompt me to look at my own life and ask myself some very pointed questions!
Also, Legio_Patria_Nostra, himself a writer, gives some of the most insightful comments I've ever read. He absolutely gets what I'm going for, and I love that. His encouragement is one of the things that kept me writing past the first couple of stories.
This was a DM, that I found to be kind of inspiring.

I just wanted to say I like your "no-nonsense, get to the point" style. At least, that was the impression I had from your Neighbor story. I also love to read a little verbal appreciation from both men and women during the sex scenes, which you also provided.

I don't come on this site often and I'm usually somewhat disappointed after I'm finished perusing, but you are a great find and a breath of fresh air! You've given me someone to look for, and I look forward to reading more of your work.

Thank you for sharing your talent.
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Both these comments are from the same story.

Some readers get you:
Anyway, the story was fun. While it could be considered cucking, it wasn't because they were into their spouse getting screwed for cheap thrills. It was a sacrifice by gifting them something that was denied them via separate tragedies. Good thing is it's kept between the two couples only and they found a way to help keep Kim and Carl from sniping at each other although the trash talking will continue.
And some do not:
Whores and willing cucks in a really foolish story.
Which goes to show you, you can't satisfy all of the people all of the time, or even some of the time.

This message contains feedback for: onehitwanda
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


I had attempted to read your story on numerous occasions, it wasn’t a story to read over the morning coffee nor something to read before bed at night. I am the Heather in your story, the girl who was widowed to young and rides the iron horse.

Thank you for the loving reminder that it is only the end of a chapter not the end of the book.
I had to go and have a quiet cry after I got this one when "Triumph" was published.

I still think of her sometimes and hope she's okay.
I like this comment received from someone who wished to remain anonymous.

“Couldn’t get past the first page, you have written a female character that makes Cruela de Vil an angel. This is horrific.”

I’m sure they meant it as an insult but as I had tried to write about an evil woman with no redeeming features I took it as a compliment.
Got these on my latest story. My stories generally have people having a lot of conversation before, during and after getting it on. I aim for realistic encounters.

"I really like your characters. I was actually more interested in the conversation than the sex (I hope that doesn't sound like an insult, it's meant as a compliment)."

"Thoroughly enjoyed; real characters who engaged erotically in real way. Please keep sharing."

"Dialogue perfect; felt so real. You created 3 dimensional characters/setting. Would enjoy following each."
This comment, on the concluding chapter of Mary and Alvin, probably made me feel more "heard" in what I strive for as a writer than any other.

Thank you for this incredible gift, this story of life. As I write it's a crisp fall day. I remember those days from living in the deep forests of New England, and the joy of the people there who stayed in that land, and loved each other no matter what. Thank you for your art; one small thing - that you let your fully realized characters inhabit dialect and idiom to reveal their own selves, and not, as the person in whose ear it sounds strange too often does, to create distance.

I look forward to your more.

ps - a short note to "where's the sex" anonymous - you may want to explore the difference between the sexual, and the erotic. If this final chapter does not feel in the most profound sense erotic to you, then it's possible you are blocking out the most profound and important part of the erotic experience.
I delete negative comments that are about my writing style, but leave up those complaining about the story.
The former is not worried about the story. The latter has at least read it.
I really appreciate the readers who 'get' what I write. They are the reason I continue to occasionally post here. I think there are twelve of them. Or maybe it's thirteen. :D
Yes, it's heart-warming when a reader gets you:
What a lovely piece of loving, sexy writing! I so appreciate you bringing a story to this category where *both* partners are mature. Like the tags say "November November." And the way you build the characters is so skilful, fine details that reveal so much about each of them and their relationship. And the sex is so warm and satisfying.
This story struck a chord with several readers, commenting on the gentle intimacy within the story: Dear Helen
I went hunting for comments or feedback that demonstrated in some specific way a reader "getting" me and couldn't find anything super specific enough to qualify.

That said, I think if someone read my story, liked it enough to rate and comment, they "get" me.

So...ALL my positive feedback? 😆
A howto I posted on findom got more email responses than anything else I've written. Although I'm not sure that the responders "got" me, they were all clearly relieved that someone at least "got them", and they were grateful for my light-hearted, but (even though I say so myself), very sharp and witty take-down of findom, while being non-judgemental of either the practitioners or the victims. I wrote it because I'd never read anything about findom, from New York Times articles and Vanity Fair features to blogs, that came close to a real understanding of it.

It was the only thing I've written here that was done out of a sense of charity.