Reader for Apple iOS and MacOS not working 100%

Nov 4, 2020
I am a long time reader and I using the reader in my iPhone iPad and iMac to read on the browser with ease. Sadly I have noticed in the last year or two the reader is not going to the next page with me I will be on page two and it will still load up page one. Also several years ago you used to because to load multiple page stories in the reader and just read it there rather than go page to page. I missed that feature and I hope it comes back. I am reporting this as a long time error if anyone is asking. Or if I need direction in where I should report this error.
I’ve experienced the same issues with IPhone. I have to switch to Classic view to get to second page. A while back i got an option to try new IPhone view which fixed it but after a new software update it no longer offered it. You could tell because a blue strip on top would appear. Also it no longer reads to me in reader view which I enjoyed.