RCP Latest Michigan Poll - Romney +1


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
That's right, the latest Michigan poll (now posted on RCP) has Romney up by 1 point.

Folks, if you don't see where this is all heading over the next 72 hours your blind.

From CO, FL, NC, NH, OH, PA, VA and now Michigan this is all moving Romney.
That's right, the latest Michigan poll (now posted on RCP) has Romney up by 1 point.

Folks, if you don't see where this is all heading over the next 72 hours your blind.

From CO, FL, NC, NH, OH, PA, VA and now Michigan this is all moving Romney.

And Rasmussen has Obama up by five Michigan. Rasmussen normally skews Republican. But you can keep up your hopes:D
That's right, the latest Michigan poll (now posted on RCP) has Romney up by 1 point.

Folks, if you don't see where this is all heading over the next 72 hours your blind.

From CO, FL, NC, NH, OH, PA, VA and now Michigan this is all moving Romney.
Actually, the latest poll, as in the most recent data, is a PPP poll that has Obama up by 6 in Míchigan.