Ravenloft Where are you??????


Deliciously Taken!
Feb 9, 2000
Oh Ravenloft, where are you?

I have missed your posts over the last few days. I must admit that other people have given me my daily laughs BUT I miss you.

When you come back post straight away.
lemmy alone... I'm drinking... :p

but seriously (Here he goes again...)

Been thinking on your biker story actually. :)

I got an idea, it will be more of an ex-mercenary in biker clothing type of thing but I think you should like it...

Now all I gotta do is write the damnable thing!!! Heh.

Send you what I get done this weekend?

Send me an e-mail if you want me to...


Yap at you later.
Thank God your alright.

I was starting to think that we had scared you away, I would then have to leave because I would just miss you too much.

Thank-you for thinking of a story for me I really appriciate that
I will hopefully be talking to you soon.
Well, damn... I sent you a nice little e-mail, Nicole, but it came back saying it couldn't go through or some such nonsense.
Ravenloft Sweeheart! I will send you another Really Short Email and we can try this again.
hate to intrude but ... oops , sorry, hate to intrude but ... oops , sorry, hate to intrude but ... oops , sorry, hate to intrude but ... oops , sorry, hate to intrude but ... oops , sorry,
Heheh! Shit, golden! Sounds like you got a nasty little skip in that record of yours...
Yep... I remember the days of vinyl... Just like it was yeasterday... *Taps cane on the floor, kicking up dust*
God you guys just crack me up

I'll just pick myself up off the floor(hang on)

I still play some of my old Vinyl does that show my age?

In fact some of it could be classed as quite erotic actually (Just to stay on the subject of sex)
Here, let me give you a hand there Nikki... *Grabs a hand full of ass...* Heheh!

Vinyl? Erotic??? Just a second! Let me break out my ol victrola... If vinyl is erotic than this bad boy has just gotta be one hell of a mind scrambler!!! Muahahaha!!! It kept that damn RCA dog entertained for a few decades after all...
First of all get your hand off my ass (You can put it somewhere else later)

I meant some of the songs that you play on there are Erotic. Alright they jump words every so often but you could adjust your ryhthem to suit that couldn't you??????
*Removes hand at lightning speed*

Would love to have NIN closer on a vinyl... Heheh!

I do have the sound track to The Hobbit of all things though! That and one called Kathy's Clown. Also got Let it be on a 45.
Remember I did say you could put it somewhere else later.

I have just been listening to the old vinyl and I must say that they do really jump don't they?
You would have to be pretty good to keep up the rythem wouldn't you.