


Has anyone ever had this fanatsy?

How do you get your boyfriend/girlfriend to make this happen for you? I want my boyfriend to rape me, but don't know how to ask him, so that he won't like get offended or anything.

Do other people think about it? Do people do this, or am I just wierd?

Mistress Aeralynne
Well, first I'm assuming you want him to PRETEND to rape you...

Secondly, I don't think this is the type of thing you just come out and ask for...you need to discuss with him at length what you're looking for and what interests you sexually.

I don't have too many lines when it comes to two people in a relationship but that'd be a tough one for me...I just can't get into hurting someone...so expect some resistance at best. I can understand the dynamic that makes this erotic...but the reality of the situation may just be too much.

I'd advise some big open communication and not in bed in the heat of the moment...but at a time where you can both listen to each other and really talk. Oh and while you're at it...be sure to listen to what HE is saying as well...don't get so caught up in your agenda that you don't hear what his thoughts/feelings are.

Best of luck to you.
Oh and to address your 'am I weird' 'is this normal' question.

No, you're fine. Varying levels of dominance and submission are healthy in a relationship, IMveryHO. If you feel comfortable discussing this with your bf and can handle and respect whatever his feelings are on the issue I think that is a strong indicator of things going well in your relationship.

Actually I think, from what I've seen here, and elsewhere that this is a fairly common fantasy. I just think most women keep it there...fantasy.
I don't know whether not not I mean pretend rape.

I really want to be take from work to someplace I don't know, and raped. Nothing that leaves physical permanent damage, but that hurts.

now is this wierd?
Well, you're well past what I would feel confident commenting on...try posting in the BDSM board. They may be able to disect this question a little better.
No you are not weird,but it is something best left to fantasies,as this is one of mine.

Its true,you could have someone do this to you,but would it be rape if you knew it was going to happen and wanted it to?

Its just as good to have someone grab you as you come home,when you should be alone,be gagged,blindfolded and taken.

Its much less risky than doing it outside,in a car,etc,where there is a chance that you could be busted by people who would not find this scenario a good idea.

I dont particularly think this is a bdsm related topic,but of course that is my opinion.
Rape fantasies are not uncommon for women, or even men. The fantasy concept of 'rape' is a very different thing from the reality of rape.

A rape fantasy allows a person to not have to feel 'responsible' for what happens to him or her. So, for example, a man who is curious about sex with another man can safely fantasize about being 'forced against his will' to 'submit' to something he would not feel comfortable with in reality. Similarly, women can fantasize about 'being raped' because it can allow them to feel an excitement in doing something they 'don't want to do' because they are being 'made' to do it. (Because a nice, properly raised girl would never willingly do such things!)

In the reality of rape, victims/survivors often feel tremendous guilt about what they could have done differently to have prevented such a thing. Ironically, fantasy rape is exactly the opposite.

It's not weird. But it is best if it is kept in the realm of fantasy. (Just my opinion, that last bit.)
i dated a guy once who often acted out the "rape" fantasy with me. and sure, i might be a little strange, but i really enjoyed it. the feeling of helplessness, and being able to just relinquish all control to him....but this is a submissive talking! so i guess i'd say that no, you're not strange, but yes, your bf might think you are. best of luck, and i hope you guys can have loads of fun sexually exploring eachother! ^_^