Rape Rescue Stories


Lech Master
May 19, 2006
Thinking about writing a Rape Rescue story shipping together two original characters. By “Rape Rescue” I mean the FMC will start out in obvious danger but the MMC will rescue her with her assistance (he motivates her to bravery) as well as a passing police officer’s (the bad guy is a 6’4” brute with serious ego problems and can’t easily be subdued). My MMC will then be recognized by the FMC as a lonely man in need of being rescued in return. So she will overcome her reluctance brought on by obvious recent stress and agree to date the MMC starting with a possible one night stand that becomes more. Two questions.

1. I hope I’m not the only man, or heck, person with this fantasy. I appreciate any support from anyone else who has it.

2. Need category suggestion please. I’m thinking NC/Reluc because it’s obviously that kind of story. But it’s a Rescue Romance, not an NC story. So the category trolls may have issues. If I’d do better in Romance (both FMC & MMC are poly, so maybe not), or heck, EC, please let me know thx.
Can't speak to much of this except to say that I'm not particularly aware of 'category trolls' in NC/R. I've written a variety of stuff in there and haven't seemed to have issues. I think NC/R makes sense for this - though, of course, it largely depends how you present it. Romance prob wouldn't work so well as they are more likely to object to the initial 'rape' scene (and stop reading). EC is a fine catch-all and a viable option IMO.
I'm not sure what fantasy you're talking about. Man rescues a woman and she swoons for him? I'm not sure that's a fantasy so much as it is a trope. It seems pretty common.

As near as I can tell, the story you describe is a Romance. It's just the setup that qualifies for NC/R.

I'd put NC/R at the end of my category choices. The site discourages viewers from NC/R by placing those stories at the bottom of the New list. E/C is the most general option, but it's easy to get lost in the crowd there. Other choices are possible, depending on details of the story you don't describe. Dystopian setting? SF&F. Age gap between your characters? Mature. There are others.

If you'd like to put it in Romance, then you might need to tailor the story a little for the readers. The Romance readers can take a lot of variations in stride as long as the story is a Romance, but maybe not all of them. Especially, I'd write the setup so the impending rape is a rape and not sex, and I wouldn't let the rapist get anything. By poly, I assume you mean polyamorous. Being polyamorous didn't enter your story description at any point, so I have to wonder how important that is. For Romance, I think they need to end as a couple regardless of how they start.
Seems like changing the rape to the danger of possible rape might change things a bit. Maybe she's tied up and the villain tells her his intentions and she's terrified, then rescued. Same sense of relief and attraction to rescuer but it makes it more palatable to a romantic crowd.
I haven't written such a story, but I imagine that the reception in NC/R might be luke warm at best.

I don't think anyone will bomb you--as long as you don't make it seem like the story will go one way, and then fool everyone with a twist.

Example: if the story is told from his perspective, and he witnesses the rape/attempted rape and puts a stop to it... that sounds perfectly fine.

However, if it's told from her perspective, where it seems like she's going to be the victim, but suddenly someone steps in and stops the rape--I feel like that will be poorly received.***

I feel like the story would go best in E/C. Why? Because the tagline for NC/R category is: "Fantasies of Control."

I read and write NC/R with fantasies of both losing and taking control (which is why I write maledom and femdom), but your story isn't a fantasy of taking or relinquishing control--its a hero's fantasy.

That's a fine fantasy to have, but it isn't the primary draw of the NC/R category.

***For the record: I could enjoy either one of those versions, as long as it was well told, but not everyone sees non-con the way I do.
I have written just such a story.

In "Heavy Traffic", the MMC rescues the FMC from a snuff film crew. She then becomes enamored with her rescuer and helps him thwart an attempted take-over of his company. There's a lot more to the story of course, but this is the part that the OP was speaking to.
Thx for the responses thus far.

Current plans are as follows- FMC is cornered but not tied up, in danger from physically dominating bad guy. FMC knows martial arts but has no weapons and is frightened. Can’t get control of situation. MMC steps in, gets bad guy’s attention, he is like FMC in terms of skills and weapons, also weaknesses. He will not be able to handle the bad guy alone and he knows it, so he motivates the nearest ally- the FMC- to assist him. Even together they are not able to handle the bad guy. Until the cops arrive (our MMC called them beforehand, FMC did too, but it’s a crowded busy night in Austin’s night club district so the cops need time to respond) and then the bad guy is going down. The bad guy is not getting any satisfaction, believe this. There is also no setup in play here between bad guy and anyone else.

After the bad guy is arrested, my plan is for the MMC to ask the FMC out and have her swooning but properly paranoid of trouble so they will progress relationship slowly but surely. She is also poly bi to his poly straight, it’s complicated.

The couple will date on a polyamorous basis for a few years during college life but then break off close connection for almost two decades only to get back together in present- saga starts in 1997 and lasts till modern times. They’re the main couple of my stories’ ficverse. The MMC has been featured in my fanfic as an OC straight poly before and those stories will remain canon but his past relationships with celebrities have changed. The FMC is his once and future soulmate.

Look at my post history, in particular the recent post in the Karaoke Event thread for more.

Hope this is still all ok per NC/Reluc category. Still considering Romance, EC, and even Novels as alternatives. Again, thx for all responses.
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I'm not sure what fantasy you're talking about. Man rescues a woman and she swoons for him? I'm not sure that's a fantasy so much as it is a trope. It seems pretty common.
I have to agree, sadly. Pulling just one example at random, think of the Flash Gordon flicks of the 1930s, where the hero kept rescuing Dale Arden from Ming the Merciless' forcing her to marry him. (Cheesy now, that last was no doubt very daring a century ago.) It's not a bad trope, truly, but it's probably not N/C.
Being the entire point of the NC category is for a woman to be raped(but of course love it:rolleyes:) I wouldn't put your story there. I mean the very idea of a woman being saved from torment is not going to float there, totally defeats the kink.

I would give this a shot in romance, but with the caveat that you're not going to get into much detail involving the woman being subjected to much more than threats because that's a soft crowd. But they will eat up a woman falling for her knight in shining armor. They also love HEA endings so I think that's your best bet.

I'll paypal you $20 if the hero guts the rapist wannabe in glorious gory fashion.
I'm not sure what fantasy you're talking about. Man rescues a woman and she swoons for him? I'm not sure that's a fantasy so much as it is a trope. It seems pretty common.
All fantasies are tropes as indicated by how the same story ideas pop up in every category time after time.

Rescuing a woman from danger is a common element of the heroes journey which is a staple of story telling from the very beginning.

Only difference now is back then most men wanted to be heroes in the story, now just as many would prefer to be the rapist.
Being the entire point of the NC category is for a woman to be raped(but of course love it:rolleyes:) I wouldn't put your story there. I mean the very idea of a woman being saved from torment is not going to float there, totally defeats the kink.

I would give this a shot in romance, but with the caveat that you're not going to get into much detail involving the woman being subjected to much more than threats because that's a soft crowd. But they will eat up a woman falling for her knight in shining armor. They also love HEA endings so I think that's your best bet.

I'll paypal you $20 if the hero guts the rapist wannabe in glorious gory fashion.
That last award will have to be earned metaphorically. I don’t want anyone coming out of the story going down for manslaughter or anything worse. There are limits in play in this celestial realm.

I think I will move to Romance now based on your advice. Please be aware, however, that I will need to cross over to other categories for side activities as necessary. The MMC already has canon Celebrity stories where he is an entertainment mogul shipped with Keira Knightley, Cat Osterman, Alicia Witt, Erika Christensen, and other celebrities. None of these characters are with him at present but the past remains canon. The FMC has a similarly diverse roster of past relationships, only hers are bisexual rather than heterosexual and mostly not celebrities. They have also mostly happened offscreen. She is a celebrity life coach counselor with clients in Hollywood but has not shagged as many such people as the MMC. It’s very intricate. The most prominent story I have with him posted on Lit right now is Inside Out. With her it’s my Will Trent & Conviction stories.

Also be aware the FMC in this story is every bit the heroine as much as the MMC is the hero. She is a princess but in the style of Leia or Celestia or Elizabeth Swann rather than a shrinking violet. Buffy to his Angel, and there is no Angelus or Nightmare Moon in play either. MMC & FMC are like Goliath and Elisa, they are equally capable warriors in their own ways. If fans have a problem with any of this, they are free to seek another story.

I will not be able to post some side stories connected to this saga on Lit due to their moderation policies. I hope to at least feature the majority. AO3 & Stories Online are backup sites. Patreon is a possibility but not on the table at present. Writing is my hobby, not my career.

I do not want to ever be a rapist. I would have issues with any person who does. My friends Wade, Wanda, Gwen, Frank, Dave, and Mindi stand ready to handle such issues as necessary. Clarke is nearby also with his team. Lisa is at my side. I will not say more.

This symphony is still being composed. I appreciate all fan support and positive feedback. I will try to remember to post links to further results of my imagination when I have them ready for release. You may check my post history and profile linked stories if interested. Thx.
Thx for the responses thus far.


Why do they need to "handle" the bad guy? Under those conditions, wouldn't they just get away? All they have to do is get where they aren't alone, which shouldn't be hard to do on Congress Ave.

It sounds less like a Romance now.
I understand your dilemma. Depending on your approach, it could be EC or NCR. However, given the protracted timeline, it sounds like multiple chapters. In that case, you can vary the category with each installment. If it’s one continuous story, it sounds more like Romance.
From my own experience, limited as it may be, I've written a series with multiple categories, that seems to have not disua
Why do they need to "handle" the bad guy? Under those conditions, wouldn't they just get away? All they have to do is get where they aren't alone, which shouldn't be hard to do on Congress Ave.

It sounds less like a Romance now.
Not in a dead end alley with no unlocked exits in a situation similar to the Kitty Genovese case. Not when the bad guy won’t give up and let them get away. The bad guy also needs to go to jail. This is personal. IRL I’m a sexual assault survivor too and the MMC is based on me. The FMC is my ideal waifu. The bad guy is based on the one who hurt us both among others. Get it? I hope so.
Go back far enough though, and often they didn't have to choose between those two roles. There are plenty of older stories out there where the author didn't have any problem treating rapists as heroes :-/
There are still those sort of tales on sites that allow people to write such stuff.
Go back far enough though, and often they didn't have to choose between those two roles. There are plenty of older stories out there where the author didn't have any problem treating rapists as heroes :-/
:( can we please keep further discussion of rapists as heroes out of this thread please?
:( can we please keep further discussion of rapists as heroes out of this thread please?
I don't think of rapist as heroes. I don't think of them at all. I do know, and have used in a story, pimps use rape to break women. At some point, after repeated rapes, the women become compliant. Some crazy Stockholm Syndrome thing. But that doesn't make the pimp a hero.
I don't think of rapist as heroes. I don't think of them at all. I do know, and have used in a story, pimps use rape to break women. At some point, after repeated rapes, the women become compliant. Some crazy Stockholm Syndrome thing. But that doesn't make the pimp a hero.
Thank you. Please be aware that I have no plans for pimps in this story. Thx.
Well now let's see if I can recreate my original post. I should have heeded the "somethings gone wrong message

I understand your dilemma. Depending on your approach, it could be EC or NCR. However, given the protracted timeline, it sounds like multiple chapters. In that case, you can vary the category with each installment. If it’s one continuous story, it sounds more like Romance.

From my own experience, limited as it may be, I've written a series with multiple categories, that seems to have not dissuaded readers who are following it because they like it, categories be damned.

There's also a potential rape where the MMC prevents it, saving the MFC, somewhat violently. However, this did not happen until part 10 and the two were already well introduced. I employed it to explain the MMC's wealth at an early age and his relationship with one of the supporting male characters.

Based on some feedback, some found it too jarring, but others welcomed it.

In a nutshell, you can't please everyone, so write for yourself, not your audience.
This story is weaving intricately between various raindrops. Loki and Sylvie are directing much of the weaving while Mobius and others observe.
Usually, whores are whores because they no choice. You'll offend Millie if you say whores nasty people.
ok. I see. Well, this is my thread, not Millie’s. And the FMC is Dulcinea, not Aldonza. She is in this for love, not for money. The MMC is V, only there is no Evie torture session in play. Don Quixote, only he is aware of the mirror and living in the Inception Impossible Dream. Ok?
ok. I see. Well, this is my thread, not Millie’s. And the FMC is Dulcinea, not Aldonza. She is in this for love, not for money. The MMC is V, only there is no Evie torture session in play. Don Quixote, only he is aware of the mirror and living in the Inception Impossible Dream. Ok?
It's your story, you can do what you want.