Random Thoughts

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I didnt fuck your husband. Im sorry that he asked me to and I declined. Please get the fuck over me and choose to move on with your life either with or with out him... you never had me to worry about my dear and you still dont. :) please take this response as its the only on you will get from me.

I dont do drama :)

Have a great day!!
Walked past a bar called "Flaming Saddles" last night.....Blazing Saddles , Flaming Saddles....all semantics to me.
One of my good friends of 15 years just told me he loved me. So random. Where the hell does that come from?
Why would he ask me such a question at this time when he knows my mind is preoccupied with a much more important manner?
I am tired and need a rest. Life doesn't care. I need to a real support system and not one that talks and does nothing. I need...
Is common core like and apple core? - I don't have kids so this term is strange to me.
It seems unfair to me that larger women's clothes are in the plus size section of the store but larger men's clothes are in the big and tall section. I think they should both be in the same section and it should be called "We Love Food" section.
I have a song stuck in my head. Last time it was stuck there I was a child. It reminds me of all the happily ever afters life never bring. Sad that.
That odd moment when you drive past a parked car, see some random getting head and think, wow I need to remember this spot for future reference. Hehe
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