Has any website replaced the old craigslist personals?


Feb 22, 2023
Several years ago you could go on your local Craigslist and in there personals you could find ANYTHING you desire. At the time I was in a relationship with a woman and we enjoyed mmf threesomes and could quickly, easily find a random hard dick to meet us at a local hotel for some great times.
Of course people fucked it up. They had t to shut it down. So I am wondering if there are any websites that do the same with out being complete BS?
Idk, but I used Craig's list multiple times in my mid 30s for IRL extra fun too!! 😈

(I believe I actually mention CL by name in my memories story here on lit)

CL was pretty cool for hook ups.
I always tried to use that, but I usually didn't get an answer. When they asked for my picture, I'd never hear from them again. :confused:

Anybody have any luck with Adult Friend Finder?
I tried it. It was nothing but a tidal wave of spammers.
I always tried to use that, but I usually didn't get an answer. When they asked for my picture, I'd never hear from them again. :confused:

I tried it. It was nothing but a tidal wave of spammers.
Yeah, that’s what I got out of it, too.
Several years ago you could go on your local Craigslist and in there personals you could find ANYTHING you desire. At the time I was in a relationship with a woman and we enjoyed mmf threesomes and could quickly, easily find a random hard dick to meet us at a local hotel for some great times.
Of course people fucked it up. They had t to shut it down. So I am wondering if there are any websites that do the same with out being complete BS?
Wish I knew what I was doing wrong there. I assume it’s due to the overwhelming ratio of guys to (mostly fake) women.
Tom_Brown 20 years ago adult friend finder was cool, ñow I'm not sure which ones are real , but if u pm me I might have some help for u if your still looking and I'm understanding u correctly
Tom_Brown 20 years ago adult friend finder was cool, ñow I'm not sure which ones are real , but if u pm me I might have some help for u if your still looking and I'm understanding u correctly
Thanks, but not looking
Several years ago you could go on your local Craigslist and in there personals you could find ANYTHING you desire. At the time I was in a relationship with a woman and we enjoyed mmf threesomes and could quickly, easily find a random hard dick to meet us at a local hotel for some great times.
Of course people fucked it up. They had t to shut it down. So I am wondering if there are any websites that do the same with out being complete BS?
You can go to the “missed connections” and “activity groups” section and find some posts if you read between the lines. I haven’t used it since it shut down the old section though.
Just fuggin post your digits with graffiti at some roadway overpass.
15 years ago, it was easy to find people to jam with, but not sex... Nowadays, it's impossible to even have a short conversation. A few years ago, I was looking for a walking partner, since I've lost self-motivation and got nothing.