Rambling thoughts from a man stuck in a halfway empty office building. *long*


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Today I'm stuck in a building with a skeleton crew of workers, while the rest of the employee base is off doing whatever it is they do during the holidays. While this current state of affairs is not in the least unpleasant or taxing, it is however quite boring. The cake I baked last night at midnight, I brought in and shared with my little skeleton crew. Evidently lemon cake is a good choice to feed my little flock of geeks and geeketes.
But now at 10:30 EST I find my mind wandering off to other pursuits, contemplating issues serious and ridiculous. I have of course in my typical fashion, committed at least a portion of these thoughts to text, for later evaluation and revision.
On the thought process of morality, a topic I find myself continually thinking about. I find that humanity as a whole is backing away from morality as antiquated. calling their selves more tolerant to others. How tolerance of things that you find to be repugnant can be moral I can not understand. People are now afraid to disassociate themselves from those who are morally repugnant to them solely out of fear of being called bigoted, or intolerant. Would not the disassociation of two opposing moral standpoints be better for each side? Why must one tolerate infamy within ones own midst? Why must everyone’s views be more important than your own? why must everyone’s cultures be more important than your own? why must you be forced to conform to those that would dilute and destroy everything in the name of tolerance?
Of course I realize that I am not a paragon of old style or even new style morality, I am nothing more than what experience has made me, as you are nothing more than what your experience has made you. However should you be forced to socialize or associate yourself with me if say you find my stance on the death penalty, abortion, sexuality, politics or any other number of issues so opposite of your own as to be grounds for continual argument, and in some cases violence? Why must I respect your cultures view on whatever issue is at hand when you do not respect mine? At what point in human history did we as a race decide that western culture is less valid than any other culture on the planet? why is it the west that must always make concessions?
On Monogamy, a freshly reopened issue in my mind. Why is monogamy now viewed as a way to control women? is it not also required of the man to be faithful, thus controlling him as well? Why has this lifestyle been redefined as a type of slavery of the woman? Do women's right's groups seek to destroy any and all relationship models besides aggressive lesbian relationships and sexual promiscuity, veiling this activity as "a woman's right", why has this issue been gender polarized as from my perspective both sides of the coin would have the same issues? this confuses and confounds me. as the argument most brought up is "Historically men have oppressed women by forcing them to marry", by the same people that argue that the past is not the future. Logical argument does not seem to be the number one priority on their minds. It is not the past, it is the present. yes we can learn the lessons of the past, but they need not become species wide emotional baggage.
On the sins of the past I have wondered about slave reparations. I consider it an invalid issue as no American citizen today has owned or has been a slave. as not every black person in America is descended from slaves. To demand reparations for the sins of the past to the children of the present is simply asking for a handout. at the expense of the supposed racial oppressor. And on the issue of racial repression, I find that in today's world its not such an issue as it once was. However I still here "the white man destroyed my people" or some such other variant of the theme. I have argued in the past that "Yeah the white man destroyed you so much, that once he gave you back your freedom you joined his armies and continued to hunt my people as sport, rape and pillaged my peoples women, destroyed our way of life and forced us to live on the shittiest pieces of uninhabitable land you could possibly find, yet when’s the last time you saw a red power group?" The two problems with that statement being I don’t really believe in it, and I’m a half breed, so depending on how much sun I've seen in the week I can be misclassified as either white or native. Why I’m not just classified as American I'll never know.
As a society we once held that we where the great melting pot of cultures. However we no longer are the melting pot so much as the society that is held in siege to the politically correct. The rights of the conservative are not protected nor endorsed as much as the right of the progressive or liberal. A conservative speaking on an issue is often labeled as a hate speech, when the liberal classify themselves as the high horsed white knights and all that falls from their lips is as rose petals blowing in the wind. what garbage is this? have they forgotten their defense of the bill of rights extends to the enemy as well as the friend? or have they abandoned the concepts of honor as well as cold harsh logic? I think perhaps they have, as their ideology has blinded them to the cold truths of the world. such as attributing natural nobility in humanity, instead of learned and cultured nobility. humans are no more than an animal that is trained much like a puppy as to what is and what is not acceptable.
bknight2602 said:
Aquila take your meds and chill out!


I am chilled. Im not screaming or anything. take the tone of post to be actual *GASP* musings and not a rant.