Circa 1975-80
Beth woke to the filtered gray light coming from the one window in her bedroom. She could hear the rain tapping against the exterior shingle walls of the house she rented a sort of apartment in. Another Sunday waking up alone she thought. Why couldn't she find a guy to at least share her bed. Seattle alone on a wet Sunday morning was for a twenty something about as lonely a place as could be. Just half past seven, too early to call anyone. Maybe in an hour, give Sue and Gretch a call. Wonder if Gretch and Jake have gotten back together.? Wonder what Jeff is up too. The last time they talked was after the hike last weekend. He just never calls or does anything unless she has to pull it out of him. What is his problem? He is so damned introverted , no wonder he can't find or keep a job, he seems like a human turtle. He has a degree but still is so shy he screws up every job interview for anything but menial jobs. When they slept together she had to seduce him to get him going. He was OK then, more than OK actually (giggle).
Well time to shower and fix some sort of breakfast. Please someone call, and not Mom. Her drama is too much for Sunday morning or any morning.
Beth padded down the hall, thank god no one was using the shower. She flipped on the murky overhead light and turned on the shower and rotated the temperature control all the way to max hot. 'Now please let there b e some hot water this AM., she wordlessly thought.
It would take several minutes to for the hot water to come up so she had time to brush her teeth. She had brought her brush from her room and would just use cold water.
Now if the hot water was coming up. Yeds, and it was really hot. She peeled off her tee shirt and panties and hopped in. She had brought a nice almost new bar of good bath soap and began lathering up as soon as she was good and soaked. She carefully lathered her public bush and then her vagina. That started the desired desired pleasurably sensations. Beth worked her wet fingers deeper inside her and began to slowly rotate her fingers.
Oh, yes that was starting to make the heat rise in her, not a tingle, but what hungry raw passion passion heat. Just slow it a bit girl, oh yes that was working it. back and forth and up and down. Then it came, a buring corruscatating flash of sweet painful heat and energy.
Berh looked down at her water slicked body wishing so much some guy was there Jeff, or Todd or her somewhat older superintendent at the mart. Jack was married but he was considerate man who really was a man.
This is when she probably looked her best she thought as she turned the water. The slicked flesh did look hot her thighs were trip but nice her wet pubic push actually looked hot and her niced tall nipples looked good crowing her small bur nicely molded breasts.
Beth shut off the shower and stepped out into yjr small bathroom shivering as she reached for a bath towel. She rubbed wet body down furiously to warm up.Grabbing up her clothes she scooted back into her room. She reached into the small dresser for a clean pair of panties, pulled them on, grabbed the jeans hanging from the hook on the back of the door and got them on as she then looked at the sweat she had slept in. It was clean enough, no food stains or other discolorations so it would be good for today. Next she picked up her phone and started dialing to see if anyone was up for breakfast or anything on this wet day. Joan didn't answer but Todd's phone picked up on the second ring. It wasn't Todd but his new room mate Paul. He said Todd was already out to breakfast but he was fixing some scrambled eggs and would wait for her if she wanted to join him. Beth had no better offers and as she remembered him Paul was a pretty good looking guy who was some sort of grad student at UW so he might be promising. Now she had to get her rain cape on as she pushed her bicycyle from the bike area on the first floor. She shuffled into the rain cape , pulled on a cap and made her way to the bike area, unlocked her bike and pushed it to the front door and closed and relocked the door and carried the bike down the front porch steps. It was starting to rain harder as she stepped off on the two block run to Todd's.
As Beth mounted her bike and pushed off up 63rd the rain started to fall in earnest.
'Just fing great', she thought. This was going to be a full rain day here. Tomorrow when she had to be at the Mart bright and early to help Jack open up and receive inbound shipments from merchants. it would probably be clearing off and drying up. As she stopped to check traffic on Sedro, the cross street, a small pickup moved past at speed and sent a shower of water over her. More curses as she felt the cold wetness slap her jean clad legs. She peddled faster to get to Todd's place. There it was, a small story and a half bungalow, all wood frame unlike her hovel which was a shingle story and a half. Todd's place had been given a coat of insipid green paint back in the past which had now faded to a watery grass green. Typical tacky little Seattle wood houses from 1910 to 1930 when rain city really boomed. Oh well, here is Todd's place. She started to haul her bike up the steps when the front door opened and Paul stepped out. He looked good, his hair was cut shorter than most boys and there was no facial hair. He smiled a nice warm greeting and walked forward to help her man handle the bike.
'Go inside Beth, get a towel, dry off, get warm., he said as he followed her in with the bike. He wiped her bike down with a ragged old towel, parked it, and turned around to take her rain cape and hang it in the bathroom. Once back he smiled again and said, 'Nothing but rain today I am afraid. We might as well just stay in and stay dry and warm. Oh, do you eat bacon?.
Beth smiled back , 'Bacon is fine just not real burnt', she said. To herself she thought ' He could offer me fried newspaper and I wouldn't object. Paul, you just saved me from a day of lonely pain in the rain.'