rail strike - simple answer.

pay them more. and better treatment.
the railroads pretty much have a monopoly - and they make tons of profit.
it's because the guys and gals doing their jobs.
they should share in the wealth.
all the news is placing the workers as the bad guys.
They were offered a 25% pay increase and a better health care plan. The Union accepted it...it was voted down by the workers. They want more sick days. They already get 10 a year. Fuck them. Order them to work and take the offer off the table. There are plenty of people that will take those jobs
They were offered a 25% pay increase and a better health care plan. The Union accepted it...it was voted down by the workers. They want more sick days. They already get 10 a year. Fuck them. Order them to work and take the offer off the table. There are plenty of people that will take those jobs
Boot licking your corporate overlords is never a good look. God forbid workers get sick days like the rest of the civilized world. Our top priority should not be to make sure the industry that pioneered fucking over workers doesn't lose their status of greedy, filthy rich, robber barons.


Paid sick days and sick leave in 22 countries, worker at median earnings, full-time equivalent working days. For full-time worker with 6 months or more job tenure, earning the national median, and, where relevant, with two dependents.​

Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877) was a shipping and railroad tycoon...Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877) was a shipping and railroad tycoon. He was the first person to be called robber baron, in an article in "The New York Times" on February 9, 1859.Aug 12, 2019

Cornelius Vanderbilt did not treat his workers well. Although very wealthy, he was not particularly generous with his money and did nothing to improve the working conditions of his workers, who labored long hours for little pay.

rob·ber bar·on

a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices (originally with reference to prominent US businessmen in the late 19th century).

Robber barons typically employed ethically questionable methods to eliminate their competition and develop a monopoly in their industry. Often, they had little empathy for workers.

They were offered a 25% pay increase and a better health care plan. The Union accepted it...it was voted down by the workers. They want more sick days. They already get 10 a year. Fuck them. Order them to work and take the offer off the table. There are plenty of people that will take those jobs
Nobody in their right mind wants to work for a railroad.
Chronic illness? If you work for a railroad you are now SERIOUSLY fucked...the new "point system" punishes sickness
they don't get 10 sick days per year. it's like one.
Burlington northern has been in the news about their policy - requiring 14 full working days in a row to make up for one sick day. or else shit.

I think there's going to be a general revolt against the corporate profits and the workers.
I've seen things on YouTube about kids, well not kids but lamenting their lifestyle comparing it to the boomers.
I'm a boomer they're talking about. fortunately my kids are making it - the dream etc.
you guys that consistently vote for supply side Econ are to blame for the inequities.
I call bullshit. I have worked plenty of Union jobs. No one breaks a sweat. The newbie is there for a reason.

I can tell you when a RR job opened up in Wyoming...they had a hundred applicants for each position. If the job sucked so bad...why were there so many applicants?
I call bullshit. I have worked plenty of Union jobs. No one breaks a sweat. The newbie is there for a reason.

I can tell you when a RR job opened up in Wyoming...they had a hundred applicants for each position. If the job sucked so bad...why were there so many applicants?
You can tell me, but I won't believe you unless you have something to back your claim up.

I suspect you worked union jobs in the 60s and 70s. Just a hunch.
Yeah, I think they should be getting paid sick leave packages that parallel what government workers get. The railroads are practically a public utility and we're supposedly a civilized nation.
pay them more. and better treatment.
the railroads pretty much have a monopoly - and they make tons of profit.
it's because the guys and gals doing their jobs.
they should share in the wealth.
all the news is placing the workers as the bad guys.

No.... this isn't N. Korea.

Boot licking your corporate overlords is never a good look

Aren't you a Democrat??? LOL

Yet they won't fucking QUIT!!!!!! So apparently some do want to work for the railroad.

Not paying people to be sick isn't punishment, it's basic business..... it's a railroad, not a public HC system you fucking idiot.
They were offered a 25% pay increase and a better health care plan. The Union accepted it...it was voted down by the workers. They want more sick days. They already get 10 a year. Fuck them. Order them to work and take the offer off the table. There are plenty of people that will take those jobs
Penned, like a true fascist....what next...send the department of homeland security door to door to arrest them, force them to work under duress or imprisonment ? Oh I know! let one of the illegal aliens operate 7 of the 200 ton locomotives hooked to a mile of rail cars hauling electric car fuel?....
They workers should quit and have the union support them with some of the dues they’ve paid for years. A quick wake up call to see who is more important. The workers or the CEO.
Yet they won't fucking QUIT!!!!!!
They belong to a Union, ( though wallstreet guy will argue the word Union should not be capitalised) and don't have to quit, they can strike. No one says the Company needs to meet their demands either.

Poor histrionic Bobo.....*chuckles*
they don't get 10 sick days per year. it's like one.
Burlington northern has been in the news about their policy - requiring 14 full working days in a row to make up for one sick day. or else shit.

I think there's going to be a general revolt against the corporate profits and the workers.
I've seen things on YouTube about kids, well not kids but lamenting their lifestyle comparing it to the boomers.
I'm a boomer they're talking about. fortunately my kids are making it - the dream etc.
you guys that consistently vote for supply side Econ are to blame for the inequities.
the house has just passed 7-days paid sick leave with a bipartisan agreement; it's still not nearly enough given you can be out of order for weeks or even months with flu/covid/other debilitating illnesses, and has to move on to the senate where it might not get such bipartisan support.

give the workers fair wages and fair, comparable sick leave if you want to avoid strike action.
How is your audition to be Scrooge in your local Christmas pageant going, Harpy?
It's a shoo in. Mostly because all the other candidates keep wanting to give away all the goodies at the beginning instead of at the end. Which means they have nothing left to give away for free so they resort to stealing from the poor to give to the rich who hand it back magnanimously to the people they stole it from. Keeping a "small" portion for themselves of course...
the house has just passed 7-days paid sick leave with a bipartisan agreement; it's still not nearly enough given you can be out of order for weeks or even months with flu/covid/other debilitating illnesses, and has to move on to the senate where it might not get such bipartisan support.

give the workers fair wages and fair, comparable sick leave if you want to avoid strike action.
the 7-days paid sick leave didn't pass the Senate but President Biden hasn't given up on working for it. fuckin' senators apparently have little understanding of how getting sick and not being paid impacts too many workers... either they force themselves into work (if they can even manage that0 and (potentially) infect a load of other people or they see their families suffer the consequences of financial deprivation.
For the pay and benefits they agreed to when they signed on.
and therein lies the crux, Timbits. Railroads have been shedding employees tremendously since 2016. Now demand exceeds the supply chain. Rather than hire new employees, railroads have unilaterally imposed stringent working conditions where days off are "weighted"....for example, super bowl sunday costs you 7 of your PTO days, out of the measly few you get each year (you start off with 40 when hired.

It's a very bad deal for the workers, which I'm sure pleases you enormously.
pay them more. and better treatment.
the railroads pretty much have a monopoly - and they make tons of profit.
it's because the guys and gals doing their jobs.
they should share in the wealth.
all the news is placing the workers as the bad guys.
Point this out when tribalist Democrat voters try to justify voting for slightly better than an ongoing criminal enterprise. #VoteGreen
They were offered a 25% pay increase and a better health care plan. The Union accepted it...it was voted down by the workers. They want more sick days. They already get 10 a year. Fuck them. Order them to work and take the offer off the table. There are plenty of people that will take those jobs
I am sorry to be this rude, but, you’re just an ignorant bastard. They have none. Now I’m not sure what the exact situation is that happened early yesterday morning but the offer was four, the membership demanded seven. I understand that. You got to draw the line somewhere. How many sick days paid do you think The average RR rxecutive package contains? Do you think they don’t deserve a fair ancillary part of the compensation package because they’re some of the few people in America that actually receive a living wage? Jesus man. What Biden did today is beyond any inkling of the ideal that is America. GOP like shit. He sure as fuck didn’t do it for “We the People”. He did that for corporate donor debt repayment and his personal optic of not have a major part of our shipping infrastructure idle in December. Plain and simple, profits over people. Total fucking sellout. Basically said the right to strike is nonexistent. This fucking place sucks because of peeps like you. Proudly ignorant and confidently speaking nonsense concerning issues you are void of any knowledge. Thanks for contributing …..
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Boot licking your corporate overlords is never a good look. God forbid workers get sick days like the rest of the civilized world. Our top priority should not be to make sure the industry that pioneered fucking over workers doesn't lose their status of greedy, filthy rich, robber barons.


Paid sick days and sick leave in 22 countries, worker at median earnings, full-time equivalent working days. For full-time worker with 6 months or more job tenure, earning the national median, and, where relevant, with two dependents.​

Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877) was a shipping and railroad tycoon...Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877) was a shipping and railroad tycoon. He was the first person to be called robber baron, in an article in "The New York Times" on February 9, 1859.Aug 12, 2019

Cornelius Vanderbilt did not treat his workers well. Although very wealthy, he was not particularly generous with his money and did nothing to improve the working conditions of his workers, who labored long hours for little pay.

rob·ber bar·on

a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices (originally with reference to prominent US businessmen in the late 19th century).

Robber barons typically employed ethically questionable methods to eliminate their competition and develop a monopoly in their industry. Often, they had little empathy for workers.

They got nothing for being presented with fact. Everything he claimed was bullshit. Thank you for disseminating reality.
the house has just passed 7-days paid sick leave with a bipartisan agreement; it's still not nearly enough given you can be out of order for weeks or even months with flu/covid/other debilitating illnesses, and has to move on to the senate where it might not get such bipartisan support.

give the workers fair wages and fair, comparable sick leave if you want to avoid strike action.
Like anything that this lame duck House passes is going to get 60 votes in the Senate? Please
Hell they knew that also. I’m surprised they didn’t offer 10. Because they knew damn well it wouldn’t go anywhere. That’s the only time the Democrats advocate for the proper policy. When they know it’s not a possibility of becoming law. Please understand, I certainly am not a GOP constituent. I’m just pointing out reality. Ralph Nader was right. #VoteGreen