Racy Wilde's Boudoir

Sometimes I wish my name was Storm...lol. Then I can take you... by Storm :D

Wrists chained to the ceiling, ankles strapped in a spreader. Naked, except for a cock ring. You will not cum unless I am completely satisfied.

lol... you afraid? You should be. :cool:

A Racy Wilde Storm chaining me naked to the ceiling, controlling my orgasm, making me know what it is to be afraid... Now that's worth submitting to.

I stir and lift my head up a little to see over the pillow, but you're not there... You must have left before the rising sun. Closing my eyes again, I'm ready for more sleep – last night is still aching in my pussy. Then, without my will, my leg is slowly lifted to bend at the knee, propping my ass in the air... You haven't left me at all! I feel your thumbs spread my lips. My god! You're insatiable! I wait for the plunge. Tongue or cock, what shall it be?


If you're ready, cock is my choice! :devil: ;)


It's always hard for me to choose whether to go for...

Stylish, or...




What do you like best?


It's not only the choice here that is hard, and I like both, but if I have to choose I think the stylish one.....:)

It's always hard for me to choose whether to go for...

Stylish, or...




What do you like best?


Being an artist, color is one of the last things I add because a black and white painting allows you to see the values and forms uninterrupted.

Of course, this can also work when viewing the curves that adorn a beautiful woman's body, so I definitely prefer the stylish.
Racy, you know my style is always natural! Your tits are perfect! I want to suck, lick, nibble, and fuck them for a few hours! Would that be okay with you?

I stir and lift my head up a little to see over the pillow, but you're not there... You must have left before the rising sun. Closing my eyes again, I'm ready for more sleep – last night is still aching in my pussy. Then, without my will, my leg is slowly lifted to bend at the knee, propping my ass in the air... You haven't left me at all! I feel your thumbs spread my lips. My god! You're insatiable! I wait for the plunge. Tongue or cock, what shall it be?



Such a beautiful lady, the pose is just stunning.:rose:

A gallery of amateur pictures and recordings for friends and playmates.

I'm a creative girl and like to dress up so expect lots of lingerie and costumes. And I certainly appreciate another excuse to buy some more!

I also thought I'd use this space to upload some vocal recordings, just to scare myself...lol. I'm really shy with voice, so it's my goal to make my weakness become a strength. If you have any requests, let me know - I'm not sure what people like with vocal.

Here is just a taste of what's to come...


I hope you enjoy my boudoir.


Of all the photos I have viewed, I love this the most.

I confess, and feel that I must offer an apology up to you. I have never considered that you had a thread, or that you were such a beautiful person. I have not conversed with you, and that obviously is my loss, for you have much to say, beautiful stories. I *sigh*, I have no excuse for not broadening my world here.

I shall go back and sit quietly in my cornfield abyss now, but know this, you are admired.:rose:
I'm a natural kind of guy..

Ooo... I think I'm going to tally. :D

With this particular pose and context I prefer the color shot as it doesn't have the feel of a figure study. Instead there's more of the intimacy of an invitation into a lovers room.

Lover's room, hey? Haha! Or her Secret Garden? :cool:

Oh, your flesh tones are very enticing and beautiful.
& of course very desirable and seductive.

It's funny sometimes I look like snow white (or albino....lol) but here my skin has shade.

Racy, I would love to have you chain me to the ceiling and put my ankles in a spreader... I would totally be at your service!!! I am sure you would love my shaved hole and laugh as my cock leaked while in my cock ring. But I would not cum until directed!!! Use me for your pleasure!!!!

Laugh at your cock leaking? Maybe, but secretly I'd be swooning. :p



Of Course both are beautiful, though maybe in this case liking the natural a little more shows those beautiful features off nicely...

I would hope it was also licked dry the night before.

always willing to please & tease...

I've found someone in London who wants to bath me with his tongue after a kinky date!! I'm excited! :D

I like natural.


I agree there's more warmth in the Natural but the Stylish makes it easy to see the details and beauty is in the details.

In the unique elements.

The scar on a nipple. The freckle on an areola. The bone structure easier to see in black, white and shades of gray.

Not to mention that I'm a big fan of shady goods.


P.S. And it's also easier to compare the diameter of a thumb and a nipple in black and white and how close the two are from time to time.

Haha! Yes, I do have small titties...lol. Or maybe just an extra small thumb?

I enjoy them both but prefer the natural. very sexy either way

Hmm... I'm seeing a trend here. :kiss:

It's you, so it doesn't matter.

Aww...lol :rose:

ithey look amazing anyway i see them...now can we try the taste test??

and yes..morning after pussy is delicious...the best part of waking up

Hm, now I can see why food is so sexy to you. ;)

I won't choose, fearing you'll stop posting the other.

Oh, smart boy! I think you have a look into the female psyche, indeed!

Ok my cent and a half...haven't saved up two cents yet...

I'm a big fan of B&W, but natural has it's own beauty as well.

Hm, so...natural? I'm going to put you down as natural.

They are both great, but the aroused beast picks the natural!

I wonder why? I'm guessing guys like it real?

I like natural

Natural all over, babe.

They'd look "titillating" in any tint or hue. (although personally I'm a big fan of b&w)

The B&W is making a comeback!

Totally hot!!!!

lol - you don't care, do you, if they are in B&W or natural? You just like titties any way. :p

I prefer the Natural but would be pleased with the stylish if that is what was on offer

Not a fussy man... I like that. (Though, tip... When you are out with a girl always give an opinion and then a ten page essay as to why...lol. I've heard that's what they want. ;) )

A Racy Wilde Storm chaining me naked to the ceiling, controlling my orgasm, making me know what it is to be afraid... Now that's worth submitting to.

Yes, be afraid... be very afraid!

If you're ready, cock is my choice!

It's not only the choice here that is hard, and I like both, but if I have to choose I think the stylish one.....

I think I preferred your first answer...lol.

Being an artist, color is one of the last things I add because a black and white painting allows you to see the values and forms uninterrupted.

Of course, this can also work when viewing the curves that adorn a beautiful woman's body, so I definitely prefer the stylish.

Ting.... one for the darker side!

Natural MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM you have me some much daydreaming right now

Am I floating horizontally above you undoing your belt?

I'll take you any way you like to be. Gorgeous in all.

lol - even while scuba diving in the deepest abyss of the Pacific?

Would it be considered bad form to enjoy them both or just being indecisive?

Hmm... what would a woman want? Then choose the opposite! I like a guy who doesn't play a woman's game, but his own. ;)

Is both a choice?

When they are together yes. On there own...? Not so much...lol.

Racy, you know my style is always natural! Your tits are perfect! I want to suck, lick, nibble, and fuck them for a few hours! Would that be okay with you?

Yes, but I'm going to have to told my tits together because they are too small to surround your cock. Better still.... bring the duct tape and I'll stick them together. Ha! I love McGyver sex!!!

When I saw this photo, my mind went immediately to Wendy O. Williams of The Plasmatics. I like your version much, much better.

Yes... I have her anarchy deep within.

Such a beautiful lady, the pose is just stunning.

Thank you xxx

It's difficult to find the right words, eloquent words, to describe this photo. It's not just because it is of forbidden fruit, but the way you have captured it. It's just remarkable. I'm really at a loss for words here.

It's funny how a Y can do that to you. ;)

Of all the photos I have viewed, I love this the most.

I confess, and feel that I must offer an apology up to you. I have never considered that you had a thread, or that you were such a beautiful person. I have not conversed with you, and that obviously is my loss, for you have much to say, beautiful stories. I *sigh*, I have no excuse for not broadening my world here.

I shall go back and sit quietly in my cornfield abyss now, but know this, you are admired.

Yes... you see a another rendition of that pose in my next series...lol.

Aww, babe, thanks. *blush*


Ok everyone.... it looks like in this case the natural wins the day. :* Thanks for playing. ;D
Racy you are so fun, so sweet, so caring and so SEXY WITH A BIG S:D
I love visiting here, reading your posts.
Drooling over your pictures.
I love them all, color, B&W
For this last one, euhmmmm your holding ME (darn how I wish :D:devil:)

Ten points if you can guess what I'm holding onto...

This one should give you a better clue...

(@Ghost... you sit out this round with your wrists strapped to your ankles and gaffer taped over your mouth!!!)


Beautiful pictures. Is that a reindeer corral?

Ten points if you can guess what I'm holding onto...


This one should give you a better clue...


(@Ghost... you sit out this round with your wrists strapped to your ankles and gaffer taped over your mouth!!!)

hmm, at first I was wondering what you were holding in your mouth :rolleyes: but obviously my focus was entirely off ;)

Well the gate is entirely too short for a horse or llamas. Sheep or goats or perhaps victims to your overpowering charm and playfulness.

Ten points if you can guess what I'm holding onto...


This one should give you a better clue...


(@Ghost... you sit out this round with your wrists strapped to your ankles and gaffer taped over your mouth!!!)


Since its been solved, no guess needed. Beisdes, I prefer the real thing and those new pictures sure have my corraled beasted ready for you to release it for your pleasure! ;)
Doh! You got it!! Haha! So quickly too. I hope you're not that quick in bed. :p


Sorry, my minds a storehouse of trivia I've picked up knocking around and I've seen caribou before. As to the rest I suppose that's in the discovery. :)
Racy you are so fun, so sweet, so caring and so SEXY WITH A BIG S:D
I love visiting here, reading your posts.
Drooling over your pictures.
I love them all, color, B&W
For this last one, euhmmmm your holding ME (darn how I wish :D:devil:)

Oooo... I'm excited!!! :kiss::heart:

hmm, at first I was wondering what you were holding in your mouth :rolleyes: but obviously my focus was entirely off ;)

Well the gate is entirely too short for a horse or llamas. Sheep or goats or perhaps victims to your overpowering charm and playfulness.

Haha! Yes, something that can spring. ;)

I was going to say that, 6 foot high fence at least so it wouldn't be for cattle or sheep.

Yeah... there are not many animals in the Arctic that can be contained in one of these... a moose would walk straight over it, and a bear straight through it...lol.

Since its been solved, no guess needed. Beisdes, I prefer the real thing and those new pictures sure have my corraled beasted ready for you to release it for your pleasure!

Well, it has to be checked and tagged first. Aren't you lucky that the old way of clipping marks in ear skin has been done away with. ;P

Sorry, my minds a storehouse of trivia I've picked up knocking around and I've seen caribou before. As to the rest I suppose that's in the discovery. :)

I'm actually staying on an island (and the reindeer are up in the mountains for the summer). So, of course, it's the perfect op to do a series. ;)
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