Questions for those who admire transgender women

I was going to title this thread “Questions for the tranny chasers” since it is an existing expression with a very specific meaning. However I hate the word tranny as well as the whole expression itself, so I thought, NOPE. Anyway, onwards!

One can’t help but notice the number of threads with pics of transgender women and the popularity of this topic. This should come as no surprise since transgender porn is extremely popular.

These threads elicit many comments from admirers of transgender women hoping that somehow in some unspecified way, their desires for these women will be fulfilled.

My question is this: what, if anything, are you doing to realize these dreams? If not, why not? Do any of you actually contemplate a relationship with a transgender woman?
I've had two Trans friends on Facebook that I spoke to often. Both committed suicide. I wish I'd been close enough to talk and visit with regularly. I understand that Trans women are just that and fight issues. I don't know any Trans locally because of the phobia of it here. If I did I'd be watching for signs that they needed a friend. I'm married and feel like we could be friends and help at times. When I was younger I wanted to be that Trans girl. I was also being molested regularly. I understand the mental part more than most.
If any of you Trans want or need to vent or talk I'm here.
As a trans woman, I don't like being seen as some kind of "exotic" "forbidden fruit." I'm just a person living her life. I have a wife and a job and a house and cats. I'm not some kind of strange entity from an alternative universe. I'm a woman. There are certainly some trans women out there who love making love with men who see them as exotic forbidden fruits, but I find it more objectifying than affirming or fulfilling.

And, as a trans woman with cis-woman levels of hormones, my penis does not work much like it used to, at all. Generally, the kinds of sensations that would've gotten me off when I was running on testosterone? It feels very different. Estrogen and progesterone make it so the sensations map into the erotic programming differently. Stroking and penetrating just doesn't really "click" anymore. It works better for me to think of it like a big clit. I imagine feminine thoughts, buzz it, and then I can cum. But thinking like, I'm a girl and I'm gonna stroke my member until I spew jizz everywhere? That's way more likely to send me into dysphoria than orgasm. (And I'm not likely to ever "spew" anything ever again, unless I can learn how to squirt someday.)
^^This 100%

Men don't admire transgender women - they admire sex workers with large functional dicks.
^^This 100%

Men don't admire transgender women - they admire sex workers with large functional dicks.
I was trying to be nice to the sex workers and those who admire them lol. Some well known transgender women have had to resort to sex work to survive.

The first transgender woman I ever met (on a now defunct chat site) worked as a cam model, a job that she hated with a passion. When I met her, I had no idea that she was transgender or that she worked as a cam model.

My girlfriend has never been a sex worker in spite of the fact that she likes her large functional dick. She always takes great care in hiding this part of her anatomy when she dresses as well as the fact that she is a top. People can be very judgmental!
I was trying to be nice to the sex workers and those who admire them lol. Some well known transgender women have had to resort to sex work to survive.

The first transgender woman I ever met (on a now defunct chat site) worked as a cam model, a job that she hated with a passion. When I met her, I had no idea that she was transgender or that she worked as a cam model.

My girlfriend has never been a sex worker in spite of the fact that she likes her large functional dick. She always takes great care in hiding this part of her anatomy when she dresses as well as the fact that she is a top. People can be very judgmental!
Yeah, apologies to any sex workers reading, but I suspect they have thicker skins than be hurt by my comment. I respect them even if I'm always concerned for their welfare in what can be a dangerous business. Turning tricks outside a truck stop is a world away from the luxury penthouse suites rented for porn videos.

Equally I have no real problem with guys who get hot for chicks with dicks - they are amazing to look at. The problem I have is, as @CatGirl69 suggests, when people assume transgender = sex worker. Like CatGirl I just want to get on with my life now I've transitioned.
Yeah, apologies to any sex workers reading, but I suspect they have thicker skins than be hurt by my comment. I respect them even if I'm always concerned for their welfare in what can be a dangerous business. Turning tricks outside a truck stop is a world away from the luxury penthouse suites rented for porn videos.

Equally I have no real problem with guys who get hot for chicks with dicks - they are amazing to look at. The problem I have is, as @CatGirl69 suggests, when people assume transgender = sex worker. Like CatGirl I just want to get on with my life now I've transitioned.
Porn doesn't do any woman any favors but men don't get all their ideas about cisgender women from porn (just some of them!). Unfortunately that is not the case with transgender women and nearly all of men's ideas about trans women come from porn.

In fact a very popular author on Lit writes absurdly ridiculous stories about transgender women. He admitted to me that he has NEVER met a trans woman yet here he is, with his stories all with red H's! The stories are like porn video scripts and no woman, trans or cis, would ever recognize herself in one of his stories. Such is the world we live in.

It is my one hope and probably a vain one, that some men might want to move beyond porn and actually have a relationship with a transgender woman. Sadly even in a relatively enlightened place like the Philippines most men refuse to consider the idea. Or if they do, their friends and family make life difficult for them as a result. My girlfriend once got fired from a job in a hair salon when she became romantically involved with the owners' son. Again, such is the world we live in.