questions for the women about postions


Really Experienced
Aug 17, 2002
i just started dateing this female and wanted some other womens opinions on a subj..first would be whats a womens fave postions and why? and second i have seen pics of women who have cumed and u can actually see the cum as being do i get a women to get there and is that better , worse or same as a orgasm..thanks alot ladies for thoughts...o by the way i'm 24 and just trying to do all i can to please her ..althought she says iam good in bed and can eat her out good..just looking to take her to another level if possable
poolplyrndrunk said:
i'm 24 and just trying to do all i can to please her ..althought she says iam good in bed and can eat her out good..just looking to take her to another level if possable

My congrats to you Poolplyrndrunk, whew! That was a mouthful. (pardon the pun):p Its always heartening to see someone your age who is concerned with giving his partner as much pleasure as he can. My suggestion is to talk with your partner and ask what turns her on. Each of us is different in what gives us pleasure and what may be exquisite to one, may not be another's cup of tea. As always, I recommend communication when wishing to please one's partner.

Good luck to you and maybe you could give us a shorter name to call you by??? :confused:

-kym- admiring the youth of today :D
u can just call me pool thats fine..and i have tried talking to her about pleaseing her and she would rather i find then her tell me how to find it..which can be very what is your fave postion and why and can u answer the question i asked about cum in the first post..ty pool
poolplyrndrunk said:
i have tried talking to her about pleaseing her and she would rather i find then her tell me how to find it..which can be very what is your fave postion and why and can u answer the question i asked about cum in the first post..ty pool

Alrighty then Pool; in answer to your query, I must confess that my favourite position depends on my mood at the time. Sound evasive?? I suppose it is, but its true. When I'm being submissive, whatever he decrees is all that I want to experience. As I am not a 24/7 type of submissive, I also enjoy riding Him until we both collapse from exhaustion.
About cum being white? :confused: Isn't that the colour its supposed to be? With the exeption of several men who have had vasectomies; all of my experiences involved white cum, both theirs and mine. So I can't help you there Pool. Sorry.

Hope that you find the answers you are searching for.

-kym- Cum is cum, no matter what colour it is.... :rolleyes:
u got confused

that wasnt what i ment about the cum the color what i ment is cumming the same as a orgasm or are they differnt..if they are differnt which is better? and how do u get a women to cum to where it actually if i'm still unclear let me know
Favorite positions. Doggy style cause it hits the G-spot just right and misionary as long as my legs are over his shoulders. Nice deep penitration. And of course good ol' 69. :D How can you not love 69?
I would have to say my favorite varies depending on mood also. I really like doggy or the legs over the shoulder missionary when I'm feeling really horny and nasty and just wanting to fuck. If I'm more into an intimate moment, good old missionary does just fine for me. Being on top is the one I think of least - until I do it, and then I love the potential of putting on a show. I would also suggest varying things, such as having her lay on her side, place one of her legs over your shoulder, and go for it. Tremendous feeling!

Use your imagination! If she won't tell you, that seems to me she probably doesn't really know what she likes either, and is looking to you to show her.

With women it is not always that easy to tell when we orgasm. Some women are actually very quiet and move very little. When I orgasm hell, half the neighborhood knows! As far as something coming out of her, well, some women say that they squirt. But this is actually a rare occurance, and it is normally clear. Some women do have a thicker discharge, but if it has a strong odor or is the consistency of cottage cheese, it means she has a yeast infection.

You have to keep in mind that in porn pics and movies, things are set up. Because women don't ejaculate as men do, they sometimes "add" a substance to make it look as though she has. Don't let porn pics and movies be your guide to female sexuality!
SexyChele said:

With women it is not always that easy to tell when we orgasm. Some women are actually very quiet and move very little. When I orgasm hell, half the neighborhood knows!

Lol SexyChele, is that ever the truth! My lover never needs to ask IF I was able to cum, or how strong my orgasm was. He only needs to watch me to find that out. Like you, I'm a "shout it from the rooftops" kind of woman. Can't help myself. It feels too damn good to keep it inside. :D

-kym- Disrupter of the neighbourhood peace:devil:
white cum??? a man's been in there. a girl doesnt cum white.. I dont.. sometimes its milky thought.

personally my fav possiontion is being on his lap.
thank alot ladies

thanks alot ladies..use are teaching me use think i should get a postions book or just let it fly. and iam always open for sugest thanks bye pool