Question For Americans


Dodgy Geezer
Apr 5, 2018
Hi all. I'm often on the threads and see a lot of political discussions and posts from American listers. In my head, I'd always thought that British/Irish/European people were far more politically engaged than Americans (admittedly, this is based on what I've seen on the TV news as opposed to personal experience) But I see very few political postings from any of the above group and I was wondering why.
Is it because the Brits/Irish on here choose not to discuss politics, (both have general elections this year, same as presidential elections in USA) sticking instead to filth or is it that America is so polarised that people are forced to take sides?
This is very simplistic I know, but it's just something that I was wondering about, any opinions?
Americans, regardless of their political beliefs, feel compelled to shoot their mouths off. They all share this characteristic and are unable to keep their opinions to themselves.
Is it because the Brits/Irish on here choose not to discuss politics,
Isn't this a question for the British/Irish posters, not the Americans.

I think the reality that there are so many Americans who think the Trump road is a good one for them supports the supposition that a good many Americans are dumb as rocks on political issues.
This is a porn forum. "Politics," quite frankly, is just another form of masturbation.

Fact of the matter is, there's not a single thing that anyone who would be posting here can ever do to change anything that is happening to the world around us. Not the great tides and currents of history, nor even the tinniest of temporal eddies.
Hi all. I'm often on the threads and see a lot of political discussions and posts from American listers. In my head, I'd always thought that British/Irish/European people were far more politically engaged than Americans (admittedly, this is based on what I've seen on the TV news as opposed to personal experience) But I see very few political postings from any of the above group and I was wondering why.
Is it because the Brits/Irish on here choose not to discuss politics, (both have general elections this year, same as presidential elections in USA) sticking instead to filth or is it that America is so polarised that people are forced to take sides?
This is very simplistic I know, but it's just something that I was wondering about, any opinions?
America is the 900-pound gorilla. Britain is a minor regional power of dwindling importance on the world stage.
This is a porn forum. "Politics," quite frankly, is just another form of masturbation.

Fact of the matter is, there's not a single thing that anyone who would be posting here can ever do to change anything that is happening to the world around us. Not the great tides and currents of history, nor even the tinniest of temporal eddies.

Not even up to the level of a warm fart in a hurricane.
Not even up to the level of a warm fart in a hurricane.
After having been deployed several times in Eurofagonia I would be more than happy to bring all of our troops home.

I'm absolutely positive that France can find enough soldiers to man their border.......

Then and again, all it would take is for a Lufthansa pilot to get lost, land in Belgium by mistake, get out and fart to send France into a panic
After having been deployed several times in Eurofagonia I would be more than happy to bring all of our troops home.

I'm absolutely positive that France can find enough soldiers to man their border.......

Then and again, all it would take is for a Lufthansa pilot to get lost, land in Belgium by mistake, get out and fart to send France into a panic

France had enough men to man the borders in 1940. Problem was, they had WW1 generals using Franco-Prussian tactics.

40 man in Belgium had more balls than the rest of Europe (Including the English faggot factory) combined
They - them over there - have no idea what any of that is like. They barely know it exists. As long as there is a skirt to hide behind . . . .
My take on it is based more on impressions than any fact. So fwiw:

The US has a culture of self-sufficiency and boot-strapping along with a frontier that has been being tamed for the last few centuries.

We have a culture of going out and making our own luck with our own resources and wits. If you don’t like your neighbors just build a higher fence or move on to greener pastures.

There’s no need to really get along when you can arm yourself and stick to you guns. There’s a common belief that mutually assured destruction makes for a polite society. This is the rugged individualism that stems from having elbow room, all you need to do is buy some new space or swing your elbows to get others to clear out.

This is in stark contrast with places with more established society and property lines like the EU and other more historically stablished places. Rural America and Urban America on political average are at odds with each other - the urban population tends to have a more collective attitude while the rural tends to be more of the rugged individualism.

Those who want to get along as a society and to design a future clash with those who want to be left to their own devices. Talking heads vilify and capitalize on the division, some simply for the sake of making money by doing so.

We have a world of “assholes” vs. “pussies”. 🤷‍♀️
America is the 900-pound gorilla. Britain is a minor regional power of dwindling importance on the world stage.
Population-wise the UK is California + Texas + Maryland, so it's not insignificant. But some people in the US think it's 'The Leader Of The Free World' and the views of a miserable 73million people who vote for a fraudster/rapist count for more than the rest of the world.

Britain lost its empire and influence in the early part of the 20th Century, the US will find itself in the same position within the next 100 years.
Population-wise the UK is California + Texas + Maryland, so it's not insignificant. But some people in the US think it's 'The Leader Of The Free World' and the views of a miserable 73million people who vote for a fraudster/rapist count for more than the rest of the world.

Britain lost its empire and influence in the early part of the 20th Century, the US will find itself in the same position within the next 100 years.
The UK has more people than the state of California, but a smaller economy and less cultural impact.
It's primarily because this is an American forum that's dominated by Americans.
Americans, regardless of their political beliefs, feel compelled to shoot their mouths off. They all share this characteristic and are unable to keep their opinions to themselves.
Seems like a rather blanket statement and somewhat ironic if you think about not keeping one’s opinion to themselves? 🤷🏼‍♂️
IDK. I tend to think most people who go to adult sites aren't looking to engage about politics. Especially given the way politics is these days. Although it does appear that there is a segment of Lit across the political spectrum who are solely here for politics, which is bizarre to me. BTW, if you want an ol relationship, stay off politics. Looking at you alpha conservative men who don't know how to stfu about politics.