Question - Do Family Member Political Views Matter


Your Best Friend
Aug 22, 2013
This is big on the right. No sources, but do family members' political views have an impact, and why?
This is big on the right. No sources, but do family members' political views have an impact, and why?
we all tend to avoid the topic like the plague given the love within the family and the conflicting political views.
some of them have to be held at slightly more of an arm's length but that's easy since we don't really have much to do with them. It's those closer to home that we have a 'just don't talk about it' policy in place because it's those family ties that mean more.
I had a Trumper cousin who unfriended me and blocked me on FB. Woop di do. Seriously, I was more worried about him than offended. He recently came around and decided to grace me with a new friends request. I found the whole thing rather silly.
I've lost most of the members of a whole branch of my family. I can live with that. I knew they wouldn't be my favorite people if they weren't family.
Most of my relatives have cultish religious beliefs, so we don't get as far as politics. One usually needs help with the TV remote, another complains about everything, and that's enough for a two hour conversation.
The only time it matters is if people won't take a NO, I don't talk politics at family gatherings for an answer. Same with religion.
So what if your spouse holds political views about the company you work for?