Question about weight loss and exercise


Sep 13, 2001
I've been working out 6 days a week (3 days of cardio, 3 days of weight training) and eating healthy for the past 2 1/2 weeks. While I feel that I am more toned now, I haven't really lost any weight- maybe a pound or two. I figured it was because I've been weight training pretty hard, and muscle mass weighs more than fat.

Someone who has taken nutrition classes said that I should have lost some weight by now, and that toning shouldn't be noticed for a few more weeks.

Does anyone know if my progress is normal?
Depends on what you mean by healthy eating. I presume you mean low fat, but how much carbohydrate is in your diet?
Mad Jack Rabbit, I'm doing the Body for Life Program so it's pretty low carb and low fat.

Foxy, my clothes are a little looser on me and yesterday people commented on how great I look. I guess I should just continue doing what I'm doing- everyone's body is different, and people shape up differently, I guess.
Just re-read your first post! 2-2.5 weeks? Hardly anytime. You need to bear in mind how your body weight changes during your menstral cycle. Water loss is the first really noticable weight loss, then you should get body fat reduction. Aim for 1-2lb a week and you should be able to keep it off.

If you haven't lost any more weight in 8 weeks time, come back and talk to us.

I presume you are avoiding diet fizzy drinks (high in sodium and so promote water retension.)
Let the mirror be your guide...

With weights and cardio, it'll be a 50/50 tradeoff, you will lose fat, and gain muscle. Subtle indicators will be vascularity, stamina, sleep will be more sound, and you'll be quicker to rise when you wake up.
I'm into a powerlifting phase until May, and then change to a bodybuilding phase through summer. I do the "pinch an inch" checks to check my intake, and I stay off the scales! Right now, I'm at around 256lbs, and after the bodybuilding phase, plan to be about 235-240lbs. It's a different ballgame with the tribe of iron, you have to abandon the earthy measurements of the common people! :D
Mad Jack Rabbit, yes I'm not drinking soda.

Lost Cause, thanks for your input. I've never seriously weight trained before- I've always just done light weights, 12 reps a set, 3 sets, thinking that I would get toned that way. This program is different, so I'm not used to how it works.
Like the other posters have said, two and half weeks is way too short of time to be drawing any conclusions. Though it is fun to check frequently when you are first doing it, and hoping for the positive reinforcement.

What you are talking about doing is a lifestyle change, and it needs to be measured over the years, not the weeks. When I first changed my own lifestyle some years ago, I think I only lost about five pounds over the first year -- but the pounds weren't the issue. I probably lost 20 or 25 pounds of fat, and gained 15 or 20 pounds of muscle, as the shape of my body changed.

As long as you find the self-discipline to stick with it, changing your body by changing your lifestyle is pretty much infallible. Over the course of years, eating less and better while exercising daily works for everyone. Sure the pounds come off, but the better part is just being healthier overall. Glad to hear you are making the change, and best of luck!

Exactly. Muscle mass weighs more than fat...

When I work out for competition, my weight always goes up. If you increase your activity and eat right, you'll get fast results as you burn fat without producing much more muscle mass.
Similar thing here. I do about ten miles/week on the treadmill and burn anywhere from 250 - 400 calories each time, plus I do light weights. For two months I didn't eat anthing between meals - no desserts, etc, and didnt lose a pound. I startedd eating whatever I wanted again. My exercise routine stayed the same but I didn't gain any weight.

Go figure.
miles said:
Similar thing here. I do about ten miles/week on the treadmill and burn anywhere from 250 - 400 calories each time, plus I do light weights. For two months I didn't eat anthing between meals - no desserts, etc, and didnt lose a pound. I startedd eating whatever I wanted again. My exercise routine stayed the same but I didn't gain any weight.

Go figure.

The best part about building the exercise habit, is that you can cheat a lot more often on the food side than you can with dieting alone... :D

Over the course of a year, I likely average over two hours of exercise a day. If I were just watching my diet, then last night's food debauchery at the Christmas party would have done me in, I likely ate at least 4,000 calories, maybe more (the baked brie in particular was impossible to stop eating). But with the exercise? No problem, I doubt I gain a pound. Just as long as I don't have brie daily...
lilminx said:
I've been working out 6 days a week (3 days of cardio, 3 days of weight training) and eating healthy for the past 2 1/2 weeks. While I feel that I am more toned now, I haven't really lost any weight- maybe a pound or two. I figured it was because I've been weight training pretty hard, and muscle mass weighs more than fat.

Someone who has taken nutrition classes said that I should have lost some weight by now, and that toning shouldn't be noticed for a few more weeks.

Does anyone know if my progress is normal?

I expect that you are probably gonna show us the leaner meaner you?
Just hoping. :kiss:
Keep working in a few weeks you'll notice some benefits.

Wel, I got my answer this morning. I tried on two pairs of jeans that I haven't been able to wear for a while- well, I could wear them, but they were unattractively tight on me. This morning they both fit me. One pair actually fits me better now than when I bought them. And I still weigh the same as I did a few weeks ago. Go figure.
Have you quit smoking very recently lilminx?

And how old are you?

It takes time for a metabolism to adjust to certain things from what I have learned.

When I started working out three years ago, it took about five weeks before I was able to actually see any difference. I used to do a (real) stairclimber for 45 minutes a day too. I was never large just out of shape and 40..... Now I am in great shape and 42......stick with it sweetie...

Learn about labels on your foods...Just because there is no fat or low fat isnt good enough.....Its carbos that will sink you....they turn into sugars then fat from what I have heard.

Moderation on the food, dedication to the cise, and you will be fine!
Ok, thanks, but I'm not asking for advice.

No, I've never smoked in my life. I just turned 27, and I am very much aware of food labels.
lilminx said:
I've been working out 6 days a week (3 days of cardio, 3 days of weight training) and eating healthy for the past 2 1/2 weeks. While I feel that I am more toned now, I haven't really lost any weight- maybe a pound or two. I figured it was because I've been weight training pretty hard, and muscle mass weighs more than fat.

Someone who has taken nutrition classes said that I should have lost some weight by now, and that toning shouldn't be noticed for a few more weeks.

Does anyone know if my progress is normal?

hey i wanna chat to u have u got msn im bored
its saturday damnit
my mates have blown me off :( too busy and shyt damn

my life sux

add me @
BMR setpoint...

Make sure you eat enough to support the exercise/diet program. If you don't, your body will slow the BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) in the starvation mode for survival. It's like a checking account, if the amount you take out exceeds your balance, you end up with a negative. I 've found that the harder I train and eat accordingly, I lose weight rather quickly. You can splurge on weekends only to keep you sane, the rest is strict nutrition. :D
its ard 5 30 and im stuck here

i need to go out by 8 or my life is officially sadder than killermuffins

i did get to talk to my girl in singapoore today though which was a nice plus

i need to chip
i need friends who are reliable :(

damn seems like sunday will be busier than a saturday sheesh

now i hate internet...its the net and boards that have made me so anti-sociable...damn
yaar, im going to watch some saturday TV and hope to God the fukkin fone rings

Saturday night TV sux:(

Re: BMR setpoint...

Lost Cause said:
Make sure you eat enough to support the exercise/diet program. If you don't, your body will slow the BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) in the starvation mode for survival. It's like a checking account, if the amount you take out exceeds your balance, you end up with a negative. I 've found that the harder I train and eat accordingly, I lose weight rather quickly. You can splurge on weekends only to keep you sane, the rest is strict nutrition. :D
I eat 6 small meals a day- a carb and a protein with each meal, and veggies with at least two of them (fruits are included as carbs). Most of the meals are between 200 and 300 calories a day, so I think the frequency and the caloric amount keep my body from going into starvation mode.
Saturday is my free day- I eat whatever I want. It seems to be working, since my clothes fit me better.

Yaya, I don't have MSN and I am on my way out the door anyway. You know my yahoo IM if you want to put me on your buddy list.