Question about exclusion from a Top Lists ranking...


Really Experienced
Sep 4, 2008
In another thread lovecraft68 mentioned the "Threads the Island" story to me as an example of a piece that has so many votes, it simply can't be 1-bombed down. Having never heard of that story, I bopped over to the Incest/Taboo list to see what he was talking about. While I was there, I checked to see where my "Everyone Loves My Ass: Ch. 03" chapter was ranked. I knew that with a 4.80 score and only 600-something votes it wouldn't be anywhere near the top, but I was just curious.

Scrolling down the list, I was amused and amazed by just how popular the Incest/Taboo category really is. The vote totals and cumulative high scores there are just insane. Anyway, on page three I found the 4.80 stories, where I expected to see mine slotted in somewhere. Nope. It wasn't there. I thought that perhaps it might be showing 4.80 on my 'View Submissions' page while being a 4.79 or something using a different calculus, so I kept going.

'There it is,' I thought, finding it among the 4.79 stories, but then I saw that nope, that's chapter six, not chapter three. Chapter three has more votes than chapter six, so if anything it should be ranked slightly higher. Again, though, it wasn't there.

Chapter three is not on the list at all. Thus, my question: What would be the reason for exclusion from a Top List once a story reaches the 100-vote total?
The lists seem to have problems updating - the top-50 list in Lesbian seems not to have updated in months. I have stories showing up on pages 2-5 of the list (positions 51-250) and the short top-25 list seems to be OK, but anything that would fall between 26 and 50 is missing altogether.

I PMed Laurel and Manu about it a couple of times, no joy as yet.
Out of curiosity:

Do the 4.80 stories cross a page of the toplist?

The most frequent place that stories seem to get lost in the shuffle is near the page transitions.

It's most likely a bug in the script that generates them, and it's probably not going to be easy to track down from the few reports that are coming in about "missing" stories.
Out of curiosity:

Do the 4.80 stories cross a page of the toplist?

The most frequent place that stories seem to get lost in the shuffle is near the page transitions.

It's most likely a bug in the script that generates them, and it's probably not going to be easy to track down from the few reports that are coming in about "missing" stories.

You're right. They have some 4.82's somehow stuck behind some 4.81 and also I have a 4.80 story that should be there, but sometimes is and sometimes is not.

Too bad it has 3000+ votes it wouldn't be all that easily trolled
Darkniciad, yes, the .80 stories are split between two pages. With 630 votes mine should appear well before the split, but your explanation will likely be as good as any.
I used to do daily tracking on the themed contests, and I saw this pretty much constantly across all the category toplists. During the more popular contests, it was nothing unusual to lose at least one story every day for two or three days, then have it reappear so I could track it again. I've also noticed my own stories falling through the cracks.

It's pretty much been this way since the new toplists were implemented.

My best guess is that there's something in the pagination part of the script that's buggered up, but that's just observational speculation, and not really solid enough to send a report to Manu.

Reminds me that I need to PM Manu about a bug that's been annoying me in the text processor, though. Most of the time, when you have an italicized line of thought dialogue, it breaks away from the dialogue tag. Moving it to before the dialogue doesn't work. Putting it after doesn't work. Either one causes the tag to appear on a separate line ( singe spaced )

Annoying as hell.