Question about "chapters/series".

Sep 29, 2002
Hi. I was wondering, if I wrote a series of stories that shared the same title, but had different subtitles, would they show up in "full" alphabetical order in my member's profile page, or would they show up in the order I submitted them?


Would "A Slut is Born: Making the Slut", "A Slut is Born: Adventures of Love", and "A Slut is Born: Sally's Story" show up just like that, or would they be rearranged so the subtitled were in alphabetical order?

Thanks in advance!
They would show up in the order you submitted them as:

Title Ch. 1
Title Ch. 2
Title Ch. 3

At the top of your story (when they clicked the link) it would appear as:

Title: Subtitle (in bold)

Story story story...

This is for the ease of your readers who would otherwise get them out of order. Scripts alphabetize automatically and some authors put the stories in different categories.
From what I have been able to observe, titles would show up arranges alpha-numerically on your Profile Title List, but would show up in the weekly New Stories Category by date accepted - not necessarily by date submitted.

If I am wrong, someone is bound to correct me. (Even if I am right!) :rolleyes:

Speaking of writing series stories, there should be some way of differentiating between series stories and sequel stories.

The former are like episodes of a continuing story, where it is important to read each chapter in sequence.

The latter are like episodes of a common set of characters' stories, where the sequence is immaterial.

For example, I am 20 chapters into a 30 chapter novel. I am holding it back until the novel is completed, since it will not be a completed story until all the chapters are ready for publication.

And I HATE the idea of publishing an incomplete novel. :catroar: