question about "ABC"



Alright, I want to see if anybody knows the answer to this. I recently found out that one of my friends was recently a prostitute. I was asking her about the business, and what the customers were asking for. She said something about "ABC," but didn't elaborate any further. In the world of brothels, does this mean "Asian, Black, Caucasian," or does it refer to the various orifices that can be penetrated in sex?
Umm..dunno the answer your to question, but I figured you'd be thrilled to know that the "ABC" song (twinkle, twinkle, little star) predates Mozart and he did a bunch of variations on it. But um..they were for piano, not clarinet. Nevermind.
She probably trolls the A...b...c... thread here on Lit.

(Good evening, Nora...) :heart:
ProofreadManx said:
She probably trolls the A...b...c... thread here on Lit.

(Good evening, Nora...) :heart:

Never once posted to it, actually. Oh! you mean the whore? Oops! My bad.

(Good evening, ProofreadManx...) :heart:
Nora said:
Never once posted to it, actually. Oh! you mean the whore? Oops! My bad.

(Good evening, ProofreadManx...) :heart:

Yes, we know you're BAD.

ProofreadManx said:

Yes, we know you're BAD.


Now I could swear we established that when I'm BAD, I'm better? *does weird flirty thing with my eyelashes that ends up looking more like i have something in my eye*
Nora said:
Now I could swear we established that when I'm BAD, I'm better? *does weird flirty thing with my eyelashes that ends up looking more like i have something in my eye*

The tongue is ready to clean it out, sweetie. :devil:
Eewwwwwwwwww!!! Eyeball-licking is GROSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!



Do tell! *props chin on fist and awaits more information most eagerly!*
Nora said:



Do tell! *props chin on fist and awaits more information most eagerly!*

We first start at that exposed neck of yours... burying my face right under your ear... mmmm... you smell good Nora...
ProofreadManx said:

We first start at that exposed neck of yours... burying my face right under your ear... mmmm... you smell good Nora...

it's uh..*shivers* um..yeah, right there! uh. Red Door. ummmmmmmmmmmmyeahhhhhhhh!
ProofreadManx said:

I still have way to go with you, baby... I'm still working on your neck and clavical!


I melt for a good clavical licking!

and biting, and sucking...
Nora said:

I melt for a good clavical licking!

and biting, and sucking...

I like that bony ridge too! It sorta "points" to the erect nipples and full, goosepimply breasts, ya know?
ProofreadManx said:

I like that bony ridge too! It sorta "points" to the erect nipples and full, goosepimply breasts, ya know?


I'm more enamored of the hollow behind it.
Nora said:

I'm more enamored of the hollow behind it.



Your wanton breasts are goosepimply and your nipples are erect and you do want them suckled and licked and fondled...

Don't you?
ProofreadManx said:


Your wanton breasts are goosepimply and your nipples are erect and you do want them suckled and licked and fondled...

Don't you?


right out here where ANYBODY could see???
Nora said:

right out here where ANYBODY could see???

I closed the door.

No one... er... can... umm... see...

Yeah, that's the ticket.

So, about those full, wanton, pert breasts that are begging for a sensual massage and sucking...
Nora said:
But..but..the fun police will get us!!

I shall defend you!

Now, lay on the bed so I can suck your erect nipples and warm breasts, OK?
*sigh* oooooookayyyyy.

Btw, Texclarinet? Just so you don't think we've completely absconded with your thread (which we have) I did a little research online and it seems to stand for anal-blowjob-cuntfuck