Queen Draaah is Sober...

I am guilty too. Let's revel in it with a bottle of something primo.

And then we can make threads about how much cooler we are than everyone else.
LordLucan74 said:
I assume you mean "stuff" as it is spelled auf Englisch?????

I assume you mean, "I am a loser whom doesn't pick up on the slightest innuendo or have any understanding of an intentional misspell because I am stoopid."
alexandraaah said:
Holycrap, I started a copycat thread thingie.
And what a weird fucking cat you decided to copy from!

The real Lord Lucan murdered his children's governess in 1974. Interesting choice of nick, dontcha think?
seXieleXie said:
in my dreams

kotori said:
And what a weird fucking cat you decided to copy from!

The real Lord Lucan murdered his children's governess in 1974. Interesting choice of nick, dontcha think?

It's perhaps the most interesting thing about him.

He's such a bore.
alexandraaah said:

The 7th Earl of Lucan was accussed of the crime...

at 46 Lower Belgrave Street...

I chose my nic after the 3rd Earl of Lucan... actually far more famous.... (you probably do not know him)
alexandraaah said:

It's perhaps the most interesting thing about him.

He's such a bore.

You do not know The Rt Hon Field Marshal The Earl of Lucan??? You are an idiot.... Crikey!!! (Privy Council, Order of the Bath, Victoria Cross)???
Alex baby, I just opened a bottle of wine. You should do the same and then we'll chat on the phone, or video conference, your choice. :)
Rubyfruit said:
Alex baby, I just opened a bottle of wine. You should do the same and then we'll chat on the phone, or video conference, your choice. :)

I'm having a spot of whiskey now.

Once the boyfriend gets here, we'll have a threesome.

LordLucan74 said:
You do not know The Rt Hon Field Marshal The Earl of Lucan??? You are an idiot.... Crikey!!! (Privy Council, Order of the Bath, Victoria Cross)???

Are you as big a jagoff in RL as you are here?

I'm just wondering, because most of the interesting people I know don't constantly drop names of dead European royalty in order to try and impress strangers.
Problem Child said:
Are you as big a jagoff in RL as you are here?

I'm just wondering, because most of the interesting people I know don't constantly drop names of dead European royalty in order to try and impress strangers.

Are you so foolish to mistake a mere "Earl" for Royalty?? Until the current Earl of Wessex, no royal has been styled Earl since 700 years... The 3rd Earl of Lucan was an Aristocrat, not a Royal, and affiliated with the Whigs not the Tories... Learn your history...