Quasi Intelligent, Vaguely Erotic Banter


Renaissance Fella
Jul 20, 2011
Life is busy, full, tiring, rewarding and I wouldn't change any of it. Yet sometimes... sometimes I just want to talk about the joys of a lifted hemline or the delicate feel of fingers tracing a line up a gently curved spine.

Sometimes it is nice to drop an innuendo into an inbox and wait with expectation for a flirty reply from a total stranger. Lit. fill this sometimes very well...

So I’m a man, 38, English. Slim, but not as skinny as I once was. Probably a little over educated but with a good sense of the silly. I know that the real spoil sport is the person who doesn't take the game seriously. I know that words can move, can lift, can stir. Although I know the value of a good photograph as well, and that whispered smut in nice voice is very hard to beat.

I’m looking for women who’d like to play with words, dance with innuendo, tease with abandon and taunt with sexuality.
A self conscious bump! Delightful :)

Self promotional bumps come in all shapes and forms.

The bashful.
The shameless.
The witty.
The desperate.
The deluded.
The optimistic.
And yes, the self conscious.
(you do realise that we're going to be in big trouble when the moderators catch us! ;))
I don't know whether repeat bumping is allowed.....shall we find out?

A daring bump.....
I don't know whether repeat bumping is allowed.....shall we find out?

A daring bump.....

Interesting. I never knew that amongst all the various explicit, ribald and fetishistic activity that goes on here that the BUMP was considered so risque.

A final, public bump and now I'm off for a shower.
I didn't know there were quite so many flavours of bump !

How about a vaguely homo erotic bump?
a bump in the road
a bump on the head
a bump start
bumper cars
country bumpkins