Putting sterilizing agents in the food and water supply?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Would you agree with the government secretly putting sterilizing agents in the water and food supply to increase infertility and help mitigate overpopulation?
Would you agree with the government secretly putting sterilizing agents in the water and food supply to increase infertility and help mitigate overpopulation?

I think that someone from the government joined Literotica and saw the GB. After that, forced sterilization was the only viable option.
GMO crops, water fluoridation, BPH in plastic bottles, mercury in vaccines, pesticides and other carcinogenic chemicals in foods, are just some of the agents employed by the government and corporate establishment to sterilize and even kill people.

Eat the right foods, exercise, stay healthy, stay away from all of the shit I listed above, and you should be fine. The government and the FDA want you sterile, or DEAD.

The masses of mindless cattle which comprises the general American public, indulge in toxic diets and unhealthy lifestyles, often develop cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, heart disease, and a myriad of other chronic illnesses at a very young age.
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Just to set the record straight: water fluridation doesn't cause cancer. In fact it's actually healthy for you.

Try not to get your science from "Dr. Strangelove".

WRONG! Unbiased and independent scientific studies have concluded that consuming fluoride causes brain damage and lowers IQ's in young children. It also increases the chance of neurological diseases in adults. In large concentrations, fluoride is considered toxic and highly carcinogenic. It is illegal to dump the chemical in any body of water because it is listed by the EPA as a pollutant. Most of what the govt' and FDA says is "safe" is corrupted by corporate spin. Scientists and research laboratories are often bribed large sums of money in order to lie about the safety of products.

Fluoride is small potatoes compared to the shit that the government and corporations are deliberately putting into vaccines, foods, meats, crops, soft drinks, pharmaceuticals, processed food, and literally tens of thousands of commercial products. For example, growth hormones injected into beef and milk cows causes cancer and organ failure in lab animals. Rats and rhesus monkeys are administered these agents and then die within mere hours.

Also, read about the dangerous neurotoxin "aspartame".

The FDA and corporations DO NOT have your health and physical well-being at heart. In fact, they think that you are weak, stupid, and probably deserve to die. But they want to make as much money off of you as possible before then.

These corporations are far more concerned about their profits/business interests/shareholders than they are about your health. If these diseases were suddenly outright cured, they would stop making profits and would go out of business. So it is in their best interests to keep people sick. Medicine and agriculture are for-profit industries, and they are obligated to maintain their profits and status quo, at ANY cost, PERIOD.

These are the reasons why everyone is becoming chronically and terminally ill. Cancer rates have SKYROCKETED by dozens of times over the past 50-100 years. Expected cases of cancer within the population went from 1 in every 50 people in 1900 to an alarming and terrifying 1 in every 3 people in modern day.
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So basically we have a whole bunch of atificial chemicals that make us stupid and fat, but none of which cause sterility...

Yep, them farm pigs are sneaky buggers all right. Fatten us up and make us dumb enough to get et...it's a porcine conspiracy I tells ya.

My aunt spent years and years drinking milk and developed ovarian cancer and died.

Shortly thereafter, a clinical study concluded that excessive milk consumption can cause gynecological cancers in women.

Cancer rates are increasing at an exponential rate. This sudden explosion in cancer statistics is impossible to be a natural occurrence. Either something is wrong with the human gene pool, or people are developing cancers from constant exposure to carcinogens in their environment as well as what they eat and drink.

Doctors claim that cancer rats are up because people are living longer, however this notion can be contested by the fact that more and more young people in their 20's and 30's are developing rare cancers and dying. Cases of the extremely deadly pancreatic cancer have increased by at least ten times in the last 5 years alone..

As I have stated dozens of times before in previous threads, the cancer industry is a greedy and destructive for-profit business. If people stopped getting cancer or if the disease was utterly cured, they would go bankrupt and forced to shut down entirely... The multi-trillion-dollar for-profit medical establishment is wholly driven by money and power and they could care less about your suffering.

Medicine has very little to do with health and healing. We live under the shadow of a ruthless and merciless medical-pharmaceutical-cartel-mafia that views human life as essentially being worthless, and as revenue generating units.

Political and economic control on a global scale is being consolidated and handed over to cabals of giant multinational corporations whom seek to subjugate all humanity in order to maximize their profits and make their investors rich.

Greed has absolutely no boundaries...
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Mike, I agree with you 100 per cent. I have said the same thing to many people and even my doctor agrees that medicine is driven by MONEY.

Susan you are right on the money too. I will not purchase aspartame containing drinks for our free drink thing. I had definite neorological symptoms from it a number of years ago and serendipitily saw the truth about it in an article and as it stated, the pain went away shortly after ceasing any aspartame use. Terrible lmuscle and nerve pains in my left arm from it.

I preach and preach about it, but someone even told me they like its taste.
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Mike, I agree with you 100 per cent. I have said the same thing to many people and even my doctor agrees that medicine is driven by MONEY.

Susan you are right on the money too. I will not purchase aspartame containing drinks for our free drink thing. I had definite neorological symptoms from it a number of years ago and serendipitily saw the truth about it in an article and as it stated, the pain went away shortly after ceasing any aspartame use. Terrible lmuscle and nerve pains in my left arm from it.

I preach and preach about it, but someone even told me they like its taste.

It is NOT the doctors or hospitals who are part in this conspiracy, most of them are loyal to the hippocratic oath, it is the giant multinational corporations of the medical/pharmaceutical complex that are the blame.