Pulp Heroes/Heroines you've thought about having a go at?


with cheese
Aug 8, 2022
Emily's latest addition to her sub-challenge is a female Indy Jones. Bamagan brought up a Victorian League of Exhibitionist Gentleman idea and that got me thinking about the old pulp novels/comics I loved as a kid. The Shadow and Doc Savage, Red Sonja and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. Many of them have been replaced in pop culture by their modern counterparts, like Indiana Jones and Lara Croft.

Many of them were just lost as comic companies went under, and were bought again. The new companies would make a half-hearted attempt at bringing back the characters, only to be beaten down on the newsstands by Marvel and DC.

Have any of you given any of these old characters a go in erotica? The Blonde Phantom and Buck Rogers would seem like great candidates. I'm going to have to give some thought to this.

I've never seriously considered pornogrifying any of those IPs, although I've occasionally toyed with the idea of doing an homage or pastiche of the pulp adventure or pulp mystery genre. I've read a few such here on Lit that were pretty good, although trying to recreate the mood of the old serials without recourse to the art is challenging.
I don't have a lot of experience with specific characters, but I've toyed around with doing kind of a classic style science fiction erotica. Which would probably end up close to some of this. I've dipped my toes into it a bit with a novel within a story that one of my characters is reading, and mused on expanding it into its own thing.
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Emily's latest addition to her sub-challenge is a female Indy Jones. Bamagan brought up a Victorian League of Exhibitionist Gentleman idea and that got me thinking about the old pulp novels/comics I loved as a kid. The Shadow and Doc Savage, Red Sonja and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. Many of them have been replaced in pop culture by their modern counterparts, like Indiana Jones and Lara Croft.

Many of them were just lost as comic companies went under, and were bought again. The new companies would make a half-hearted attempt at bringing back the characters, only to be beaten down on the newsstands by Marvel and DC.

Have any of you given any of these old characters a go in erotica? The Blonde Phantom and Buck Rogers would seem like great candidates. I'm going to have to give some thought to this.

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I’ve heard of Buck Rogers (those drawings of Dale getting whipped 😍), but the rest 🤷‍♀️?

I’ve heard of Buck Rogers (those drawings of Dale getting whipped 😍), but the rest 🤷‍♀️?

A quick Google search will open up new worlds of forgotten noir characters. Granted, most of it is terribly misogynistic, like most things of the period. But we can fix that.
It occurs to me that this could reasonably tie in to that Mickey Spillane thing, although I don't know much about it.
There's a whole world of comics - Buck Rogers, Popeye, Archie...

Even Sherry the showgirl!

The characters in my stories are specifically written as pulp archetypes but positive ones mostly. They don’t need smarmy producers like Sherry’s admirer to succeed.
Not heroines... but Betty Cooper / Veronica Lodge. Those girls need to just shack up; Archie's a loser and they'd be better off doing making four-lipped clover than trying to fight over his inept materials.

Not heroines... but Betty Cooper / Veronica Lodge. Those girls need to just shack up; Archie's a loser and they'd be better off doing making four-lipped clover than trying to fight over his inept materials.

I could absolutely get behind that. :devilish:
Miss Fury or any of the Sam Spade/Phillip Morris style detectives would probably make for a good piece too.
Plenty of Bond girls I’ve lusted after. Also comic book characters like Supergirl and Kitty Pryde. And a certain Warner Sister. :D
I've never thought about it. I wouldn't even know where to start. Something like Pam Andersons old cartoon, Stripperella?
Could turn this into an Author challenge perhaps. It could be interesting to try writing some erotic noir or pulp fiction content utilizing the old time radio, comics, or pulp novel characters.
I am a huge fan of the Flash Gordon comic strip as drawn by Alex Raymond. The amount of raw sensuality he achieved is almost unbelievable. Dale being strung up topless and flogged, Flash in just a tiny pair of trunks chained to a wall in the first examples of what comic historians call boydage. Dale steppping out of a bath and into a towel that iis essentially a piece of gauze. I'm also a fan of the strip because my late father who was born in 1930 learned how to read via the Flash Gordon strip. In any event. I decided to write a Flash Gordon pastiche, that I think turned out rather well. One of the things about the comic strip is that Flash and Dale's relationship is not a natural one. By which I mean, they became a couple only because they were thrown in together on an extraordinary adventure. They started as strangers on earth. Because of this both Dale and Flash can have their heads turned by a pretty face. In the strip, for example, Dale engaged in a weeks long fling with Prince Barin and Flash had to romance powerful beautiful women to gain their trust or to save Dale. It is clear from how he reacts that he did not detest this duty. I wanted to make that dynamic clear in my story. ANYWAY -- have a gander.

I;ve also done a couple of well-received Sheena of the Jungle stories.

In a similar vein I've done a pair of Ki-Gor stories. Ki-Gor is a public domain version of Tarzan. What sets Ki-Gor apart is his mate, the phenomenally beautiful Helene Vaughn who runs around in a leopard skin bikini, does a lot of skinny dipping and is often stripped by adversaries. She is no Jane Parket.
I;ve also done a couple of well-received Sheena of the Jungle stories.

In a similar vein I've done a pair of Ki-Gor stories. Ki-Gor is a public domain version of Tarzan. What sets Ki-Gor apart is his mate, the phenomenally beautiful Helene Vaughn who runs around in a leopard skin bikini, does a lot of skinny dipping and is often stripped by adversaries. She is no Jane Parket.
I will be checking out those stories. Thanks very much.
I've drafted/outlined a few stories in this vein, notably stuff inspired by Red Sonja and Jirel of Joiry. Never really got off the ground, though, but may give it a try after this WIP is finished.