Published then pending?


Aug 11, 2022
I had a story published that was doing very well. I then submitted another story that is in pending. i wrote the third installment and saved it as a draft so i should have 1 pending, 1 draft, and 1 published. well now the published story is in pending again. any insight?
Did you make a change to it at all? OR go into the first and inadvertently republish?
What's the link to the story? The reason I asked, changes shouldn't remove the story.
You should receive some communication telling you why it has been, maybe below on your Editing page for the story. It should give some reason or some instruction for what needs to change.
My impression is that authors don't receive any notification if their stories are removed by the Web site (which, of course, they should be). What are authors' actual experiences with this?
I checked, unless the stories were published under another account, there are indeed no stories there. So it would seem it has been removed.
Correct - there are no stories listed. This means the story has been taken down by the site - either someone has reported it for content violation, or the site editor has looked at it again and taken it down.

Either way, the OP should get a rejection notice and an opportunity to address whatever the issue is.
Not be a smartass, okay maybe I am being a smartass, not sure, but the chatline using, baby's, might have been a red flag requiring more reading by a human. Not sure why part one got pulled unless it was after the second one's catchline drew questions.
Either way, the OP should get a rejection notice and an opportunity to address whatever the issue is.
Again, who can report that they got a rejection notice for a story that had been taken down after it had been posted for a while?
All of my rejections (all one of them) were due to a transposition of the age of one of the characters. So, no, KeithD, I've never had a published story pulled here. Since I haven't had one removed after publication, I can't answer the question. Have you had one pulled after publication?