Publication Rejectiom



A couple of years ago, i tried to post 3 stories on Literotica. I was repeatedly rejected. When I inquired into the reason, I got a mixed bag of reasons. They ranged from formatting to puncruation to spacing. No one could give me examples that clearly demonstrated the issue. The best advice I got was to get help from an Editor. That proved to be a dead hole . By contrast, I had no such problems qhen I posted the stories on

Literotica is not a place to promote other websites.

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Are you in search for a new editor or some advice what to do - to successfully submit your story?
Maybe you can send us a link to Google Doc with open access for one day, for a quick look. I'm really curious what's going on there :D
Are you a native English speaker?
I ask because I am not, but even though... I can see errors in your story.
And I know English only moderately good, so if I can see errors... that can be a reason for rejecting your story ;)
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A couple of years ago, i tried to post 3 stories on Literotica. I was repeatedly rejected. When I inquired into the reason, I got a mixed bag of reasons. They ranged from formatting to puncruation to spacing. No one could give me examples that clearly demonstrated the issue. The best advice I got was to get help from an Editor. That proved to be a dead hole . By contrast, I had no such problems qhen I posted the stories on Xhamster.
That site will publish almost anything. They dont have the same checks that Lit does. Some of the stories on there are virtually unreadable due to so many errors
I didn't mean to offend you by suggesting you are not. I just wanted to help you. :)
I'm not a native English speaker myself, we are all humans. Peace and love :)

Here are some examples:
You may have dyslexia if you don't see it. :(
The errors are even in your posts:
Or it's just a problem with your keyboard?
one suggestion I would have would be to explicitly state the age of the kids - Lit is very sensitive about underage - that may be the reason this one was rejected. as long as you state they are 18+ you should be okay
Okay, my bad, I wish you good luck with resubmitting your story :)
Don't take it personally.
Don't worry about other writer's work, make your own work as good as possible.
Obviously the submission and review process is not perfect. There are so many stories every week (1187 last week)
I guess some kind of script is doing most of the work and a human checking stories that got flagged.

If you want me to have a look at your work send me a PM.
I also do all my writing on my phone. I use WriterPad and previously used Jotterpad. With the Google keyboard, the suggested words and corrections mean I can type nearly as fast as on a keyboard.

Your posts have a lot of errors - spaces before punctuation marks, lack of spaces after, many typos. If your stories were similar, that would explain it. Using Google Docs for its spellchecker and grammar-checking features would be a good idea. Many people recommend Grammarly which has a free version, but I've not used it myself.

If you fix that, I recommend copying and pasting your story directly into the Lit page, as it seems to take less long to get approved. For some reason I never managed to get LibreOffice or Word files to be approved by Lit, but there's really no reason to send files as c&p is fine.
Many people recommend Grammarly which has a free version, but I've not used it myself.
It's good to use to review your work, but don't blindly accept all of it's suggestions. Like any formula based grammar checker, it doesn't know why you do things, just that your choices aren't what are programmed as correct.
I never managed to get LibreOffice or Word files to be approved by Lit
I've submitted Word files a couple of times and never had a problem or delay, but I don't use any special formatting.
The grammar and spell check app that I'm using flags proper names. I just ignore those.
Even this can be useful. Highlighting the names gives you support in running down the file and ensuring that you've spelled the name the same way each time. This is one of those "hard to check" common mistakes in a story.
Let me explain. My spellchecker flags proper names. They are not spelling errors.
My point is that varying your spelling of proper names is a typical hard-to-find mistake that we all make and that it's a benefit if your spellcheck highlights these, because you can do an easy visual double check then that they all are spelled the same way.

A separate question: All of your posts are coming out in bold. This makes them screamy. Can you just not bold them like the rest of the posters are doing?