Prolific writers.


On hiatus.
May 11, 2013
Wow. There are some writers in here that blow my mind in how much they've written and how they keep the general quality up.

It's pretty amazing - people like stangstar06 give me something to aim for! :)
Wow. There are some writers in here that blow my mind in how much they've written and how they keep the general quality up.

It's pretty amazing - people like stangstar06 give me something to aim for! :)

Only 120+ stories? stangstar06 has a long way to go to compete with the really prolific writers.

Even I have written more than 200 including those as jeanne_d_artois.
Only 120+ stories? stangstar06 has a long way to go to compete with the really prolific writers.

Even I have written more than 200 including those as jeanne_d_artois.

I'm over 175 and you had a few years head start. :D

Not sure about the quality though, only 130 of them have H's. :eek:
I'm just in awe of people so prolific.

It's amazing. How you can have that many stories to tell. I find it way way harder to come up with something compelling to say. Plus, I also have a day job:) (I'm just doing that tongue in cheer - but seriously, I don't know how anyone can do this to that level and have a full time job as well!)
You don't have nearly enough forum enemies then.

I keep working on it as the above post proves. ;)

I'm just in awe of people so prolific.

It's amazing. How you can have that many stories to tell. I find it way way harder to come up with something compelling to say. Plus, I also have a day job:) (I'm just doing that tongue in cheer - but seriously, I don't know how anyone can do this to that level and have a full time job as well!)

Try working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week in the oil field. And people wonder why I'm a dirty old man. Actually, I'm just high mileage and still working on the age.
I don't write many stories as opposed to much, meaning most of mine tend to be from a few to several Lit pages in length. That may count as prolific; I dunno. I just write what I feel like writing, and when I feel like doing it.
Up to 189 submissions across all three pen names now ( with 7 chapters of Lowborn still to post ) First time I've actually added them all together. Didn't realize I was so close to 200.

1,856,356 words on Lit after Lowborn finishes, plus another almost 19k in a story that's only posted on another site. Another 11k or so in shorts on my website. Pretty sure the stuff on my "Lost Work" and "Ancient Writing" pages would put me at 2 Million. Even if it doesn't, another 5 chapter story I have going, another short for my website, and the next RR story for Nude Day will surely put me over the mark.
I'm over 175 and you had a few years head start. :D

Not sure about the quality though, only 130 of them have H's. :eek:

Wow! 175 and still keeping it up! Oh, you mean number of stories, not your age. :eek:

;) I'm still impressed by the uh, size of your output, Quite Smutty High Mileage Male Person.
I'm over 175 and you had a few years head start. :D

Not sure about the quality though, only 130 of them have H's. :eek:

That's about 80 Hs more than me. :D

The Hs, although welcome, are not an indication of quality but of popularity. If you write mainstream erotica then as long as you are competent, you should get a good proportion of Hs.

Many of mine aren't popular or appeal to a very limited audience. Some of them are very long. Some are only 50 words in sets of 15 (to reach 750 word minimum).

jeanne_d_artois' stories don't get Hs, perhaps because I was using her identity to be experimental.
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Couple things I want to add here.

In addition to calling attention to their being prolific another trait the people on that list and others who have hundreds of stories possess is longevity. Most people with that total have been writing for several years.

That in itself is something because how many people turn out a few stories, burn out or lose the urge and wander off.

I would also like to give "honorable mention" to Freddie.

If you take BFW/superheroralph/susanjillparker/intheend and all the other pen names and total them Freddie would easily be number 2 on that list.

Also kudos for Sam x for sticking with it. People here whine incessantly about "my story only has a 4.2" go check his scores. he has dozens that are below a 2 and who knows how many in the 2's.

I've read a few.his stories are racist and he writes to piss everyone off but himself. But that's a good trait as he is obviously enjoying himself and sometimes we forget writing should be about fun and the story we want to tell rather than what others want to read.

Another ability all these writers share is the skill to tell short 2k stories. They are easy to write and add up quick.

I ave 5 stories that are 30k plus. That's 150k. SO about 60-75 Sam X/Freddie stories.

Quick and dirty can get you on that list.

One more thing.

I want to call out JBJ, who in his short time writing is already piling up the stories. If he stays with it, he will hit that list and in a fairly short time.
Couple things I want to add here.

In addition to calling attention to their being prolific another trait the people on that list and others who have hundreds of stories possess is longevity. Most people with that total have been writing for several years.

That in itself is something because how many people turn out a few stories, burn out or lose the urge and wander off.

I would also like to give "honorable mention" to Freddie.

If you take BFW/superheroralph/susanjillparker/intheend and all the other pen names and total them Freddie would easily be number 2 on that list.

Also kudos for Sam x for sticking with it. People here whine incessantly about "my story only has a 4.2" go check his scores. he has dozens that are below a 2 and who knows how many in the 2's.

I've read a few.his stories are racist and he writes to piss everyone off but himself. But that's a good trait as he is obviously enjoying himself and sometimes we forget writing should be about fun and the story we want to tell rather than what others want to read.

Another ability all these writers share is the skill to tell short 2k stories. They are easy to write and add up quick.

I ave 5 stories that are 30k plus. That's 150k. SO about 60-75 Sam X/Freddie stories.

Quick and dirty can get you on that list.

One more thing.

I want to call out JBJ, who in his short time writing is already piling up the stories. If he stays with it, he will hit that list and in a fairly short time.

The way LIT is organized youre kinda forced to submit a constant stream of stories or risk oblivion when no one can find your stuff. LIT isn't user friendly.
Wow. There are some writers in here that blow my mind in how much they've written and how they keep the general quality up.

It's pretty amazing - people like stangstar06 give me something to aim for! :)

I'm not sure you can place the tag of quality to any of stangstar's work here at lit, of course that is just my opinion. He does have many Hot tags associated with his stories, which is merely because his 'Burn The Bitch' attitude appeals to the present make up of those who read Loving Wives stories. If the readership of Loving Wives were to change to 'I want my wife to fuck every Tom, Dick and Harry' his stories wouldn't do very well. I only say this because when I did write lesbian stories here in 2000 and 2001, that is how the Loving Wives readership was, fuck my wife please.

I think you'll find many of the writers, even some who I don't always get along with, who post on this board write quality stories and they don't always get the honored Hot tag.

Lit is a strange place, a story can be god awful as for quality but if it gets the reader off it gets a five.
When you give a look to "prolific," you might also give a look to categories. It's a lot easier to write lots of stories in one or two categories than it is to write lots of stories covering twenty-four categories.
The top 10 can be found on this page: :)

At the top is SamuelX with 1,861 posted entries.

I'm curious...on that page, further down is an "In The Spotlight" list. Is that just a random list of high-scoring stories? They don't seem to be highest, within their category, and some of them are "old" (2002, 2005). Is there a rationale for that particular list?
I'm curious...on that page, further down is an "In The Spotlight" list. Is that just a random list of high-scoring stories? They don't seem to be highest, within their category, and some of them are "old" (2002, 2005). Is there a rationale for that particular list?

Right, "In the Spotlight" list is just a changing random list. The Web site does the random list thing here and there for the readers who like to pot luck browse.
I have too many other things to do so can't concentrate on writing. Besides, there are only so many things several (number of your choice, here) people can do to each other. I start to feel repetitious after a while until I can come up with a new kink.
If you take BFW/superheroralph/susanjillparker/intheend and all the other pen names and total them Freddie would easily be number 2 on that list.

I think he'd be on the list, but probably not near #2. He's not the only one posting under several pen names here.

He also started writing flash fiction here, the minimum wordage, just to get something posted so that he could win the Survivor contest (while, funny enough, accusing other writers of doing the same :rolleyes:). He expanding his writing in both wordage and complexity, though, over time, and he deserves extra prolific points for writing across the categories (which is, as I've noted before, harder to do than writing in one or two categories only). This was born of wanting to win the Survivor contest and his early "outside of main categories" writing was quite lame. But it got better.

I want to call out JBJ, who in his short time writing is already piling up the stories. If he stays with it, he will hit that list and in a fairly short time.

JBJ is the poster child for flash fiction here, although he's pushing his wordage up. 31 entries this year (none before that), yes, but only 14 stories really (you deserve extra points for totally separate storylines over writing 60 chapters of the same story). And only 36,410 total words. That's only 10 Lit pages, 1,175 words per entry (flash fiction), 2,600 words per story (less than two-thirds of a Lit. page). More prolific than most writers at Lit., yes, but nothing to write home about.

There are writers here who swamp 36,000 words in one story.

And at JBJ's present pace (63/year), he'll make the top 10 Prolific Authors list in about 12 years, maybe (because some on that list are still writing and there are a whole lot of other writers with a big head start on JBJ). Let's not denigrate what it takes to get on that list, shall we (although considering who is on that list, I know you are just pissing yourself in trying to). ;)

LATER: For comparison sake, although you've only posted 4 stories to Literotica in 2013, your story wordage is 56,404 (pretty much swamping JBJ's output). (And, yes, I'd be delighted if you challenged me on my 2013 Literotica posting :D)
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I didn't even realise this was tracked. I was just impressed at the output some of the writers appear to have.

I have a specific list of things I want to write about and I figure it's going to take about 18 months, at a minimum, to get done what I want to.

After that, it's eval time to see if I want to carry on or not. I think by then I'll have had enough of the specific genre I am writing for. <Shrug> time will tell I guess.

I've always been more impressed by quality that quantity myself - but it still impressive to see how some writers can churn it out.
I've always been more impressed by quality that quantity myself - but it still impressive to see how some writers can churn it out.

Quality here is in the eyes of thousands of separate readers with separate quality tastes.