Programming Note For ESPN 2

Sid Onmyface

Really Experienced
Apr 15, 2002
Chess is not a sport.
Chess has never been a sport.
Chess will never be a sport.
Stop it.
Stop it now.
I suppose nascar is a sport though. People driving in circles.

Not that I think chess is one.
Synchronized or grinning idiots in a pool?

Chinese checkers
If all ESPN did was air Baseball, Football, Basketball and Hockey, their programming would be extremely limited and frankly, boring.

While it's not a sport, it is competition, and a nice change of pace. I set up my chess board and played along with them, figuring what moves I'd play and seeing how it stacked up against their moves. They played some great strategies - it was quite a battle to see who would crack and make the offensive first.

Then again, I get a kick out of when they air the spelling bees too, so maybe it's just me. :D
I demand to see more longest drive championships and MLS!!

I wanna see guys crank the hell out of a little white ball strictly by throwing using those special titanium, graphite, poly-super-metal clubs that my grandma would be able to even get a few hundred yards out of with her swing.

Then I wanna see the firce rivalry between San Jose and D.C. United and watch a bunch of Americans act like a bunch of Euros - minus the kicking talent of course - as dive all over the place and act as if they have been shot just after being touched lightly on the shulder by an opponent hand.
I can't wait til the next log cutting competition to hit the air.

And next year's hot dog eating contest will be one for the ages.
Shaq said:
And next year's hot dog eating contest will be one for the ages.

From what I've heard.. Animal activists are demanding they allow the hot dog eating bear from "Man V Beast" to take part as a contestant.