Sexy Kitten Master
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The scent of death. He knew it well.
Large scaled wings unfurled from his back as yellowed baleful eyes took in the room....er....cave? Blood ran freely, not even congealed yet, and he didn't care. To him, it was if he was walking through a springtime puddle. The only thing concerning to him.....was her.
The only survivor, chained as she was hand and foot across what looked like a rough hewn stump of some large tree from days gone by. From the stains upon its surface, she had been far from the first sacrificed here, though he had no inclination as to why. He could guess after all. Only a demon summoning ritual would summon a demon to place as foul as this. Yet this room provided perfect comfort to him, still ripe with pain, anguish and blood.
He spun then, startled beyond belief there would be anything, anyone, alive besides himself. There was no one, or so he thought, until he saw the chained woman take a shuddering breath. Impossible. The girl's ribcage had been splayed open, her life blood spilled across the stone floor as surely as the quivering masses of indescript flesh that become all that remained of her tormentors. To say that she was hideous would be an understatement. Not only had her ribs been splayed wide, the bones showing clear as day to any who might gaze upon her, but she was soaked in her own blood. The fact that she was conscious at all was a divine miracle even to one such as him who despised the divine. As if that wasn't enough of a defilement of her body there were......chunks....missing. Bite sized pieces ripped from her thigh, her arms, her cheek. It was clear that the ones who had instigated his summoning had done so with the foulest intentions, and cannibalism hadn't been beneath them. Each of them had tasted of her flesh, as if to declare some twisted loyalty to his cause, a cause that they were ultimately unworthy of.
Had she borne it all? The rending of her flesh beneath their blunt teeth? Had she screamed beneath the saw as they laid her to bare for him as sacrifice. He wasn't even sure when he had moved towards her, but drawn to her he was. Just as she knew that she was still aware, still watching his every move. The magic that kept her alive despite her horrible wounds was fading fast with the deaths of all whom he had killed just by appearing on this plane. With a simple wave of a dark skinned, taloned hand, the magic surged through her.
"Please. Bring ruin to this world. Let the fearless know fear and the strong know weakness. I give myself to you of my own will. Devour my heart and be bound by this contract, I beg of you."
Her words were little more than a whisper, yet his eyes widened for there wasn't even a glimmer of fear. This was not how he was used to being treated. As he glanced down, he could see her clearly, all her organs on display like some macabre buffet for him to enjoy. He chuckled then....a low malevolent sound as he reached for her. Yet she didn't flinch, didn't even close her eyes to him as his dark fingers closed upon that all important muscle. What manner of creature could display this kind of loyalty? Could harbor this level of hatred? He couldn't be sure, as disheveled, matted, and mutilated as she was when he found her. As his fingers tightened around her heart, his own magic poured into the dweomer keeping her alive. He wanted her to watch, just as he watched her.
He stole from her slowly....letting her feel muscle and sinew strain and separate as he tore her heart from her. Held her eyes as he lifted the grisly trophy to lips that parted to revealed sharp fangs. When he bit down, it was on her own face that the gory splatter landed, streaming an already crimsoned cheek. Bite by tantalizing bite, he consumed the muscle that had given her life up until now, the strength of his own magic forbidding her to die as he did so. Yet there was no fear....no hatred at what she had become....a pawn in somebody else's twisted scheme. As the last gory bit slid past his gullet to be properly digested, he cast his gaze down upon her.....still, unmoving, kept alive only by magic. Her own lungs had visibly stilled some time ago
There had been no whimper or crying in pain. She had borne it all in silence...and as he gazed upon her now.....adulation. Whomever this girl was, had been, she was convinced that she had done her job as sacrifice. That she had bound him. But he....he would not be bound. He was no lesser daemon, not even a greater one. Perhaps if he had been, the cultists that had started this whole unholy ceremony would have survived. No....the portal had opened too close to his own home, and he had jumped at the chance....even going so far as to instantly slay the first of his kind that had attempted to answer the call. This was an opportunity that couldn't be missed. Certainly not if he wanted to alleviate the endless boredom that was his life....a boredom he could feel lifting already every time he regarded her.
He knew she watched him even now, lips moving though no longer capable of producing sound. Silently, he hovered over her, letting her watch. She would make of this what she would, and he would enjoy watching her try and decipher what he was doing, and ultimately...doing to her.
The deadly nails that tipped the ends of his fingers. He lifted a hand silently, knowing that her eyes tracked his every move, no doubt wondering when and where death would finally come for her. He watched her as intently as she watched him. The eyes were the window into the soul, a soul that seemed so curiously unique to him even now. Twisting slightly, he pressed his own digits against his blackened chest. Groaning softly, he delighted in the look of alarm he got from her, letting his own blood mix with hers as he pierced himself deeply, easily separating flesh and parting bone where a mortal's blade would half trouble. Part of him wondered if she would cry out in alarm if she could, suspended in animation as she was. A feral grin was the only reaction to this line of thinking. What would she say indeed......
With a howl, he flexed....taking his eyes from her from the first time. Blinded by sheer pain he could hear everything, even experienced the taste of his own blood in his mouth as he hauled back in a gory spray. What face would she make when she looked upon him now? Holding his own heart in his hands as he hovered above her. Such a wound was debilitating sure, but hardly fatal for such as him. Even now he could feel his demonic body beginning to repair itself, though this would take much longer than normal. He let her gaze upon the grisly trophy for a long moment, giving her no words or warning or even a choice as he pressed the twisted muscle downwards and into the cavity he had created in her own cardiovascular system.
When had she begun to breathe again? He knew exactly the moment, but wondered if she herself knew. It would bring changes to her, her body if not her mind....yet her system had grasped it's last chance for survival unbidden. Knowing the thin edge between life and death it had made its choice without the use of her brain, not that it would have mattered. He smiled as she took her first shaky breath in what had seemed like forever.
"Calm yourself, pet. You've all of forever to tell me about yourself, where you come from and why you have summoned me here. Lie still and let your wounds take care of themselves....then we will talk."
A patient smile, hidden were the flesh rending fangs that she knew had to lie beneath ebon lips. Curious she might have been, but not so curious that he could suffer her to be free and unbound, she would learn that in time. For now, he was wont to bide his time and let her mend from the many terrors that had been visited upon her mind and flesh alike. Time to see how his demonic taint would affect her and see what she would truly become.
Then he would think about her wish.
Large scaled wings unfurled from his back as yellowed baleful eyes took in the room....er....cave? Blood ran freely, not even congealed yet, and he didn't care. To him, it was if he was walking through a springtime puddle. The only thing concerning to him.....was her.
The only survivor, chained as she was hand and foot across what looked like a rough hewn stump of some large tree from days gone by. From the stains upon its surface, she had been far from the first sacrificed here, though he had no inclination as to why. He could guess after all. Only a demon summoning ritual would summon a demon to place as foul as this. Yet this room provided perfect comfort to him, still ripe with pain, anguish and blood.
He spun then, startled beyond belief there would be anything, anyone, alive besides himself. There was no one, or so he thought, until he saw the chained woman take a shuddering breath. Impossible. The girl's ribcage had been splayed open, her life blood spilled across the stone floor as surely as the quivering masses of indescript flesh that become all that remained of her tormentors. To say that she was hideous would be an understatement. Not only had her ribs been splayed wide, the bones showing clear as day to any who might gaze upon her, but she was soaked in her own blood. The fact that she was conscious at all was a divine miracle even to one such as him who despised the divine. As if that wasn't enough of a defilement of her body there were......chunks....missing. Bite sized pieces ripped from her thigh, her arms, her cheek. It was clear that the ones who had instigated his summoning had done so with the foulest intentions, and cannibalism hadn't been beneath them. Each of them had tasted of her flesh, as if to declare some twisted loyalty to his cause, a cause that they were ultimately unworthy of.
Had she borne it all? The rending of her flesh beneath their blunt teeth? Had she screamed beneath the saw as they laid her to bare for him as sacrifice. He wasn't even sure when he had moved towards her, but drawn to her he was. Just as she knew that she was still aware, still watching his every move. The magic that kept her alive despite her horrible wounds was fading fast with the deaths of all whom he had killed just by appearing on this plane. With a simple wave of a dark skinned, taloned hand, the magic surged through her.
"Please. Bring ruin to this world. Let the fearless know fear and the strong know weakness. I give myself to you of my own will. Devour my heart and be bound by this contract, I beg of you."
Her words were little more than a whisper, yet his eyes widened for there wasn't even a glimmer of fear. This was not how he was used to being treated. As he glanced down, he could see her clearly, all her organs on display like some macabre buffet for him to enjoy. He chuckled then....a low malevolent sound as he reached for her. Yet she didn't flinch, didn't even close her eyes to him as his dark fingers closed upon that all important muscle. What manner of creature could display this kind of loyalty? Could harbor this level of hatred? He couldn't be sure, as disheveled, matted, and mutilated as she was when he found her. As his fingers tightened around her heart, his own magic poured into the dweomer keeping her alive. He wanted her to watch, just as he watched her.
He stole from her slowly....letting her feel muscle and sinew strain and separate as he tore her heart from her. Held her eyes as he lifted the grisly trophy to lips that parted to revealed sharp fangs. When he bit down, it was on her own face that the gory splatter landed, streaming an already crimsoned cheek. Bite by tantalizing bite, he consumed the muscle that had given her life up until now, the strength of his own magic forbidding her to die as he did so. Yet there was no fear....no hatred at what she had become....a pawn in somebody else's twisted scheme. As the last gory bit slid past his gullet to be properly digested, he cast his gaze down upon her.....still, unmoving, kept alive only by magic. Her own lungs had visibly stilled some time ago
There had been no whimper or crying in pain. She had borne it all in silence...and as he gazed upon her now.....adulation. Whomever this girl was, had been, she was convinced that she had done her job as sacrifice. That she had bound him. But he....he would not be bound. He was no lesser daemon, not even a greater one. Perhaps if he had been, the cultists that had started this whole unholy ceremony would have survived. No....the portal had opened too close to his own home, and he had jumped at the chance....even going so far as to instantly slay the first of his kind that had attempted to answer the call. This was an opportunity that couldn't be missed. Certainly not if he wanted to alleviate the endless boredom that was his life....a boredom he could feel lifting already every time he regarded her.
He knew she watched him even now, lips moving though no longer capable of producing sound. Silently, he hovered over her, letting her watch. She would make of this what she would, and he would enjoy watching her try and decipher what he was doing, and ultimately...doing to her.
The deadly nails that tipped the ends of his fingers. He lifted a hand silently, knowing that her eyes tracked his every move, no doubt wondering when and where death would finally come for her. He watched her as intently as she watched him. The eyes were the window into the soul, a soul that seemed so curiously unique to him even now. Twisting slightly, he pressed his own digits against his blackened chest. Groaning softly, he delighted in the look of alarm he got from her, letting his own blood mix with hers as he pierced himself deeply, easily separating flesh and parting bone where a mortal's blade would half trouble. Part of him wondered if she would cry out in alarm if she could, suspended in animation as she was. A feral grin was the only reaction to this line of thinking. What would she say indeed......
With a howl, he flexed....taking his eyes from her from the first time. Blinded by sheer pain he could hear everything, even experienced the taste of his own blood in his mouth as he hauled back in a gory spray. What face would she make when she looked upon him now? Holding his own heart in his hands as he hovered above her. Such a wound was debilitating sure, but hardly fatal for such as him. Even now he could feel his demonic body beginning to repair itself, though this would take much longer than normal. He let her gaze upon the grisly trophy for a long moment, giving her no words or warning or even a choice as he pressed the twisted muscle downwards and into the cavity he had created in her own cardiovascular system.
When had she begun to breathe again? He knew exactly the moment, but wondered if she herself knew. It would bring changes to her, her body if not her mind....yet her system had grasped it's last chance for survival unbidden. Knowing the thin edge between life and death it had made its choice without the use of her brain, not that it would have mattered. He smiled as she took her first shaky breath in what had seemed like forever.
"Calm yourself, pet. You've all of forever to tell me about yourself, where you come from and why you have summoned me here. Lie still and let your wounds take care of themselves....then we will talk."
A patient smile, hidden were the flesh rending fangs that she knew had to lie beneath ebon lips. Curious she might have been, but not so curious that he could suffer her to be free and unbound, she would learn that in time. For now, he was wont to bide his time and let her mend from the many terrors that had been visited upon her mind and flesh alike. Time to see how his demonic taint would affect her and see what she would truly become.
Then he would think about her wish.