Progenitor (closed)


Sexy Kitten Master
Feb 9, 2008
The scent of death. He knew it well.

Large scaled wings unfurled from his back as yellowed baleful eyes took in the Blood ran freely, not even congealed yet, and he didn't care. To him, it was if he was walking through a springtime puddle. The only thing concerning to him.....was her.

The only survivor, chained as she was hand and foot across what looked like a rough hewn stump of some large tree from days gone by. From the stains upon its surface, she had been far from the first sacrificed here, though he had no inclination as to why. He could guess after all. Only a demon summoning ritual would summon a demon to place as foul as this. Yet this room provided perfect comfort to him, still ripe with pain, anguish and blood.


He spun then, startled beyond belief there would be anything, anyone, alive besides himself. There was no one, or so he thought, until he saw the chained woman take a shuddering breath. Impossible. The girl's ribcage had been splayed open, her life blood spilled across the stone floor as surely as the quivering masses of indescript flesh that become all that remained of her tormentors. To say that she was hideous would be an understatement. Not only had her ribs been splayed wide, the bones showing clear as day to any who might gaze upon her, but she was soaked in her own blood. The fact that she was conscious at all was a divine miracle even to one such as him who despised the divine. As if that wasn't enough of a defilement of her body there were......chunks....missing. Bite sized pieces ripped from her thigh, her arms, her cheek. It was clear that the ones who had instigated his summoning had done so with the foulest intentions, and cannibalism hadn't been beneath them. Each of them had tasted of her flesh, as if to declare some twisted loyalty to his cause, a cause that they were ultimately unworthy of.

Had she borne it all? The rending of her flesh beneath their blunt teeth? Had she screamed beneath the saw as they laid her to bare for him as sacrifice. He wasn't even sure when he had moved towards her, but drawn to her he was. Just as she knew that she was still aware, still watching his every move. The magic that kept her alive despite her horrible wounds was fading fast with the deaths of all whom he had killed just by appearing on this plane. With a simple wave of a dark skinned, taloned hand, the magic surged through her.

"Please. Bring ruin to this world. Let the fearless know fear and the strong know weakness. I give myself to you of my own will. Devour my heart and be bound by this contract, I beg of you."

Her words were little more than a whisper, yet his eyes widened for there wasn't even a glimmer of fear. This was not how he was used to being treated. As he glanced down, he could see her clearly, all her organs on display like some macabre buffet for him to enjoy. He chuckled then....a low malevolent sound as he reached for her. Yet she didn't flinch, didn't even close her eyes to him as his dark fingers closed upon that all important muscle. What manner of creature could display this kind of loyalty? Could harbor this level of hatred? He couldn't be sure, as disheveled, matted, and mutilated as she was when he found her. As his fingers tightened around her heart, his own magic poured into the dweomer keeping her alive. He wanted her to watch, just as he watched her.

He stole from her slowly....letting her feel muscle and sinew strain and separate as he tore her heart from her. Held her eyes as he lifted the grisly trophy to lips that parted to revealed sharp fangs. When he bit down, it was on her own face that the gory splatter landed, streaming an already crimsoned cheek. Bite by tantalizing bite, he consumed the muscle that had given her life up until now, the strength of his own magic forbidding her to die as he did so. Yet there was no hatred at what she had become....a pawn in somebody else's twisted scheme. As the last gory bit slid past his gullet to be properly digested, he cast his gaze down upon her.....still, unmoving, kept alive only by magic. Her own lungs had visibly stilled some time ago

There had been no whimper or crying in pain. She had borne it all in silence...and as he gazed upon her now.....adulation. Whomever this girl was, had been, she was convinced that she had done her job as sacrifice. That she had bound him. But he....he would not be bound. He was no lesser daemon, not even a greater one. Perhaps if he had been, the cultists that had started this whole unholy ceremony would have survived. No....the portal had opened too close to his own home, and he had jumped at the chance....even going so far as to instantly slay the first of his kind that had attempted to answer the call. This was an opportunity that couldn't be missed. Certainly not if he wanted to alleviate the endless boredom that was his life....a boredom he could feel lifting already every time he regarded her.

He knew she watched him even now, lips moving though no longer capable of producing sound. Silently, he hovered over her, letting her watch. She would make of this what she would, and he would enjoy watching her try and decipher what he was doing, and ultimately...doing to her.

The deadly nails that tipped the ends of his fingers. He lifted a hand silently, knowing that her eyes tracked his every move, no doubt wondering when and where death would finally come for her. He watched her as intently as she watched him. The eyes were the window into the soul, a soul that seemed so curiously unique to him even now. Twisting slightly, he pressed his own digits against his blackened chest. Groaning softly, he delighted in the look of alarm he got from her, letting his own blood mix with hers as he pierced himself deeply, easily separating flesh and parting bone where a mortal's blade would half trouble. Part of him wondered if she would cry out in alarm if she could, suspended in animation as she was. A feral grin was the only reaction to this line of thinking. What would she say indeed......

With a howl, he flexed....taking his eyes from her from the first time. Blinded by sheer pain he could hear everything, even experienced the taste of his own blood in his mouth as he hauled back in a gory spray. What face would she make when she looked upon him now? Holding his own heart in his hands as he hovered above her. Such a wound was debilitating sure, but hardly fatal for such as him. Even now he could feel his demonic body beginning to repair itself, though this would take much longer than normal. He let her gaze upon the grisly trophy for a long moment, giving her no words or warning or even a choice as he pressed the twisted muscle downwards and into the cavity he had created in her own cardiovascular system.

When had she begun to breathe again? He knew exactly the moment, but wondered if she herself knew. It would bring changes to her, her body if not her mind....yet her system had grasped it's last chance for survival unbidden. Knowing the thin edge between life and death it had made its choice without the use of her brain, not that it would have mattered. He smiled as she took her first shaky breath in what had seemed like forever.

"Calm yourself, pet. You've all of forever to tell me about yourself, where you come from and why you have summoned me here. Lie still and let your wounds take care of themselves....then we will talk."

A patient smile, hidden were the flesh rending fangs that she knew had to lie beneath ebon lips. Curious she might have been, but not so curious that he could suffer her to be free and unbound, she would learn that in time. For now, he was wont to bide his time and let her mend from the many terrors that had been visited upon her mind and flesh alike. Time to see how his demonic taint would affect her and see what she would truly become.

Then he would think about her wish.
From the time she was born, Nela had been a no one. Even her mother had done as little as possible for her. Probably hoping that that Nela would die. There were already too many mouths to feed in their home, one more was nothing but a burden. Somehow, though, Nela survived. Her growing up years weren’t much better. Others picked on her. She barely got enough to eat to survive. If she went scrounging for food, people often beat on her to send her on her way. She lived among the scum of humanity, even for the Elven culture. From a very early age, Nela learned the meaning of the word survival. She spent a great deal of her childhood in the forest.

In her later years, she was found in the woods by some bandits. She was passed around from one to another, sometimes used by two or all three at once and she was left, half unconscious in the woods to die. Much to her consternation, she did not die. She had gathered her tattered clothing about her and limped home. Her mother, no matter how many times Nela tried to explain what happened, refused to allow Nela to stay in her home and cast the young elf out. Nela had no choice but to return to the forest and learn to survive there on her own.

The years came and went. Nela grew up into a sturdy young woman. She didn’t trust humanity and had little use for them as a whole. She kept very much to herself and whatever wildlife that would have anything to do with her. She often wondered at night why she was even breathing. She could no just purpose for her breathing. Her days were filled with survival. She learned quick how to protect herself from predators. She learned to fish, to forage and to use a bow and arrow.

And that was how it happened. One day, while down at a pond, fishing, she had run into some men. There was something about them she didn’t trust but they were seemingly friendly enough. They all shared the afternoon together, roasted the fish over a fire and she shared her catch. In return, they shared their drink. Potent stuff. She tried keeping up, she really did. Somewhere in the night, she had passed out and when she woke the next morning, she was tied to a tree. She had tried to escape but it wasn’t possible. She had no idea what they wanted with her, other than the obvious but since she had already been through that, No, what they had in mind for her was something far worse. She was to be an offering. An offering for what she had asked. For a demon. A demon they were summoning and required a sacrifice. She had fallen right into their hands.

She had struggled, right up until the time they tied her down and she actually became their sacrifice. The pain was acute at first, but after a while, she had gone numb or they had severed her nerves, she wasn’t sure. They opened her up and set her on display and during the ritual, they had taken chunks out of her and ate it themselves. The demon had come and he was glorious. Something in their ritual hadn’t gone right and their reward was to be slaughtered. How she was even still breathing she didn’t know, but she had watched each and everyone one of them die. Their terrified screams in her ears was like music to her.

He came for her. She watched him through jaded dead eyes she reached in and removed her heart. There was no pain for her. He did something she hadn’t expected. He reached into his own chest and pulled out his own blackened heart with his own hand. When it came out of his chest, it lay in his palm, beating. What he did next, she couldn’t believe, where her heart had been, he replaced it with his.

"Calm yourself, pet. You've all of forever to tell me about yourself, where you come from and why you have summoned me here. Lie still and let your wounds take care of themselves....then we will talk."

There had been a sense of panic in her for a long moment, but his words had calmed her. Before, she had thought she was going to die. Maybe she had. No, she was sure she had. The demon had restored her and she was sure, for his own purpose. She had had but one wish and she had vocalized it to him already. But what did he want with her? A nobody. She had not summoned him. She had been a means to summon him with. What had gone wrong, she did not know. Nor did she care. They were all dead now, lying in their own pools of blood.

She closed her eyes and rested. Everything she had been, everything she had known, was no more. This demon they had summoned was now her master and keeper. There was little to nothing she could right now, bound as she was. Sleep. She was, for some reason, extremely tired. So she slept.
Patiently he stood. Hovering over her thin form. Somehow, this mortal creature was amusing to him, though her fervent desire....her wish....had sent a rather pleasing, rather aroused shudder through him. Bring ruin? He was ruin. He couldn't help but wonder what the little waif had been through to make her hatred as pure as it was. Her pain was at an end now however, though it wasn't death that claimed her. Rather the opposite, her ruined flesh slowly mended, the sound of her ribs popping wetly as each severed bone was sucked insistently back into her tattered form. It was would have been music to his ears had it been accompanied by the moans of the dying, the last gargled gasp of life as it was strangled by the unstaunched flow of blood....

She would rise eventually, he had but to wait. When she did, she would find herself different, changed in ways she couldn't begin to perceive yet. Awakened to thoughts, mannerisms, and sensations once foreign to almost impulsive. She was corrupt. Inside and out. If she hadn't been already, she certainly would be now with a demon's heart beating strongly within her chest. He couldn't wait to see what this meant for her....he had such high hopes for her future.

Even as she healed, so did he.....until he was strong enough to grasp the steel shackles that bound her. How many had been summoned here? How many had met their end in grisly sacrifice? He scanned the cave once more, giving only a precursory glance to the putrid piles of smoking flesh that still encircled the stump she had been bound to. They had melted from the inside out as he had consumed their very souls. From the eldritch, nearly immortal taste, he knew they had been elves. From the looks of was that she was finally mending the more horrible of her many mutilations. He cared little for who she had been, though he was not entirely indifferent, just mildly curious. What mattered....was who she would become....

One by one he ripped her chains from their moorings. His gaping wound now only seeping the grayish ichor that was his blood. She moved for the first time, slightly responsive to the fact that freedom was being reintroduced to her a little at a time. It was testament that she too was regaining her strength...he had but to wait. And what better way to pass the time then conversation? So he spoke as he worked to free her, as little effort as it took.

"Who wronged you so, little one? That you would look upon one of my kind and proclaim me beautiful? That you would wish for their death and the death of your world? Both of which, I assure you, I can grant you."

A fanged grin gleaming in the shadows to her right, the scream of steel snapped impossibly tight and sundering moments later.....

"Or perhaps you don't wish for death? There are so many things worse than many things I could teach you....."

Silently he reached for her....a long, dark finger tracing its way across one pale cheek....down her jawline. It didn't matter who she was or what she had looked like before now. She would reborn as beautiful as she would be powerful. A soft chuckle escaped him then, sinister and dark as his mind that wandered far past the sight of her bare body. He had his share of succubi over the years. Even now, she was no match for their beauty....but she would lack their weaknesses, and that was important. In the end, all that had come to him in search of his power....lusty little thieves....had been ruined. The Abyss still resounded with the wailing of the frustrated....cursed to start over from their scant beginnings all because they thought he would make an easy mark. Rises to power are rarely easy....they took patience, wisdom, and unrivalled wickedness and brutality. It was not something that could be earned with a large bust and a sopping wet cunt....

"The only question is....will you be my servant as you have professed? Or my Queen? Only time will tell, little one."

The last of the bindings came free then. And though they dangled from her like puppet strings that had been cut, he knew that too would pass. A critical eye took note of the bindings on her wrists and feet, a tepid breeze from the cave's entrance stirred the air enough to bring the sting of acrid smoke to his nose. He knew that scent well, and favored her with another grin though he knew full well that she wouldn't understand just yet. Her touch brought corrosion to the metals that bound her even now. They would fall off of their own accord soon enough, and when they did so, she would have the first hint that she was no longer the elf maiden she was.

Maiden. The thought almost made him laugh. Instead he snorted derisively at the thought as he continued in his observation of her. She had been soiled thoroughly, though by choice or by force he didn't know. It didn't matter....she was being given a new body as minute by minute she healed. Then the loyalty of his newfound servant would be tested.

His instincts led him to believe that she would not disappoint.....
A harsh, swift intake of breath brought her fully awake and made her sit up. What the hell? Or maybe she had journeyed to Hell, finally? She rubbed her eyes and stopped as it dawned on her that she was no longer tied down. Her wrists, no, her legs also, were no longer spread out and bound. Gingerly she touched her body and found it closed where once it had been sliced open. She was alive and breathing but how? The carnage around her was starting to stink up the place but oddly, she didn’t seem to mind. Certainly seeing their mortal bodies ripped apart, entrails scattered all over the place, didn’t bother her either. There had been some changes to her person as she came back from this storm of a mess. Her hair had turned white. Using her hands she felt her face. It seemed slimmer somehow. Looking down at her chest, where she had once been slit open for the demon to take his pick of her insides, was now a faint red scar. She still felt weak but it also felt like she was growing stronger.

"The only question is....will you be my servant as you have professed? Or my Queen? Only time will tell, little one."

Queen? Who said anything about being a Queen? All she wanted was the annihilation of mankind. The world sucked. The strong preyed on the weak and those who knew no fear, needed to learn it. The world sucked. If this demon could bring about the end, she’d do anything in her power to help.

"Who wronged you so, little one? That you would look upon one of my kind and proclaim me beautiful? That you would wish for their death and the death of your world? Both of which, I assure you, I can grant you."

Her head canted to one side as she regarded him. Funny how she had no fear of him. Certainly as he had given her back life, he could take it. Quite possibly, she simply no longer cared. She studied him.

“You wish to know my life, Demon? Here, look into my mind and see it all. I have little wish to speak the words that will turn back the clock of time in my mind. What’s done is done. However, if your curiosity has a need to be sated, then feel free to go through my memories.

And when you are done there, perhaps you will tell me what happened here. They wanted me as a sacrifice to summon a demon they wanted. What happened that they ended up slaughtered like the sacrifices themselves and how did I live or… rather how did I return? Why did I return?”

Her curiosity got the better of her.

“What do want with me demon? What use am I to be to you?”
“You wish to know my life, Demon? Here, look into my mind and see it all. I have little wish to speak the words that will turn back the clock of time in my mind. What’s done is done. However, if your curiosity has a need to be sated, then feel free to go through my memories."


The deep timber of his voice reverberated through the damp, foul smelling cave. And for a moment he had her attention despite the foul mood his questioning had apparently awoken in her. It wasn't as if he cared. He could order her to answer him if he chose. It was only a matter of time before she knew her place....if she didn't already. There was always the chance that it was that very train of thought that put her in the mood he was on the receiving end of now.

"Mind reading is not one of my.....talents, little one. Though it would be delightful if it were. The things I could see. The things I could twist."

"They wanted me as a sacrifice to summon a demon they wanted. What happened that they ended up slaughtered like the sacrifices themselves and how did I live or… rather how did I return? Why did I return?”

He chuckled again, truly amused. It seemed that now that she was quickly healing it was his turn to answer questions, even though she had denied him the answers he had sought from her. How very amusing. How long had it been since he had conversed with a mortal?

"It's simple, little one. With the summoning of any of my kind into this plane of existence a price must be paid. The price that they offered was not compensatory to the quality of the demon that they summoned. I might have had something to do with that, but it was such a seductive call....and its been too long since I've left my home in the Abyss...."

He held her gaze then, once more favoring her with a sharp grin, "The one they called met his end before their infernal ritual had even completed. Still the price must be paid. Hundreds more needed to be part of the ritual for them to even begin to think of escaping it unscathed.....not when its my favor they curry. Their screams were sweet were they not? Flesh melting away from bone for some, a macabre explosion of visceral gore for others. I bathed in their blood just as it seemed that they bathed themselves in yours...."

He reached for her once more, gently stroking her face with a tenderness that belied his hulking frame, "Did you relish their screams too? To know that the ones that tried to end you instead brought doom to themselves?"

Yet she didn't seem to want to speak of her past, so he didn't press her further. It wasn't that he couldn't, it was that he knew deep down that he had other more important things to discuss with her. Questions she would not be allowed to avoid.

"What are you called, little one? I'm sure by now you've tired of me calling you that."

The barest of information, and he wasn't even asking her for her true name. If she refused him now, she could simply be "slave" for the rest of her life....a fitting title for an obstinate mortal that he had so graciously brought back to life. But if she chose to forsake being obstinate.....

"Tell me of this world in general if you're not interested in speaking of yourself. Every world has sin and vice no matter how harmonious it seems.....and I for one don't much care for the feel here. Not to worry though....we'll begin to carve a place of our own soon enough."

His mind drifted back to her earlier questions, realizing that he hadn't answered all of them. Had he fallen silent on purpose? After all...what he had done was impulsive....though even now he didn't regret it. There had simply been something......pure....about her. And not the purity one might find in a church, or the innocence of a child.....

"You told me that I was...beautiful. When others of your kind would scream, run, or brandish useless weapons at me. You begged me to bring the one thing I'm best at to your world. Gave yourself to me without the barest hint of fear, fully prepared for your end."

He stood then, gazing out into the darkness of night that had spread outside of the cave....his gaze easily piercing the shadows and yet finding nothing.

"Such loyalty is rare where I am from. I gave a piece of myself to keep you alive, and in doing so...bound you to me for eternity."

This place was becoming boring quickly, not to mention cramped. It was hardly spacious enough for him to unfurl his great wings much less have a prolonged conversation with her. Leaning forward so he towered over her just a little less, he offered her his hand......

"Come. Let us stroll. There is nothing in this world that can harm you so long as you are by my side."
As he loomed over her slightly, holding out his hand, she found him to be an intimidating sight. However, the stench in the cave was far more appalling to be around. She reached for his hand and gingerly stood up. She had to grip his hand tightly for a moment as her legs didn’t seem to want to work. As they walked from the cave she thought that perhaps she shouldn’t be so rude to him. He did, after all, give her life again. She had his heart. So, for him, she would tell him about her past life, as disdainful as she had found it. But for now, her curiosity got the better of her.

“How is it that one, you even had a heart to begin with and obviously didn’t need it and two, how are you…. how are you able to exist without one?”

When they reached the entrance to the cave she took a deep breath of air and then another. As they walked further out of the cave that had witnessed her death as well as her renewal, she bagn to talk softly.

“My name is Nela. Like many in this land, I was born into a family that had too many mouths to feed to begin with. It was decided that I held little worth and was pretty much abandoned to raise myself.”

Once started, it was like uncorking a bottle under pressure. Words came tumbling out of her mouth until he had her whole life’s story, sad as it was. After she recounted the part about the men who had taken her for a sacrifice, the same ones who had used her body, there was little more to be said.

“This world,” she looked around at the peace and serenity that was around them, “this world is not for me. That’s why I didn’t mind becoming a sacrifice for their ritual and now, you’re here and I am yours to do with as you please. Perhaps, there is hope for this world yet. That brings me to my next question, what do you intend to do with me?”

She truly was confused. What purpose could she serve him? She had no doubt that he could turn this world into utter chaos. He had no reason to lie or boast. If he could make the world weep, so much the better. She could see sticking around for that. She bent over momentarily and groaned. Her insides felt like they were on fire. She wondered if it was his heart or his blood that might be the cause.
“How is it that one, you even had a heart to begin with and obviously didn’t need it and two, how are you…. how are you able to exist without one?”

Her hand felt small in his. The demon was careful to not close about it too tightly as he had no knowledge as of yet if how much of her had or was going to change....and just what that meant for her and the state of her "fragile" body. He paused, mulling over her question and how much to tell her as slowly they made their way past the cave mouth and into the disgustingly fresh air.

“My name is Nela. Like many in this land, I was born into a family that had too many mouths to feed to begin with. It was decided that I held little worth and was pretty much abandoned to raise myself. This world is not for me. That’s why I didn’t mind becoming a sacrifice for their ritual and now, you’re here and I am yours to do with as you please. Perhaps, there is hope for this world yet. That brings me to my next question, what do you intend to do with me?”

He listened intently, pleased that she was finally beginning to open up to him. He could have forced her to comply, made her submit, but the wise knew that flowers were made to open on their own. And he had lived a very long time indeed. Nodding softly, he took his time responding to her earlier questions....

"What makes you think that I don't have a heart?"

He was teasing her of course, waiting for her to turn in askance to him and he knew she would, and meeting her gaze with another sharply fanged grin. He released his hand on her and took a step back, growling softly as he finally extended his great wings, stretching before her for the first time since his arrival in this forsaken world. Even as they moved of their own volition, a well muscled arm lifted to brush a hand against his chest.

"Only a supremely blessed weapon could hope to do lasting harm to me. As you can see....the wound has closed already, as has yours. Would it answer your question if I ripped my heart out a second time for you?"

The muscles of his back flexed then, bringing the leathery expanse of his scaled wings to bear on the air around him, his feet leaving the ground for just a moment. She looked decidedly uncomfortable, confirming this moments later by doubling over and groaning with what he could only guess was a sudden wave of nausea. At least she wasn't going anywhere....

"You're changing. Mortals shouldn't be given immortal power....or life. Yet if you must know.....the hate....the bile I sensed in you when I first laid eyes upon you bound there in that circle. That was beautiful. The willingness to give up everything just bring those who have harmed you and those who haven't even met you brought to ruin. Thrilling. I am amused....aroused....and a great many things in your selfless act of pure venom."

He spoke no lies. If she looked, she could see that mammoth swelling in his tattered breeches, the only clothing he bothered to wear.

"But life is precious, Nela.....and a jewel such as yourself should be polished, not crushed. Yes, giving your life to snuff the light of the world can be considered a worthy end....but wouldn't it be so much more fun to do it yourself?"

He let her take her time, her own body rebelling against her, simple defilement long past. His blood mixed with hers, yet he was certain she would emerge stronger than she ever had been. He demanded it.

"You are mine, little one. But in a sense....I am also yours. If this world is not for you, let us reshape it in our image until it suits you. It's a simple enough concept."

For the first time in eons his blood raced through his veins with legitimate excitement. He could hardly wait to show her what he could do! Would she be amazed? Repulsed? Even aroused? Or countless other mortal emotions that he couldn't even begin to fathom. He wasn't sure at all, and that was exactly what made this so refreshing!

"First....I must learn of this world what I can, Nela. In time, I will know the names of my enemies, potential threats to us and our plans of destruction and conquest. I would give the entirety of this world and all of its suffering to you....if you but ask it of me."

"Bring ruin to this world. Let the fearless know fear and the strong know weakness."

Though his lips moved, it was her own whispered voice that came from it, perfectly mimicked. The demon's eyes held no trace of mockery however, not this time. He wanted her to hear herself, to come to terms with just what she had pledged to him in her time of sacrifice.

"And you already have asked it of me. So I will make this my fervent fulfill your innermost desire. If along the way, you have other things you wish of not hesitate to put them to voice. You never know....I might find them just as entertaining as this task....."
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Things were happening inside her that she couldn’t describe. It wasn’t anything “normal or usual”. Her thoughts were that it was the heart he had given her, that mingled with what blood of his he had shared. She looked down at her hands as she listened to him speak and noticed her nails had grown. Her hands looked more like claws now. Unable to stop herself, she reached up and felt her head and ears. Her head felt normal but her ears had elongated some. She wanted to tear off her clothes and look at her body but that didn’t seem appropriate for the here and now. Maybe later, when the night had set in she would do so.

"What makes you think that I don't have a heart?"

Her eyes turned to him and her mouth fell open but quickly closed as he stepped back and unfurled his wings. Oh by the Universe… they were beautiful and large.

"Only a supremely blessed weapon could hope to do lasting harm to me. As you can see....the wound has closed already, as has yours. Would it answer your question if I ripped my heart out a second time for you?"

Her reverent study of his wings was interrupted by his words. Her eyes shifted to his chest. He had not lied to her. The very place he had ripped his own heart from his chest was healed as if he had never done such a thing. She lifted curious eyes to his.

“Will we always heal this fast?”

"You're changing. Mortals shouldn't be given immortal power....or life. Yet if you must know.....the hate....the bile I sensed in you when I first laid eyes upon you bound there in that circle. That was beautiful. The willingness to give up everything just bring those who have harmed you and those who haven't even met you brought to ruin. Thrilling. I am amused....aroused....and a great many things in your selfless act of pure venom."

Her eyes slid to his groin and she could see the massive swelling of his cock outlined in the pants he wore.

She had done….that?

"But life is precious, Nera.....and a jewel such as yourself should be polished, not crushed. Yes, giving your life to snuff the light of the world can be considered a worthy end....but wouldn't it be so much more fun to do it yourself?"

She looked away from him to the hills around them. Aye, this world deserved something for the way it treated her and others like her. It wasn’t fair. Circumstances of birth were hardly fair. Yes, there were those few that managed to rise above. They scrambled over people like her without second thought. Fewer yet were those that worked hard to overcome their circumstances. No, this world needed a change. All this peace and calm were making people fat. Whether it was consuming more food than they needed or becoming complacent, she hated them all. Oh yes… maybe it would be fun for a change.

"And you already have asked it of me. So I will make this my fervent fulfill your innermost desire. If along the way, you have other things you wish of not hesitate to put them to voice. You never know....I might find them just as entertaining as this task....."

Anything else she might wish of him? She’d remember that. Right now, she had to adjust to these changes in her body and once she saw what it was doing to her, she’d be more than happy to help him bring ruin to this world. There would be no amount of satisfaction she could have as the fearless knew fear and the strong know weakness, to see this world dropped to their knees wailing for mercy while she stood in the middle of it all, praising Kazaroth.

Anything else she might wish of him? Maybe. She glanced at his crotch again. Yes, maybe there might be. Time would tell.
He reached for her then....

He had been watching her intently of course, each flickering motion of her eyes as she followed his movements. Their slight widening as he spread his wings and tested their strength against the atmosphere of this new and strange world. Slowly he extended a muscular arm, beckoning her closer, offering her his hand as his great wings beat downward once more, setting the leaves of the forest floor spinning crazily in all directions. The thought of flight at the very least intrigued her....he could tell that much from the momentary glance. He said nothing about what else he had felt beneath that suddenly smoky gaze. She was pleased at the very least....pleased that she had illicited a response from his lower half. The thought alone made him smile wickedly even as she stepped closer....close enough to be swept into his arms and pinned tightly against his thick frame.

He was good on his word though. He had meant what he had said to her earlier....she was not meant to be crushed. Certainly not by him. Instead, he allowed her ample space to squirm and get comfortable, perhaps even ask a few questions....not that he would respond right away. His grin never faded as without warning, the two of them blasted off from the foliage around them, easily piercing the thin canopy above. And from far as the eye could see in any direction. He flew high as he dared, knowing that she would still have a dire need for oxygen that couldn't be ignored.

The world was indeed vast. And beneath them lay an endless sprawl of green, marred only by winding rivers and a few clearings. It was these clearings he was the most interested, noting right away that a great many of them housed buildings, some more primitive than others, suggesting that not all of them were occupied by the same races. And these were mere hamlets, villages, or camps. Somewhere as was wont with any world, had to be something much, much bigger.

"Which of them is yours? Was yours? The parents that threw you out to starve in the gutter?"

He knew the questions were painful for her to hear, knew that there was a great chance that she wouldn't want to answer. Knew even more than he wanted her, needed her, to know who he was and just what he was capable of.

Her vengeance would be terrible.

She crooked a finger and they were off like a shot, his darkness an ugly blot against the midday sun. Yet those who noticed him could do nothing....even if they knew what or whom they had laid eyes on. If there were any who could recognize the danger....he was certain they would be making themselves very, very scarce.

Kazaroth drew himself upward and back suddenly, hovering above a dirty village. Elves scurried to and fro, not really going ants in an ant farm. Content to survive their ludicrously long lives, yet never really living. He would changed that....

He kept his grasp on her firm. He would curse himself if Nela was allowed to fall any distance. He wanted her to watch what was to transpire, not worry about an impossible landing. Not to mention that her resulting scream would ruin the surprise. Kazaroth held his hand out before her, palm up before drawing a sharp talon across it's surface. He hissed slightly, more in derision than in pain as he sliced deep enough to draw blood.....the murky fluid pooling in his palm. A single droplet slipped from between his fingers to plummet to the ground......

Only it stopped before spilling onto the ground. Chest height and right before the waiting eyes of an elven male, eyes that instantly turned upward to see manner of bird could have nearly hit him with it's shit.....wondering a little too late just why the droplet had remained suspended. A split second later and the dark fluid burst forward, piercing the chest of the unwitting elf. The demon above well pleased as both he and Nela watched the victim collapse almost instantly.....his thin body already convulsing. Yet this wasn't what she expected.....

"There are worse things than death. And don't they deserve so much worse, little one?"

The droplets had continued to fall as he opened his fingers. It was only a matter of time before the shallow cut closed.....yet he had enough. As if directed by a mind of their own, his blood sought them out. Mere moments passed before shrieking and agonized cries reached their ears. Still he remained where he was, even as they began to notice him. It was far too late after all, too late for them to escape the fate he had arranged for them.

The first that he had cursed had begun to bloat....the thin arms and legs expected of elves were no longer able to be contained by the male's poor clothing, bulging grotesquely. Worse still was that he was still fully aware as the changes swept through him. The still midday air was shattered by repeated roars of agony....the thin cloth protecting his modesty bursting as his muscles grew beyond what was possible for a member of his race. Roars that echoed throughout the village as the women shrieked in terror, not having an inkling of what was going on.....not even as the faces of the ones they loved twisted and turned more brutal, their skin changing color....some a dirty grown, others grey, and still others a sickening shade of green.

Only then did he descend. The first of them looking up him with hate filled eyes, strong and hulking, his chest heaved as if he was starving for air. The creature's green skin was slick with the sweat his changing had wrung from him. He took a tentative step forward.....and stopped. The one thing the demon hadn't taken was his intelligence. He knew at that moment that he faced a creature far more powerful than he. For a moment he glanced furtively at Nela. A female....

A sudden surge of heat and the creature took another step forward. A pussy to fuck. To procreate. To perhaps even defile to the point of being just like him. Why should he have to live his live like this while she....she gets to remain beautiful and elven? Elven. He paused again to look at her once more.....his erection proudly displayed to them both, a few ragged tatters still clinging to him but nowhere near enough to cover what needed to be covered.

"Do you recognize this little one?"

Kazaroth grinned wide....his muscles tensing. There was always a chance that this one would be stupid enough to charge and attack. Not that he was a threat, or even needed. He could hear the rest of them he had cursed....suffering the same curse.

"This is hardly the first world elves have been cursed to change into orcs. A dark power of destruction, a festering well of hatred towards their elven kin who remain untainted. You will serve us well."

"Give me the girl."

"I will not."

The girl. He had not called Nela by name. Perhaps this one did not know of her. Oh well, there were others to ask.

"Look behind you. There are plenty of helpless elves to fuck, to breed others of your kind with. This one is mine. Know your place."

Begrudgingly, the monster slowly turned back to his own village. It was true....the demon had only stricken the men....

"If you struggled for food before, it is all but gone now. Go....and take what you need from the rest of the elven villages. Their food....their weapons....their women.....their lives. How you survive is up to you....or die....I don't care. I can always make more of you."

He spoke truth. His malice permeated the area, meat spoiling, vegetables rotting. There would be little but preserved food left for consumption.

They should be thankful that he left them that much.
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He stole her breath with the abruptness of flight. She hadn’t expected that. She hadn’t known what to expect, period. He had swooped her up and before she drew another breath, they were airborne.

"Which of them is yours? Was yours? The parents that threw you out to starve in the gutter?"

She pointed the direction of her old village and they were off so fast, it stole her breath. She glanced down only to find them hovering over her old village. The same one her parents and family still lived in. Why did he want to know? She saw people she knew since childhood.

She watched Kazaroth as he sliced open his own palm and his own blood filled it. Fascinated, Nela watched as he made his blood to fall on an unsuspecting male elf and he began to convulse and change. Before she could ask him what he was doing. She heard his voice.

"There are worse things than death. And don't they deserve so much worse, little one?"

More and more of the male elves in her village fell to his blood, transforming. Into hideous creatures. As they descended, one of the creatures came toward them.

It was vile, green and bloated. The tattered rags that had been its clothing, lie in shreds around him and it didn’t cover his stiffened cock.

"Do you recognize this little one?"

Nela stared at the grotesque thing before her. Maybe?

The thing wanted her but Kazaroth refused to turn her over. When the demon had mentioned that the female elves were left unchanged, the orc had gone in search of one to sate his monstruous cock with. Nela looked up at Kazaroth.

“My family live over there.”

She pointed in a direction that was east of where they were.

“At the end of the village.”

She didn’t know why she was divulging that information. She didn’t realize how much resentment had built up in her over the years and those assholes that had ganged up on her and taken her innocence? She wanted to see them turn. No, worse than that, she wanted to see them die, horribly after they changed. It wasn’t as nearly what they deserved, maybe….just maybe…. she could see them burn in the pits of Hell. As for her family? They no longer were her family, Kazaroth was all the family she needed now.

They had gone from place to place until she had found those five young men, still elves. She wasn’t sure how they had escaped the turning, but the fate she wanted for them was worse. They had escaped to the edge of the forest and had been hiding amongst the trees. She was still feeling out her powers and what she was capable of. She did not have wings yet, but she suspected, they would come at some point. For now, she held out her palm as she had seen Kazarith do and noticed for the first time, her nails had become claw like. The ends of her fingers had razor sharp nails the curled slightly. Using one of those sharp nails, she drew it across her palm, causing her own blood to flow. The pain to herself had been so slight. As the blood pooled in her hand, similar to the demon’s, She closed her fingers over it tightly, walking toward the pack of cowards.

“Get away from us!”

One of them had the fake courage to yell out. Nela ignored him. She was staring at all of them.

“Do you remember me?”

None of them spoke. They merely shook their heads as she advanced upon them.

“When I was thirteen, you boys cornered me one afternoon as I was coming home from school. You told me there was an injured animal that need my help and I followed you. You ended up in these woods. You surrounded me and wouldn’t let me go home. You… each… took…a turn.. on me, pumping your vile organs inside me.. That wasn‘t enough for you.. you each took a turn in every hole I have. I crawled away after you left me here in the woods to die. I crawled away and survived.”

She stood mere inches where they stood huddled, looking at her in horror.

“And do you know what I want to do to you?”

“You?” One sneered.

She smiled. It wasn’t a friendly smile either.

“Yes. Me.”

She extended her fist to the one closest to her and watch a drop or two of her blood touch him. She ten worked her way through all of them, simply applying a drop or two of her blood to their bodies and then stepped back, closer to Kazaroth. She wasn’t sure if her blood would do the same thing to them as Kazaroth’s blood had done to the other male elves but she stood and waited. Her wait wasn’t in vain. Though the blood that ran through her veins wasn’t as strong as his was, she was able to change these elves. She was grateful for at least that much. She looked up at kazaroth.

“Can you do the rest? I want to see them burn in the pits of Hell for what they did to me.”
She learned quickly.

And adaptation was key to survival.

Kazaroth watched in silence as she berated them, dredged their piteous memories in the direction she needed them to go. It didn't take long before he caught a glimmer of recognition in the leader's eye. He knew her. Even now, the demon could feel the elven male's lust spike, no doubt remember how delicious her virginity had been. Her screams as he and his friends had assaulted her, used her and discarded her like the rest of the homeless hungry chattel they had preyed upon. She hadn't been their first, he was certain of that. Still....he lingered....this was not his prey. For now, he amused himself by taking in the delightful screams behind him. He didn't fault them for forcing themselves on her. Nela was beautiful indeed...made ever more so as she slowly came to terms with the darkness he had placed within her, a darkness that mingled all to easily with the darkness of her own that they had created.....

He barely noticed an elf made run by in his peripheral vision, her clothes hanging in tatters, heavy feet thudding across the dusty ground in pursuit. It wasn't worth taking his eyes off of the show before him. She imitated his motions from before, drawing her own blood and striding towards them as the leader mocked her. She delivered her first curse with finality. He wondered if it would bring her some form of closure.

The fresh screams brought a smile to his lips, one as of yet unseen as she kept her back to him, watching the once handsome race begin...much more swiftly than they had with his curse. After all....his enmity for them was weak. They were little more than maggots crawling belly first through the dirt to him. But to her.....

The begging started. The insufferable whining the weak always did when they realized they were screwed. Kazaroth's curse brought about horrible mutation of the body, bloodlust, agonizing pain, and an immediate hatred for those not affected.....coupled with an overwhelming desire to mate. Nela's had an opposite effect, the elf woman standing in silence as she watched them waste away. Muscle and sinew deteriorated until they were little more than skin stretched over bone, feeble enough that standing itself became impossible for them.....bones snapping brittle and frail as they fell to the ground one by one to howl in pain and horror. Despite their enfeebled state, they continued to writhe, sobbing as one by one their teeth fell out threatening to choke them even as she turned finally back to him.

“Can you do the rest? I want to see them burn in the pits of Hell for what they did to me.”

The demon nodded silently, beckoning to her with a hand until she approached him once more. With a grand gesture he extended his will and the fabric of the world itself rent. Sulfur laden smoke belched out from the tear he had created, widened, until she could see the flame covered landscape that lay beyond. A silent call....and an answer.....

A small girl....barely old enough in appearance to be more than a demon child, scurried forward towards them. Barely clothed, she rushed to him....halting only when her eyes focused on Nela for the first time.

"You have called, Master?"

Kazaroth nodded softly, casting a glance at the whimpering pile of elf littering the ground at the forest's edge.

"Take these three through the portal with you. Just breathing the same air as you should be their undoing."

The child like demon nodded twice, immediately turning to her task. A moment later a sharp cry split the air as the first of them was hoisted upon her tiny shoulders, mindless of the pain she caused. The more he cried out, the more the Master may come to appreciate her service.

To make things ever better, he made sure the other two could see....a finger crooked in their direction as his magic propped them up. Perhaps it was fate, or just that he had been the closest to her, but the diminutive servant had seized upon their leader first. Silence greeted his every moaned plea for mercy...that was until she giggled maniacally as she tossed him into the rift. It was then that the wretch truly started screaming....his flesh catching fire the moment it came in contact with the ground on the other side. Acrid black smoke billowed back at them, thick with the bitter smell of burning flesh and hair. The other two men could only weakly shake their heads and cry.....begging louder, harder, than their predecessor even as the demon's appointed tormentor slowly drew closer to them again, eager to choose her next victim.

Through it all, he kept an eye on Nela. The negative emotions flowing from her were making him feel giddy. Such moments of pure malice were so very rare outside of the world he had come from. Even rarer that one of his kind wasn't behind creating them. But here were three unfortunately stupid insects....monsters with souls nearly as black as his own. But the life of an insect is so very Nela was no doubt coming to learn as one by one they were tossed inside the gate to Hell he had opened at her request. Flesh melted like a macabre candle, each elf's screams more piercing and pain filled than the last.

"How delightful."

As the servant returned once more to bow before the two of them, Kazaroth closed the gate. A soft whimper escaped her then.

"You've done well, Lilim."

The small girl merely nodded meekly, keeping her bow deep.

"How does my child fare?"

She kept her face down, not daring to meet his gaze, "He is strong, my lord. A demon general in the making. I'm sure you will be proud of him one day."

"Doubtful. It's much more likely the wretch will come looking for my head."

He gazed upon her thoughtfully. She had certainly had enough time to learn from her past arrogance. Perhaps it was time to make use of her again.

"You will serve Nela."

"As you wish, Master."

Without pausing, the little one sidestepped to kneel before the former elf.

"She is special to me, Lilim. Forsake her, and you will wish for a punishment as kind as the one you currently struggle with. Serve her well....and she may be the root of your resurgence."

For the first time, the turned....watching as one of his orcs pounded away at the maiden who hadn't quite escaped their view. Her cries had long since faded into pitiful sobs as her nethers were soaked with his cursed seed, it hadn't been the first time. Growling, he pulled her tighter against him....more than ready to begin round three.....

"I think we've done enough here.......shall we be off, lovely Nela?"
Nela looked down at the little one called Lilim, listening to Kazaroth. She startled when he said that Lilim was to serve her. What? Why? And what use would Lilim be to her? For now, she kept her questions and observations to herself. One never knew when something or someone would come in handy. She did have one question for Kazaroth however.

“Kazaroth, how does one summon Lilim?”

Other than that, Nela was still trying to take in that Kazaroth had done what she asked, tossed that pile of garbage into the bowels of Hell. There, she hoped that not only would they rot but be forced to live their deaths over and over. Their pleas in her ears when they begged for their lives, did little for her. She found it interesting though how they were all bluster and cocky up until the time they learned that they were transforming and then their whining and pleading came when their destiny lay in the hellfire. There was little strength in their convictions when faced with death itself and their destination.

"I think we've done enough here.......shall we be off, lovely Nela?"

“In a moment, Kazaroth. I’d like to pay a visit to mt parental home, if we may? Their home is over there, toward the end of town. Would you fly us there?”

Kazaroth gathered her close and launched into the sky. He didn’t fly very high up, just enough to cast a huge shadow over the buildings and streets as they went by. Nela pointed to her parents' home and he dropped them down just in front of it. When he released her, she turned toward him with a solemn face.

“I won’t be long.”

Nela spun about and entered what use to be her home. Inside, her parents were huddled in one corner of the room. Her male siblings, who had turned into orcs, were chasing her female siblings. A couple of her sisters were caught and being fucked by her own brothers. Apparently, orcs had only one thing in mind, to fuck any female they could get their hands on. Two of them turned to look at her as she entered, while balls deep in her screaming sisters. She paid them little mind as she walked toward her huddled parents.

“Mother. Father. I know that you didn’t know what to do about me, however, I do not forgive you for abandoning your own child even if you did have many mouths to feed.”

Nela stood in front of them and removed her blade from her waistline. Deliberately, she made a show of drawing the sharp edge across her palm, letting the blood within ooze to the surface and spill out.

“Did you ever wonder what became of me? I’m here to show you.”

She walked to her father, who shrank away from her, but was cornered. Holding her closed fist out toward him, she let the blood drip onto his shoulder and stood back. Finding a rag on the table, she wiped her hands upon it, tossing it aside and watched as her father screamed in agony as he changed. Her mother, looking terrified of what was happening to husband had reached out toward him. A mistake many would say. The former elf now turned orc, reached for her mother by the ankles, forcefully pulling them apart with his hands and wedged himself between her thighs. His claws reached up under her skirt, ripped away her undergarments and proceeded to fuck her like an animal.

“Well Mother, you wanted to bear children. Now you can help do your share to populate this new world with our underlings. You can now bear the world half orcs. They’ll at least be useful.”

Nela stood there a moment and watched the orc fuck her mother senseless then turned on her heel and left the building. Her mother’s screams and pleas for help falling on deaf ears. She returned to the yard where Kazaroth was waiting. She lifted her face to him, smiling.

“Now, I am ready to go.”
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“Kazaroth, how does one summon Lilim?”

He watched their interaction close. If there were any chance of the child like demoness threatening his Nela in any way, he would destroy her....swiftly and brutally. Thankfully, it appeared that she herself knew the position she was in. She hadn't forgotten that crossing him once had been met with a punishment savage enough to have left her screaming her frustration and anguish for centuries in the Abyss. Not that anyone cared but her....

"One doesn't. When you're strong enough, they find you."

Kazaroth struggled against a self satisfied grin, keeping it from his face though the black corners of his mouth quivered slightly. She had flinched at the words, knowing full well that they were meant for her. A gentle reminder.....and reproach. Stretching his wings he strode towards them both, already beginning to tire of this place.

“In a moment, Kazaroth. I’d like to pay a visit to my parental home, if we may? Their home is over there, toward the end of town. Would you fly us there?”

Parents? Oh yes....he had almost forgotten....the lesser races had those.....things that cultured "love" and "affection." Yet Nela's request held none of the above while she spoke to him. Perhaps there was some amusement left to be had here after all? Grinning from ear to dark, sharply pointed ear, he strode forward to offer her first his hand, and then a thick arm as he wrapped her tightly in his embrace once more. Glancing at Lilim, he wasn't surprised in the least to see that she had already revealed her own wings, prepared to follow them wherever they decided to go....

The flight was short. Of course, they hadn't as far to go this time to find the object of her desire. When she turned to him, it was clear that he expected her to remain behind. He would let her have her wish, though it was important to let her know that she would never truly be separate from him. She was his now after all....

He could smell the terror that lay inside. The suffering. The sex. His newest progeny were already here, bringing pain and misery to the fairer skinned race that they had once been. Family didn't matter anymore, just a burning desire to take out their own pain and misfortune on those that had been spared. Another elven maiden wailed as she felt the seed of her own "brother" coat her insides with now insidious intent. And so would his army be built....

He listened intently, frowning slightly as Nela spoke to her parents much in the same way as she had the peasant boys in the orchard. Hadn't she tried this already? Seen what had happened? With a soft sigh that had Lilim looking at him inquisitively, a long hand extended towards the still open door, the aura of his malignant magic pouring forth to spill inside even as his pet sliced herself open for the second time today.

I understand your desire. I will help you.

The elven wretch who had been her father shrieked and shrank from her, desperate in his need to avoid the daughter he had cast aside. From the looks of things, there had indeed been many mouths to feed in this residence. How had it been Nela chosen to be cast out? Still....Kazaroth knew what she wanted, and it wasn't another wasting curse like she done earlier. Even as his words echoed in her mind, his magic found her....his heart tightening in her chest as it reacted to her hatred fueled by the increase in power.

She stood and watched it all, and he through her....until the thing that had once been her father rutted deeply inside her still screaming, struggling mother. Lingered long enough to hear her beg, plead for forgiveness, only to have all hope die as the orc gushed suddenly inside her, filling her so copiously that even Nela could see it spill from around his throbbing green cock. Yet as soon as it was over it began again. Kazaroth had blessed this race with great virility and would be a while yet before her "father" began to tire.

“Well Mother, you wanted to bear children. Now you can help do your share to populate this new world with our underlings. You can now bear the world half orcs. They’ll at least be useful.”

Full orcs.

The correction echoed in her mind even as he felt her finally beginning to show interest in returning to him.

Just as the orcs were created from twisting elves such as your former too can they be twisted in the womb. Your mother will spend the rest of her days coping with the fact that she will be birthing life that she considers a monstrosity. A fitting punishment indeed, Nela.

When she finally strode from the building of her former home, she was smiling. Reaching for him, he took her in his arms again, tighter this time....though not dangerously so. He wanted her to know, to feel, how pleased he was with her. And while she did not have the full extent of his power, probably never will, the fact that she desired to be like him made him as proud as any of his kind could ever hope to be. That was something that could be achieved. It would take time. Patience. And a whole lot more corruption.

But Nela could indeed be something very, very special.
"I was a fool. That's what happened."

Lilim knelt at the feet of Nela....slowly drawing a damp rag across her mistress feet, cleaning them properly. No matter how she tried, for now, she had the body of a frail elf girl. All that walking barefoot had left her scratched and sore. It was a servant's duty to take care of things. Again....Lilim had no intentions of failing in her duties and risking displeasing the Archdemon that had brought her here. And that had led to questions even as she attended her....mistress.

A soft sigh escaped her as she stood suddenly, giving a curt laugh that was completely devoid of any semblance of joy or happiness. For all appearances, she was a 10 year old girl spinning softly in a tattered peasant's dress.

"Can you believe that I was once beautiful? Blindingly so. Long flowing red hair, breasts that no man could tear his eyes from, and my legs....mmm....a little slit in the dress was all it would take to make them imagine. Just how long were they and what heaven might lie between them?"

It was surely odd for a child to be discussing what she was, but then again, she was not really a child. Not on the inside anyway. A part of her couldn't restrain a soft chuckle, her only display of humor.

"I'm sure you wouldn't believe me if I told you how many men I've fucked. Big dicks, small dicks, fat and toothpick dicks. It doesn't matter to me. A cock is a cock, and I worship them all, just perhaps not as much as they worship me."

A wry smile as Lilim reached for a towel, yet another thing she had managed to steal from the village while Karazoth and her mistress were out having their fun.

"I devoured them. Inside and out. And grew strong. That's the way of the succubus, mistress. And yet I grew greedy. I wanted more....I wanted to be as beautiful and alluring as the gods in the heavens. None could look upon me without hardening in their pants, without desiring to be with be in me."

She took her time, making sure to miss nothing, continuing to attend until Nela's feet were dry once more.

"My kind has no time for awkward thing that would make it nigh impossible to rise in power. No...but we lust....our bodies, our souls....and we feed on those who do the same. So it was that I thought I could make Kazaroth mine, devour him as I had done so many others. Laughable. Just look at me now."

Lilim stood up once more, calmly inspecting her mistress as she found a place to discard the towel. The cave was a much cleaner place now, though it had been rather distasteful cleaning it. There were always hungry minions looking for just the sort of carrion Kazaroth and Nela had created....and she herself then provided to them.

"While I thought I had him and his great, glorious was actually he who had me. Every stroke inside me was eroding the enchantments I had used for eons to protect myself. When he finally flooded me and I got a taste of his glorious essence, the power in his very was the end of me."

"And that was how you came to carry my son."

He had returned....had actually been listening for a while now. Of course he had known of the Succubus Queen's ambitions. All who knew of her knew what she desired and that she would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She should have been suspicious when she had found him all too willing to entertain her. The thought that she was now telling the story to Nela brought about mixed feelings.

"Yes," the succubus spat over her shoulder, "and the brat stole everything from me. Every soul that I had consumed for millenia, all that power, my beauty, everything."

If she expected sympathy from him, all she got was a cold smile in response to her glares.

"And look at me now. Only the most depraved male would be excited by a body like this!"

"And yet you're in luck."

The scowl disappeared as fast as it had come, replaced by a calculating glare as she regarded him in silence for a long moment before speaking again.

"How do you figure?"

"This land is rich with races of strong life force. A perfect place for you to recover quickly. Much better than the humans you usually seduce, don't you think? Oh...and by the way....I've yet to see one of those in this world, or even sense their presence. A race so malleable and easily corrupted should be easy for me to find...."

A soft hiss of frustration escaped her then, "Great, so there goes my hope of finding any decent pedophiles."

A low, evil chuckle cut into her consciousness then, bringing her thoughts back to him....her tormentor.

"Well if a servant can't feed itself, perhaps it's owner can take responsibility."

Lilim's eyes narrowed slightly again, but not before giving Nela a sidelong glance.

"What are you suggesting?"

"Nothing much. Just that you give your true name to your mistress there. It would go a long way to alleviating any suspicions that you might try and betray her.....or foolishly attempt revenge on me. There's nothing wrong with giving you power, dear long as you've learned not to bite the hand that feeds you."
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Nela’s eyes traveled between Kazaroth and Lilim as she listened to them converse.

“Wait. Let me get this straight. You two have a son?”

Her eyes were curious as was her mind. So many questions were formed as she listened.

“How could your son steal everything from you, Lilim? How does that work exactly?”

"Nothing much. Just that you give your true name to your mistress there. It would go a long way to alleviating any suspicions that you might try and betray her.....or foolishly attempt revenge on me. There's nothing wrong with giving you power, dear long as you've learned not to bite the hand that feeds you."

Nela was keeping her mouth shut, but she wasn’t exactly sure what Kazaroth was trying to do here. Hell, she hadn’t even wanted a servant. She just figured he knew more than she did and she’d figure it out, eventually. Clearly, there was some sort of situation between Lilim and Kazaroth. She cleared her throat.

“Sorry to interrupt, clearly there is some kind of situation between you two, but I’m sitting here trying to figure out what we do next. I’m sure the Orcs will populate the world easily enough as horny as they are. I’ve never had the ability to change the world before so please excuse my total ignorance. Kazaroth, what exactly can I do? Also, your blood blended into whatever blood I had left in my body, so what does that mean? How does your blood, not to mention your heart, affect me on a grander scale?”

Nela had noticed a change to her skin tones when she had gone down to the river close by while they were cleaning up the cave. Her skin had darkened. There was a change to her eyesight as well. She could see things sharper in the darkness of the cave. Her fingernails had grown longer and curved. They looked more like claws now. She also found herself with other urges, ones she didn’t appreciate it before she had died. She found herself wondering about Kazaroth. She couldn‘t keep her eyes off him, no matter how hard she tried, her eyes kept going back to him and more so, she found herself wondering what lie under those torn and dirty pants he wore. Never before had she ever found herself wondering about sex, especially after she had been raped by those pigs that had been carried off to Hell. Of late, she surprised herself as she wondered what Kazaroth would be like.

She looked up from her musings.

“Tell me Kazaroth, what are your plans for me? Why did you bring me back?”
“Wait. Let me get this straight. You two have a son?”

The diminutive demoness merely humphed, "I suppose you could call him that if you'd like. More like a curse. But yes, I've given birth. I sure don't look like it, do I?"

The brought about another amused chuckle from Kazaroth. The demon was more than willing to answer Nela's next question after seeing the succubus queen's humiliation anew.

"It's simple really. Succubi gain power from absorbing the souls and sexual energies from men. My child was just better at devouring souls than she was. Everything she had built for herself was taken, including the small bit of energy she got from me was stolen from her bit by bit by the demon she carried inside her. Of course, now that he's fed his fill off of poor Lilim, he's probably currently ranging around the Abyss looking for fresh meat. I hear that he's pretty single minded about gathering power, but most demons are."

“Sorry to interrupt, clearly there is some kind of situation between you two, but I’m sitting here trying to figure out what we do next. I’m sure the Orcs will populate the world easily enough as horny as they are. I’ve never had the ability to change the world before so please excuse my total ignorance. Kazaroth, what exactly can I do? Also, your blood blended into whatever blood I had left in my body, so what does that mean? How does your blood, not to mention your heart, affect me on a grander scale?”


She paused then, the confusion on her face written plainly enough that Nela didn't need to speak. The demon before her merely graced her with a soft smile....

"There are far more elves than there are orcs. I'd wager the first thing they'll do is find a nice secure place to hide away so that whatever passes for a militia in this world doesn't wipe them out. Isn't that comforting, Nela? Your mother will get to spend the rest of her long life birthing for the orcs and hopefully swelling their armies. There's always the chance of escape, of course....and I'm sure there will be casualties on both populating the world seems a stretch. For now."

He rose slowly from where he had been perched upon the makeshift alter she had almost been sacrificed on. He kept his movements slow, yet his eyes never wavered from her as he reached to gently caress a pale cheek, feeling her warmth.....

"As for what you can do? I've not the faintest idea. Those are things you should experiment with, perhaps even with Lilim's help. Just don't make the mistake of thinking you're a cute little copy of me, thoughts like that could be fatal further down the road. I'm afraid you'd have to be far, far more corrupted than what you are to consider yourself a true demoness, little one. Not that it couldn't be done, of course."

He let the words hang in the air. Power was something all the lesser races desired at one point or another in their lives. Nela had shown herself to be no different, and he had been blissfully happy to oblige her.

"That's right, Nela. It's best to consider yourself a corrupt little elf. A wronged, hateful little maiden who begged an archdemon to bring misery and suffering upon her world.....and then happily did the same herself the first chance she got. And I have a feeling that you're only getting started. We'll see how far you're willing to go with your beautiful hatred....and just how much you're willing to give."

He didn't miss her longing gaze as it swept over him. Curiousity was a dangerous thing indeed, but doubly so when tinged with lust.

“Tell me Kazaroth, what are your plans for me? Why did you bring me back?”

For a moment, the great demon frowned, more in thought that in displeasure. How to answer this?

"I told you before Nela, I brought you back because it amused me to do so. Your malice was so beautifully toxic, your hatred so pure. And look how you've rewarded me! Your own father's humanity stripped of him by your own hand, and your mother condemned to a near eternity of mind numbing humiliation and pain. have a point. All of this could have been achieved by other means than giving you my own heart...."

The hulking frame of the demon began to pace slowly, a long digit raised to his blackened lips in consternation. More than once, Lilim scampered out of his path. She had just been given the slimmest of chances when she had been summoned here. It wouldn't do to be trampled to death now.....

"Truth be told, I thought it would be exciting to see just how far you would far you might still go. Such excitement is a rarity for me these days as I've existed for so very long. Perhaps I thought I'd be reminded what it is like to I will be here for you when you need me, Nela....just as I expect you to remain to see me fulfill your wish. Together we will bring misery to this world and languish in it."

The venom of his words dripped softly from his lips, pausing slightly as he turned to catch her running her eyes upon him. Slowly, he let his gaze sweep over her...and deliberately enough to know that he was doing it too. He hadn't mounted a mortal in ages....and certainly never, not once, a willing one.

"Power is never free, Nela. There will always be the question of what you're willing to pay for it."
It was a hard concept to wrap her mind around actually. That she, who had been a sacrifice for a demon and would have that said demon bring her back to life just because it amused him to do so.

“Was Hell so boring for you that you found amusement in giving me life again?”

Nela had found a comfortable rock close to the opening of the cave and sat upon it, legs drawn up with her arms wrapped around them as she stared outside. She turned slightly. Her eyes watched him pace back and forth as he talked.

"Truth be told, I thought it would be exciting to see just how far you would far you might still go. Such excitement is a rarity for me these days as I've existed for so very long. Perhaps I thought I'd be reminded what it is like to I will be here for you when you need me, Nela....just as I expect you to remain to see me fulfill your wish. Together we will bring misery to this world and languish in it."

How far would she go to bring this world into misery and ruin? When she thought about all of the injustices she had been made to suffer, all the things denied her. A home, a hearth, nourishing food and drink. Would it have changed her if she had had all those things? Maybe not, but at least her belly would have been full. Her body would have had comfort. Those things had been denied her because the society she had survived in looked down on females. They were only good for breeding and taking care of hearth and home. She had tried to work only to find that the money she made, such as it was for the hours she put in, was meager and little enough to buy anything. Her hatred of this world had grown to enormous proportions. Even if she had succumbed to being a whore, the money she would have made was paltry at best.

"Power is never free, Nela. There will always be the question of what you're willing to pay for it."

She looked up from her contemplation and looked at him. Her answer required no though on her part.

“Whatever it takes, Kazaroth. Whatever it takes. I just have little idea of where to start. I've never had the ability to make any kind of change in this world. Now, you are giving me the world to play with."
“Was Hell so boring for you that you found amusement in giving me life again?”

The demon before her rolled his eyes almost comically, "When you've lived as long as I have, you grow tired of nothing but fire, sulfur, brimstone, and let's not forget the never ending betrayal and selfish striving for power. Hordes of lesser demons at your beck and call and each and every one of them there to kiss your ass while hoping to find your weakness so they can dispose of you later. Chaos is a beautiful thing, young Nela, but sometimes even it longs for a little Order."

At least he had stopped with the pacing in order to answer her questions.....

"This world is so new, so....fresh. Each world I am summoned into is different in ways I could explain, but I'm not sure you'd understand. Let's just say its much more enjoyable to drag down the pure...the pious....the holy, than it is to keep company with those whom you know are already vile and wretched. Then there's the danger...."

For the first time, he bore his fangs at her....but not in anger....his thin lips stretched in a macabre smile. He delighted in her reaction as he suddenly spoke in a mock falsetto voice.

"A demon lord has been summoned! Save us, valiant champion! Slay the monster and return our kingdom to its former glory. Do this and the princess' virginity....I mean hand....will be yours!"

He couldn't help but laugh then, it was always the same, and the ridiculousness of it all never seemed to change. They would come....and perhaps they would be successful. Fates only knew what lie in store for them both now. That was the thrill he was looking for....knowing that he might be living his life on this new world with borrowed time. Or not. But wasn't it was his version of demonic romanticism. Nobody said the champion had to be male....they hadn't always been in the past.

That had been fun too.

“Whatever it takes, Kazaroth. Whatever it takes. I just have little idea of where to start. I've never had the ability to make any kind of change in this world. Now, you are giving me the world to play with."

Lilim hissed softly, "Careful, girl. Remember whom you're dealing with."

"I believe you mean, Mistress."

The diminutive succubus bowed her head immediately upon rebuke, suddenly unwilling to look either of them in the eye. She hadn't said it in exact words....but she had come very close to promising him everything. Just what had this elf been through to so swiftly throw it all away for vengeance? For a brief moment.....the former "queen" caught a glimpse of just what Kazaroth had been speaking of. A venom and hatred so deep and dark that she herself almost...shivered. This was who she was to serve?

Finally, done thinking, she lifted her head to meet her gaze. Perhaps her new Mistress would be upset or even angry with her. Either way....she had to know more about where she stood in this new arrangement.

"I meant no disrespect, Mistress. Please forgive me. I only meant to caution you about dealing with demons such as ourselves."

Of course....that impulse had come only because what befell Nela would most definitely impact her own standing with....him.

"We start here, of course."

It sounded so simple....and yet he knew that simplicity was what was aggravating her, not knowing what he meant by it. The demon runt was hardly of consequence to him, especially when her advice to Nela had been sound. Still....he didn't like to stay idle long....stagnation was decay, and decay was death. He was far from ready for his own demise.

"Send out your servant there. I think you'll find she makes an excellent scout. Despite her childish, tomboyish appearance....she does have wings....and she can fly. It would be excellent if she could bring back some information about who and what lives in these woods....even better if she could bring something useful back, but I wouldn't count on getting that much out of her. Unless of course, there was something in it for her.....perhaps we could find your "pet" a nice young elven buck to play with."

Lilim perked up slightly at that, catching herself and keeping it to the barest flinch. A healthy elf stud would do worlds towards recovery....the longest lived, yes.....but barely lustful. was a start....or was it?

"You think I could even get anything out of an elf with a body like this? You have to be kidding me!"

The demon just grinned in response, "Of course you could, Lilim. We both have faith in you and your....skills. And it would be so much easier for you if your Mistress or I plucked their eyes from them first! After all....a soul steeped in despair might taste even better.......yes?"
As she listened to Kazaroth she couldn’t begin to fathom his life, if one wanted to call it that. Her own life had never been without something, be it folly or Fate. She had never had time to be bored. Survival. That had been her constant stance for as long as she could remember.

“Whatever it takes, Kazaroth. Whatever it takes. I just have little idea of where to start. I've never had the ability to make any kind of change in this world. Now, you are giving me the world to play with."

Nela meant every word she had spoken. She was broken and had nothing to lose really. Her soul? What of it? It had always meant little to her. If she had to use it as a commodity to deal with this demon, she would.

Lilim hissed softly, "Careful, girl. Remember whom you're dealing with."

Nela looked at Lilim.

“I may not know the strength he holds or his power and abilities but what I have is his to make use of IF it gets me what I desire. So, to some extent, I know what I am dealing with. I have little dealings with demons, Lilim but you are going to help me learn."

"Send out your servant there. I think you'll find she makes an excellent scout. Despite her childish, tomboyish appearance....she does have wings....and she can fly. It would be excellent if she could bring back some information about who and what lives in these woods....even better if she could bring something useful back, but I wouldn't count on getting that much out of her. Unless of course, there was something in it for her.....perhaps we could find your "pet" a nice young elven buck to play with."

Nela’s thoughtful eyes immediately went back to Lilim. Her head canted slightly to one side with her regard.

“Yes. Brillant idea, Kazaroth. Lilim scout this land and bring us back something useful and for your diligence, find a young buck that sways your fancy. Find yourself a young pet, but only if you do your job first. In the meantime, I have this sudden urge to explore something as well. I have found sex to be something I abhor. My thinking is that it is because of what I went through however, if I am in control of the situation, perhaps I will find some pleasure in it. In your travels, Lilim bring me back an orc and when you do, I will have him tied down, for the moment, at least until I can control him."

Strange as her request may have been, Nela had given it some serious thought. All the young elven bucks would be orcs soon enough, perhaps. Maybe not all, but enough. She had seen how the orcs had treated female elves and something inside her, deep and dark, had stirred.

Nela arched a brow and looked to her mentor.

“Is there anything further you wish from her, Kazaroth?”
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She was gone in a hurry.

Food. Power. To her, they were the same thing. She had gone without a proper meal for too long. So she had to complete an easy task first, no matter. It rankled a little that she had to take orders from a pitiful elven whelp, but she knew it would be the end of her if she bore her fangs at her new.....mistress.

"Bring back something useful, eh? I love it when you're so vague....Mistress."

Only the trees could hear her now, her senses keen enough to pick up any signs of life. Her libido strong enough to detect the presence of males strong enough to serve as sustenance for her. The thought alone caused a strong electric current to race across her long had it been? And yet...who would be depraved enough to find any level of attraction to a body like this? The thought served to put her once again in a foul mood.

Focus on the job at hand first.

A tiny dart of light zipped by her, but not quite quick enough. With a feral snarl, the demoness shot out a hand and was rewarded with a startled, frightened squeak. This would be a start.....and perhaps Kazaroth would be pleased. She already knew just how she planned to present him and her new mistress with this unexpected prize. A moment's pause and a soft flush colored the succubus' cheeks. The elf she called mistress had much to learn about depravity......

It didn't take long to find the village they had been at earlier that day. The place smelled of spilled semen and blood after all. Took even less time to garner the attention of one of the few orcs that had been too stupid to vacate the premises. Already the feral brute looked at her, the elven whore folded underneath him having passed out long ago, a blissful relief from the nonstop coupling she had endured. The creature moved slow, almost as if it meant for her to see its massive girth slowly sliding from the battered hole that had somehow sheathed it.

"That's right. You're the hunter and I'm the prey. Now come here, big guy."

The monstrous male turned slowly, illiciting a soft whistle of appreciation from the much smaller demoness as she found herself gazing hungrily at the full length of veiny, throbbing cock now pointed obscenely in her direction. This one didn't seem to have any problems with her appearance. For a moment she paused to consider if that fact were a byproduct of being corrupted by an archdemon like Kazaroth. Regardless, it didn't seem like her suitor was going to give her much time to mull things over.

The orc charged her, surprisingly silent in its rush, perhaps not wanting to share this newest conquest with any others that might still be about. Her smile never wavered as that thick slab of meat came ever closer. Why did they always have to be attached to something so completely, utterly, worthless? A touch was all it took, a soft caress along his maleness and the orc stopped cold. Leaning forward, Lilim gave him a small flick of her tongue, savoring the salty taste of the creatures sperm mixed with the despoiled virginity of the elf he had discarded. Smiling up at him, she glanced surreptitiously past him at the crumpled former maiden.

"My my....such a strong male. Did you breed her? Properly? Would you like to do the same to me?"

Her words spun themselves into his tormented mind, the ugly thing nodding almost immediately regardless of the language she used.

"I'm not against it, you know. But you should rest first. I'm not like that fragile's going to take all you have to be able to handle me."

A simple yet coquettish giggle, she could see him swallow hard as she twirled flirtatiously before him. A soft, flimsy looking dress, completely made of her own illusions teasing him with her child like innocence.

"Don't worry, I won't run. Let me lead you to somewhere safe so you can rest. Then you can show me what you do with this."

She stroked him softly, hearing him growl in response and knowing he was completely under her spell. Charm was her specialty, and the more stupid and lecherous the target, the more effective it was. This hadn't even been a contest. Slowly they began their return....leaving the tiny village even more empty than it had been when she had returned.......
The cave had reeked of death.....

She had seen what had become of her kinsmen, but had failed to see what had become of the ritual. If they had failed, at least they hadn't been found out. Not that it had been likely, a remote place like this so far away from any kingdom. She had done what she had to do, fled through the trees to report to the few brothers and sisters they had left. They wouldn't be happy about the loss......

"That's it....we're almost there."

She froze. Frightened stiff by the sudden sound of a voice, soft as it was. To her pointed ears it might as well have been a scream. Auburn hair whipped about her shoulders as she spun to discern its source. A child, though not one of a race she had seen before.....clearly not elven.....led a hulking brute as ugly as it appeared its cock. More interesting than that was the direction in which they were headed. Unless she was completely awash in her own hopeful fantasy, they were headed for the cave that she had been observing for the last couple of days. And if that were true.....perhaps she would dare.....perhaps it wasn't entirely a failure after all. Though it could hardly be called a success.

"You're a succubus, aren't you?"

The child never even bothered to look up, though it was more disturbing that the monster she held in her grasp showed even less reaction.

"And you're the bitch who's been spying on us. I have no interest in women. Go away."

No, no, that wouldn't do. With a soft hop, she dropped from the branch she had been standing on, falling easily to the forest floor before straightening herself before them. This time, the demoness had fixed her with a cold gaze.

"Are you looking to get raped? I'm sure he'd be happy to oblige."

"Then let him try."

Lilim frowned, not that the elf that had suddenly appeared posed any real problem to her....but she was armed. A longsword hung at her slender waist, it was the bow draped across her shoulders that concerned the demoness.

"Why speak to me? If you know what I am, you could have tried your hand at sniping me with an arrow already. Are you that confident in your ability?"

The wood elf merely smiled, shaking her head as she kept a gaze of emerald upon the dangerous little demon, "Actually, I have some questions for you that I'm hoping that you won't mind answering."

"Sorry, I'm busy. Go away."

She took a step forward then, just as the pair before her were going to turn away, "Were you summoned here? A day or so ago? My brethren had hoped to summon a demon...."

Lilim froze, not turning back, not wanting the elf behind her to see the mischievous look she wore on her face right now. After all....she had been told to bring back someone they could use.....

"Oho....that was your group then. So sorry about the mess. I imagine their souls were tasty enough. Still....I'm not the one you're looking for, he lies in the cave ahead. Venture there with me.....if you dare."
Nela watched as Lilim was gone. In the blink of an eye or faster. Apparently her new little servant was either extremely hungry or she was in a hurry to impress Kazaroth. Maybe even both. Nela shrugged. It mattered little to her. All she wanted was to learn. So much was being laid at her feet and she didn’t know where to start or even how to start. Kazaroth had given her a world to play with. While Lilim was away fulfilling her duties, Nela was thinking on ways to sink the world into depravity. At least at first.


She had called his name softly as she turned on her perch to look upon him. The demon, it seemed was lost in his own deep thoughts as he continued pacing. When he didn’t respond to her. She tried again, this time a little louder.


Nela’s head canted slightly to one side as she regarded him. How best to catch a demon’s attention. Her first thought was to jump down and get naked, standing in his path of pacing. She thought better of doing that. She wasn’t sure she was quite ready yet to take on the demon. From what she had briefly seen in his tattered pants, he was terribly thick and she didn’t think she could contain him. More than likely, he would tear her apart. She had a plan to address that, however. Her fingers had been idly scratching along the surface of the boulder she was sitting on when they encountered a small pebble. She picked it up and rolled it between her fingers before she tossed it at the demon. When she managed to gain his attention, bringing him back from wherever his thoughts had taken him, she tossed out a question.

“Will you teach me about depravity?”
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A small thing, hard of surface yet insignificant, caromed off the dark skin of his arm. A distraction made even more so as his baleful eyes watched it fall to the ground to bounce and skitter away. Only then did he hear her, as lost in his thoughts as he had been. And what had he been thinking of anyway? Nothing important. Anything and everything important was in the here and now that he had been caught neglecting. Ever so slowly did he turn to his newest protoge. She had been calling for him after all. A part of him realized that now.

"Will you teach me about depravity?"

His thin lips spread wide then in a fanged grin as his pacing stopped instantly. Pivoting on a heel, the dark monstrosity turned to the main alter she had once been lain across just days ago. With an amused sigh, he settled himself down upon the great expanse of stone. A moment later and he beckoned her, not to sit beside him....instead he patted firmly a great thigh. He wanted her on his lap.

It was story time after all.

"In another world far removed from this one, Nela....once stood a great church. In their attempts to discern good from evil, righteousness from vice....they came up with the theory of there being seven great sins that one could commit in one's lifetime."

He waited patiently for her to make her own decision, he wasn't about to force her to do anything she was uncomfortable with, so instead he kept his gaze on her as he spoke.

"Depravity is the level of which a being sinks into one or more of these sins without remorse or guilt. Indeed, the further into depravity one sinks, the more it becomes enjoyable."

A taloned hand extended outward, ticking them off as he continued to speak, "Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Pride, and Wrath. From these seven sources, all sins come. It's a glorious theory, isn't it? And one of the few times a human has ever tried to understand the darker workings of his world? Oh....I'm don't have those here, do you. Well....they'd be easy to describe. Little living balls of sin. Some are insufferably righteous, while others are so black of heart they actually make lesser daemons look bright in comparison."

Kazaroth reached down to gently stroke her hair a little, making sure the little elf stayed at ease around him. He was not surprised at all this time to find her still calm and composed, why wouldn't she be after all they had wrought together already? What she had done herself?

"And so, little one, which of the seven do you think motivates you? Keep in mind you are not limited to any one of them, they could all exist within you, for example. For me....if I were asked....I would say Gluttony would have to be the curse that drives me. A need to devour all....or at least dye it in my colors. Or perhaps Pride? Striking those who dare to think they are my equal? You see, Nela? There are many motivators if we just take the time to think about it all. Ahhh....but who wants to waste their existence thinking?"

A soft chuckle then, "I bet you have Lilim all figured out though. A creature of Lust and completely unashamed about it. She is practically its incarnation when at full power and nary a male could hope to resist her. But still, look closely and see which of the other six sins are at play in her very soul. Each of them promises a power of sorts too, but like anything else.....not for free. You must give a piece of yourself to get what you want, when you want it. In doing so, more of you is the very tenet you embrace. That is how the most pure beings in the world can find themselves drowning in their own depravity."

The gentle stroking softened as his brief lecture came to an end, yet he didn't shoo her away. Instead, he simply made sure to meet her gaze should she turn his way again....

"Do you understand, Nela? And do you have more questions for me?"
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"And so, little one, which of the seven do you think motivates you?......”

Nela thought about that for a long moment, her ears only half hearing whatever else Kazaroth had to say to her. To be truthful, if she had to pick one it would have been Wrath. However, she didn’t only want one and deep inside of herself she knew that Lust also laid there, hidden and dark. Watching the Orcs rape the elven women had made her wet. A hard thing to admit to since she herself had been raped by her own kind when she was younger. So, her soul must be a little twisted, right? Not that she could be anything like Lilim. She was a succubus. A demon. Maybe asking Lilim about sexual depravity should be on the list.

His touch brought her thoughts back to the here and now. A gentle silence fell between them and Nela turned her eyes toward him.

“No… no more questions at the moment, Kazaroth. Thank you for explaining that to me. You’ve given me more to think about. I do think some experimentation is called for. Hopefully Lilim will not disappoint me with what she brings back.”

Nela looked around the cave. One would hardly believe that this had been the site of her murder. She slid off the rock and glanced at the demon.

“I’m going to go explore our current abode while I wait for Lilim to return.”

That said, she scurried off toward the back of the cave. She hadn’t spared Kazaroth another look or word. The cave was dark but she found her eyesight had sharpened and changed. She could easily see in the dark as if it were lit by daylight. Her lips quirked humorously. Having demon blood, however potent it may or may not be, seemed to come in handy. Her exploration of the cave yielded a couple of antechambers deep enough for a person to actually sleep in. She wasn’t sure how long that may be. Until she was told otherwise, she chose one of these back chambers for her own use. She’d need to get some bedding for it but the main objective was privacy. Eventually she wove her way back to the main part of the cave and Kazaroth.

“I see Lilim hasn’t returned yet. I’m going out for a bit. When she returns with my request in toll, please ask her to secure him to the wall in the left antechamber I found. I’m not sure how she’s going accomplish that, but she’s a demon, I’m sure she’ll figure it out.”

Nela grabbed up a bow and arrows that she found leaning against the cave wall.

“I’ll return before sun sets. There’s a few things I require if we’re going to be here for any length of time.”

With that, she slipped from the cave and into the woods. Her hearing was attuned to the sounds of the forest, anything more and she would draw bow and arrow. Very much aware of the fact that the Orcs still roamed to and fro without any real direction and many of them still had their rock-hard cocks out looking for a female elf to fuck. That brought her thoughts back to what she had witnessed in the villages and it made her squirm in her pants. She didn’t give it much thought as to why she felt that way. She really didn’t to analyze it. Wrath, she could understand, but Lust? After the trauma she had endured? Silently she sighed as she snuck through the woods until she came to the outskirts of a village. It looked deserted but she couldn’t be sure. Still, she was cautious as she advanced until she could enter a elven home.

Inside the first house she came to, she found it littered with broken dishes and bottles. Glass lay everywhere. Avoiding shard of glass and other objects scattered across the floor, Nela made her way upstairs to bedrooms and collected some bedding and even found some clean clothes in her size. She placed everything she wished to take with her into a large blanket and tied it so it would fit on her back. A quick adjustment was needed because of the arrows but she was soon ready to leave again. She paused in the kitchen and rummaged around for a few things, while the other two were demons, she was not and things still needed to be cooked so after wedging a few pots and pans in, Nela headed stealthily back to her current home base.

Once securely back in the cave, she dropped her bundle on the floor and set her bow and arrows back against the wall. Looking around the interior, she noticed Kazaroth was nowhere to be found. Briefly she wondered where he had gone but with a shrug of her shoulders, she picked up her bundle and headed back to the antechamber she had laid claim as her own. There, she opened her bundle and shook everything out onto the dirt floor. She made up a bed and folded the clothes she had found, stacking them against a stone wall. Gathering up the pots and pans, she marched back into the main part of the cave to find Kazaroth there. She stopped, startled for a moment then moved toward the fire they had close to the entrance.

“Did you just get back from somewhere? You weren’t here a moment ago.”

It was not hers to question him, she knew and it was entirely up to him if he answered. She was just curious. She set about putting the pots and pans she had collected near the fire. She hadn’t bothered with silverware. While living in the woods, she hadn’t used any. Her hands had always been good enough. Once done, she stayed squatting by the fire and looked over at him. Their relationship was budding but budding into what exactly?
So his pretty little elf desired. Clothing, petty little items to make life easier. Food.

He had followed her of course. This thick, sinewy body fading away to little black wisps of nothingness, corporeal to incorporeal. A wraith silently gliding through the foliage he found himself in. He didn't need such things, and that which he did need....he gained from her. Demon touched, he wondered how aware she was of the darkness she carried. He could scent the anger in her heart just as easily as the moistness between her thighs. Kazaroth drank deeply of both, like sampling a young freshly fermented wine. The promise of an even headier flavor as it aged only thrilled him. It wasn't the first time she had thrilled him, the first being in her own village when she herself had desired his power to enact her terrible vengeance....and again when her own body betrayed her, responding to the sight of the fate of the villagers. The demon grinned ferally, knowing full well that it was near impossible to be seen in his current form. He couldn't help but wonder how she would react when the orcish seed quickened in their miserable wombs, swelling them with unwanted life.

Perhaps he'd have to take her to them when that day neared. It would make for a delicious little experiment.

Of course he sensed Lilim's impending return, plus it seemed he had toiled here long enough. His precious Nela was near set to return, and he wouldn't raise her suspicious by being caught tailing her. With a chilly rush, he swept back towards their current abode. How foolish it had been on his part after all. She was not demon, not yet anyway. She had her own needs to attend to, and he should be more attentive to them. Still....Greed was a vice as well. Selfishness was well within his nature, it just wouldn't get him anywhere with her. Still, he clung to the shadows of the cave, letting her pass by unknowingly as she took her newly looted spoils deeper into the cave. He was tempted to continue observing her....but again....he didn't want to be caught.

He reverted back to his original form as easily as he had left it, waiting patiently for her to return from what she had been doing. It didn't take her long to notice him, even asking about where he himself had gone.

"Lilim is returning. I was simply preparing for her arrival. I doubt very much that she'd disappoint either of us by returning empty handed. In fact....I detected multiple signs of life approaching. Perhaps your little pet is worthy of praise after all?"



The child like succubus grinned with her usual mouth full of pointy teeth. The orc was easy to control, the elf wouldn't stop talking! And as for her....surprise. Well she just hoped her mistress liked it...or Kazaroth. She didn't mind it at all if the ancient demon thought she curried his favor too. Whatever it took. Whatever it took to regain just a little of what she had lost, what he had taken from her. Silently the.....four?...of them entered the cave system she now called home with her.....mistress.

It rankled. Calling a lesser creature like an elf her superior. Still....there was nothing she could do about it. Certainly not with Kazaroth personally taking the whelpling under his wing. Lilim sighed softly, not caring that she was now well within Kazaroth's range of vision. The elder demon had no doubt sensed her approach a long time after all. At least the elf he favored so hard hadn't immediately demanded her true name from her like he had suggested. She would well and truly be screwed then......

"Mistress! I have returned!"

Lilim waited patiently, noting that Kazaroth had yet to move himself. The diminutive succubus shivered softly beneath his yellowed gaze, knowing full well that even now he could be drinking in the very sight of her with nefarious plans in mind. Did he actually find her attractive in this form? The bile rose in her throat at the thought, fabricated as it was. There was no way. Nobody who had ever beheld her in her true glory could possibly settle for what she was now. As her mistress approached, Lilim slowly released her hold on the massive orc's cock, a soft growl of askance the creature's only response.

The sylvan had eyes for no one other than Kazaroth. The disgusting little creature actually daring to approach him, reaching for him and stopping just short of touching. Instead she slowly lowered herself before him as the rest of the room watched.

"My Lord. Thank you for gracing this wretched world with your presence. I am so very glad I could have the honor of meeting you today."
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