Professor who wouldn't use trans student's pronouns wins $400K settlement


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
A small, public university in Ohio agreed last week to pay one of its professors $400,000 after it rebuked him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns.

Shawnee State University, in Portsmouth, roughly 85 miles south of Columbus, warned Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor, in 2018 about not using the pronouns.

In response, Meriwether, who is an evangelical Christian, filed a federal lawsuit against the university that year, contending that officials violated his constitutional rights by compelling him to speak in a way that contradicts his religious beliefs.

The settlement of the case follows a three-year legal battle that ended last year, with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Meriwether’s favor. Meriwether's legal representation, the Alliance Defending Freedom, applauded the agreement to compensate him.

“This case forced us to defend what used to be a common belief — that nobody should be forced to contradict their core beliefs just to keep their job,” Travis Barham, senior counsel for the alliance, said in a statement last week. “Dr. Meriwether went out of his way to accommodate his students and treat them all with dignity and respect, yet his university punished him because he wouldn’t endorse an ideology that he believes is false."
I find it odd that any religion gives a shit about you refusing to call someone by a pronoun that they told you they prefer...

maybe I missed that part of the Bible.

I'm not saying she deserved to be fired over it...but still
Didn't we go over this some five six years back when that one lady was refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples? Or gay wedding cakes? It certainly seems like you can be compelled to act outside your relgious beliefs within reason. I've read the Bible a few times, I missed that part as well. Though I guess I should go talk to a Jewish Friend because every language has its "pronouns" or something that sits in that spot. Its entirely possible that Hebrew doesn't have much to say on the subject. It wouldn't be the first time.
Didn't we go over this some five six years back when that one lady was refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples? Or gay wedding cakes? It certainly seems like you can be compelled to act outside your relgious beliefs within reason. I've read the Bible a few times, I missed that part as well. Though I guess I should go talk to a Jewish Friend because every language has its "pronouns" or something that sits in that spot. Its entirely possible that Hebrew doesn't have much to say on the subject. It wouldn't be the first time.
Kim Davis’ actions were ruled unconstitutional last month, and she is appealing.
A small, public university in Ohio agreed last week to pay one of its professors $400,000 after it rebuked him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns.

Shawnee State University, in Portsmouth, roughly 85 miles south of Columbus, warned Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor, in 2018 about not using the pronouns.

In response, Meriwether, who is an evangelical Christian, filed a federal lawsuit against the university that year, contending that officials violated his constitutional rights by compelling him to speak in a way that contradicts his religious beliefs.

The settlement of the case follows a three-year legal battle that ended last year, with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Meriwether’s favor. Meriwether's legal representation, the Alliance Defending Freedom, applauded the agreement to compensate him.

“This case forced us to defend what used to be a common belief — that nobody should be forced to contradict their core beliefs just to keep their job,” Travis Barham, senior counsel for the alliance, said in a statement last week. “Dr. Meriwether went out of his way to accommodate his students and treat them all with dignity and respect, yet his university punished him because he wouldn’t endorse an ideology that he believes is false."
Snot nose arrogant kid and nothing more. Our colleges need more discipline in the ranks. Students need to sit in their seats, shut the fuck up with your woke bullshit or get the fuck out. Some of our colleges are in a state where the mentally ill inmates run the asylum. We wonder why our kids are leaving college dumber than when they went in. IMHO
I truly feel bad for her. She's going to be addressed for the rest of her life, in ways she never intended when she filed her case
The tremendous expenses of many surgeries and artificial hormones are temporarily possible. As the nation becomes poorer, trannies will find other ways to cope, or die.
Guy sounds like a real asshole. Though I'm glad to know that I can now use my strongly-held core belief that fundie christians are dickbags and can now address them as such
A whole lot of people in this thread who would have said the same things about LGB people in the 80s

Guy sounds like a real asshole. Though I'm glad to know that I can now use my strongly-held core belief that fundie christians are dickbags and can now address them as such
As opposed to his strongly held core beliefs which makes you a dickbag. :D
I’d argue that it’s is exactly a person’s ‘strongly held beliefs’ that makes them a shitty person
Tbh, based on this case.....being an asshole seems like a profitable approach to getting fired.
"Contending that officials violated his constitutional rights by compelling him to speak in a way that contradicts his religious beliefs." Unless they were forcing him to pray to Apollo or something along those lines, this is completely stupid.
Core beliefs of pronouns and not being considerate to others.

Core beliefs of pronouns??? A snowflake doesn't get called by a particular pronoun so they're off to see mommy and daddy's attorney, filing a lawsuit. Narcissism is running rampant and so is stupidity. All our kids should do at least basic training in the military, re-establish discipline in our younger folk and teach more about teamwork than being self centered snot nosed little brats.
Core beliefs of pronouns??? A snowflake doesn't get called by a particular pronoun so they're off to see mommy and daddy's attorney, filing a lawsuit. Narcissism is running rampant and so is stupidity. All our kids should do at least basic training in the military, re-establish discipline in our younger folk and teach more about teamwork than being self centered snot nosed little brats.
The professor filed the lawsuit.

For being fired because he did not adhere to school policies.

Obviously you need to read up a bit on the case prior to commenting.

If you call someone differently than they want to be called, then that's not a belief, but I digress.
Narcissism is running rampant and so is stupidity. All our kids should do at least basic training in the military, re-establish discipline in our younger folk and teach more about teamwork than being self centered snot nosed little brats.

Yeah, it is pretty pathetic to think that a grown man has so much self importance that he cannot seem to handle addressing someone in a professional and respectful manner while on the job. Don‘t most of us have to be respectful and polite to people of different persuasion than our own to do our jobs? Pretty basic life skill in my opinion, so I am a bit surprised that this teacher has such trouble separating his personal feelings and opinions from his job. I guess he didn’t get much of those teamwork lessons as a kid? In all honesty, I don’t really “get” or relate to someone who feels the need to change their gender, but it’s really none of my business either. It does not pain me whatsoever to call someone by their desired names and pronouns, or to treat them with basic dignity and respect. I don’t have to understand, or even agree with, someone else’s differences; I’m comfortable enough with my own beliefs that I don’t need others to conform to them.

His fragile sensitivities were obviously deeply damaged. When held accountable for his lack of basic professional behavior he had to go whining to a lawyer and sue those big bad meanies that wouldn’t let him make him declare his beliefs on gender in his classroom! Whaaaaahhh! Personally I find it utterly laughable that someone would choose this, of all issues, to make their stand on…other than a complete narcissist of course.
My first thought is to question what the dollar judgment is based on. I think these money awards are getting ridiculously high and should be pared down to not much more than actual damages that can be shown.
The professor filed the lawsuit.
I understand that, he was fired, and pushed back from a warped school policy and a snot nosed child. I'm not sure what school policy was or is but I'm sure he didn't call the little bastard a faggot
For being fired because he did not adhere to school policies.

Obviously you need to read up a bit on the case prior to commenting.

If you call someone differently than they want to be called, then that's not a belief, but I digress.

The professor filed the lawsuit.
I realize professor filed a lawsuit for being fired, I'm sure the individual screamed her little head off and the woke coward college faculty caved to the little snot.
For being fired because he did not adhere to school policies.
Don't professors have the same protections, forcing a professor to propagate a lie or a delusional pronoun
So, you stand by this little shit screaming discrimination LMFAO DON'T WE HAVE A COURT FILLED WITH REAL DISCRIMINATION SUIT.
Obviously you need to read up a bit on the case prior to commenting.
So, not calling a female trans "sir" is discriminatory, where's the discrimination? So if the individual wants to be called FIDO and the professor refuses the professor is being discriminatory. Have we as society lost our collective minds. The court ruled correctly IMHO
If you call someone differently than they want to be called, then that's not a belief, but I digress.
A pronoun that doesn't fit the person, wellI have a suggestion call it by it's name and eliminate pronouns altogether. When I was in college my football coach called me a girly, made me work harder, I certainly didn't run to the dean of students complaining about my coach, would've been laughed out of school. Our schools are filled with a bunch of self centered narcissistic twinkies.
I understand that, he was fired, and pushed back from a warped school policy and a snot nosed child. I'm not sure what school policy was or is but I'm sure he didn't call the little bastard a faggot

I realize professor filed a lawsuit for being fired, I'm sure the individual screamed her little head off and the woke coward college faculty caved to the little snot.

Don't professors have the same protections, forcing a professor to propagate a lie or a delusional pronoun
So, you stand by this little shit screaming discrimination LMFAO DON'T WE HAVE A COURT FILLED WITH REAL DISCRIMINATION SUIT.

So, not calling a female trans "sir" is discriminatory, where's the discrimination? So if the individual wants to be called FIDO and the professor refuses the professor is being discriminatory. Have we as society lost our collective minds. The court ruled correctly IMHO

A pronoun that doesn't fit the person, wellI have a suggestion call it by it's name and eliminate pronouns altogether. When I was in college my football coach called me a girly, made me work harder, I certainly didn't run to the dean of students complaining about my coach, would've been laughed out of school. Our schools are filled with a bunch of self centered narcissistic twinkies.
As I said earlier - I'm not saying he should've been fired for being an asshole, but it sure does seem lucrative to be one.

A person determines what they are addressed by....unless you are being addressed by your rank.

I can be addressed by Mohammed if I want..and if someone doesn't address's me as such, they are being an inconsiderate asshole.