Probably something I should be able to figure out on my own ...


Literotica Guru
Mar 19, 2013
But here's a question. How do you view your story submissions, and what kind of votes they've gotten and if they have a letter designation? I get the page where you view your submissions, and I see how many total votes my stories have, but not what ratings they've gotten. Is any of this making sense? It seems that many authors can say their story got mostly 4's or whatnot, but I don't see how to access that kind of information. I just see my total number of votes and total score.


In other news, I did link one of my stories in my blog today. But it wasn't a clickable link. Is that a Lit thing? Or a Shea-doesn't-know-what-she's-doing thing? :rolleyes:
All you are going to see is the views, votes, and score. The rest you have to figure out from watching closely. There is no breakdown anywhere.

Also Lit tried to discourage hot linking since it takes up bandwidth they have to pay for.
Oh, so you have to be, like, good at math and stuff? *flipping hair over shoulder and batting eyes*:rolleyes:
I guess I'm a bit confused. Obviously, you know how to get to the submissions page, otherwise you wouldn't have submitted any stories. On that page, all the information you want to know is there, under the tab of "View." Rating, views, etc.

Or, ar you talking about THIS page?
No! And how do you set up a profile page? Where your published storied are listed under your name?

I think that is actually a dinosaur on this site. I'm sure Darkniciad would have more and better info to give you on that.
And wow, you have a lot of submissions. I'm going to start reading them. ;)
Hunh. But how do you get there? Author search?

(I have stories published under a different name. I'm going to move them to my name soon.)
Hunh. But how do you get there? Author search?

(I have stories published under a different name. I'm going to move them to my name soon.)

Ah, gotcha.

To find your submissions page, go to the main page, click on Stories and Poems, then scroll down and Search Members. Type in your name, click on it when it comes up, and voila.
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Could it be, sheablue, that you only recently submitted stories to the site and thought they would immediately be posted? There's a several days' delay from submission to posting. If you submitted a story, you know where you did that. Go there. Under submissions, there will be "Submit," "View," and "Recent Activity." Clicking on the "View" button, once your stories have posted, you'll find a list of your posted stories with their most recent rating, voting, and view numbers and access to the posted comments on them. The "Recent Activity" will show what comments and favoriting activity (story and author) has occurred in the most recent time periods indicated. But you first have to have a story published here to have any of that to view.
Could it be, sheablue, that you only recently submitted stories to the site and thought they would immediately be posted? There's a several days' delay from submission to posting. If you submitted a story, you know where you did that. Go there. Under submissions, there will be "Submit," "View," and "Recent Activity." Clicking on the "View" button, once your stories have posted, you'll find a list of your posted stories with their most recent rating, voting, and view numbers and access to the posted comments on them. The "Recent Activity" will show what comments and favoriting activity (story and author) has occurred in the most recent time periods indicated. But you first have to have a story published here to have any of that to view.

Well, she's posted that she has stories under a different name (presumably on this site, but perhaps I made the wrong assumption). So I would think she already knows the basics.
Ah, gotcha.

To find your submissions page, go to the main page, click on Stories and Poems, then scroll down and Search Members. Type in your name, click on it when it comes up, and voila.

Thanks, Slyc, got it. It was weird. I searched under two different member or author searches and nothing came up. But the last one did (the way you did it.)

I still don't understand how people are so sure what specific scores they are getting -- a 2, a 4 or what have you, just based on their total score. But I guess it doesn't really mater ...
Thanks, Slyc, got it. It was weird. I searched under two different member or author searches and nothing came up. But the last one did (the way you did it.)

I still don't understand how people are so sure what specific scores they are getting -- a 2, a 4 or what have you, just based on their total score. But I guess it doesn't really mater ...

Well, now, that takes a bit of mathematics to figure out. The site is not going to tell you every vote you've received on your stories, just the cumulative average. But, with a little statistical know-how, and a lot of free time on your hands, you could probably figure out how you've been voted.

But why bother? That takes time away from writing.

Just as posting on the AH does. :p
Thanks, Slyc, got it. It was weird. I searched under two different member or author searches and nothing came up. But the last one did (the way you did it.)

I still don't understand how people are so sure what specific scores they are getting -- a 2, a 4 or what have you, just based on their total score. But I guess it doesn't really mater ...

It's math, and requires either careful, frequent ( to the point of obsessive ) attention, or the story having dropped far enough off the radar to only get a vote or two at most between checks.

And even that can only give you a range, because you never know what the rounding is to give you the displayed score.

It's usually pretty easy to tell the difference when someone drops a 1 or a 2 on you, though. You have to have an assload of votes for that not to dramatically change your score.
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Ok, well that answers it, then. They way "some people" talk about their scores (and I'm not obsessed with mine by any means) I thought I was missing something. But now I see that I'm not, and I will leave it be. I don't think I care enough to get that mathematically involved! :rolleyes:

Thanks, all, for your help. :rose:
Yep. No problem.

Wow, the alignment of my signature line looks like crap in Firefox and Chrome. Going to have to dig into the code and see what's causing it to DERP! in those two browsers while looking peachy-keen in IE.
Yep. No problem.

Wow, the alignment of my signature line looks like crap in Firefox and Chrome. Going to have to dig into the code and see what's causing it to DERP! in those two browsers while looking peachy-keen in IE.

You're such a geek, Dark. :p
You're such a geek, Dark. :p

It bothers the hell out of me *laugh* Just check the validation on my web pages. Go ahead. Watch every one of those suckers validate strict :D

You don't know how long it took me to re-code Facebook's dumbed-down plugin to work and validate properly.

*Doing his Anton Vanko from Iron Man II* "Software Shit."

And don't check the validation on the forum or the blog. 3rd party software, and I'll be fucked if I'm recoding all that shit only to have to fix it every few weeks when they update them :p
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It bothers the hell out of me *laugh* Just check the validation on my web pages. Go ahead. Watch every one of those suckers validate strict :D

You don't know how long it took me to re-code Facebook's dumbed-down plugin to work and validate properly.

*Doing his Ivan Drago from Iron Man II* "Software Shit."

And don't check the validation on the forum or the blog. 3rd party software, and I'll be fucked if I'm recoding all that shit only to have to fix it every few weeks when they update them :p

You know, a year or so ago, everything you wrote would have been Greek to me. But now that I'm in the midst of getting my own CIS degree, I'm able to follow you.

Yeah, I'm a geek, too. :p
You know, a year or so ago, everything you wrote would have been Greek to me. But now that I'm in the midst of getting my own CIS degree, I'm able to follow you.

Yeah, I'm a geek, too. :p

I'm a self-taught geek, so you'll probably be light-years ahead of me before long, if you aren't already.

The last formal training I had in programming/scripting was in 1990 on TRS-80 computers in BASIC. I just muddle my way through everything else until I get it to work.

EDIT: And shea, Lit automatically changes any URL you type into the forum to a link. Your blog software may not do that ( although that is surprising for any current gen blog software )

Some of them require you to have the full http:// in there before it will change it to a link, so that's a possibility, if you just used something like

Otherwise, you may need to dig through any settings and FAQs available to see why you aren't getting clickable links out of it.
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I'm a self-taught geek, so you'll probably be light-years ahead of me before long, if you aren't already.

The last formal training I had in programming/scripting was in 1990 on TRS-80 computers in BASIC. I just muddle my way through everything else until I get it to work.

EDIT: And shea, Lit automatically changes any URL you type into the forum to a link. Your blog software may not do that ( although that is surprising for any current gen blog software )

Some of them require you to have the full http:// in there before it will change it to a link, so that's a possibility, if you just used something like

Otherwise, you may need to dig through any settings and FAQs available to see why you aren't getting clickable links out of it.

Oh sorry Dark, were you saying something? *tech speak tech speak tech speak* I was zoning out and admiring your avatar photo. Oh, Crow T, how I miss you so! And I will personally fight anyone who thinks Mike was funnier than Joel.