I am not here quibbling over the definition of "life." Rather, I am convinced that practically nobody in America is sincerely "pro-life" in the sense that term is used in political discourse. Nobody who contests the abortion issue really gives a rat's ass for the life of any fetus. It only remains alive as a culture-war issue to fight -- a position to hold as long as possible before falling back. The abortion issue would have faded away long ago if it were not associated with the whole package of social/religious conservatism. Before the 1970s, American Protestants largely ignored abortion, which they dismissed as a Catholic issue -- but then conservative Catholics and Protestants formed an unprecedented alliance, which has more or less held together ever since. That is remarkable, considering the history of Protestant anti-Catholicism in America (even now, there are Protestants of the Jack Chick stamp who are convinced all Catholics go to Hell).
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