Pro-America Rallies


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
They aren't as publicized and as flamboyant as anti-American rallies or "peace" rallies....

So who created these names for these rallies...."peace" "anti" I mean really....why not be positive if you are going to have something...

The name "pro-America rallies" is postitve...

Names do matter...


They don't damage property, obey the laws, and they pick up after themselves.

Plus they have to work, to put their kids through college, so the kids can protest, and have the freedom to hate their country.
Personally I think we should hold a pro- America rally here in the UK. I'm fed up with the anti war rallies. I'm an ex regular serviceman and would think most soldiers would feel betrayed by the lack of support they receive.

Unfortunately we are not vociferous enough to drown out the very vocal anti-war, anti U.S. protestors.

I am of the view that we should join the U.S and become the 51st State...and then we wouldn't have to suffer the French !
Wyatt said:
Personally I think we should hold a pro- America rally here in the UK. I'm fed up with the anti war rallies. I'm an ex regular serviceman and would think most soldiers would feel betrayed by the lack of support they receive.

Unfortunately we are not vociferous enough to drown out the very vocal anti-war, anti U.S. protestors.

I am of the view that we should join the U.S and become the 51st State...and then we wouldn't have to suffer the French !

Hi Wyatt, you cannot have the UK as the 51st State . . . Oz is the 51st State . . . has been for decades, at least since Prime Minister John Gorton went "Waltzin' Matilda" with LBJ during the Vietnam War (what a winner that was for the U$ NE military-industrial complex) . . .

Think history may have pushed you out of the 52nd position in favour of George-aq, and the 53rd will be Bush-an next door. So I guess that the UK will have to settle on 55th State because the 54th will be Dubyah-Saud . . . all in the name of undeveloped oil reserves forgreedy Texan oil executives. lol . . . :D