Primary Violations and Seat belt Laws


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
Short and sweet. The State of Virginia is considering a law to make not wearing your seat belt a primary violation. That means that a police officer who sees you violating this law can pull you over for it and ticket you. As it stands now, you can only be ticketed for it if you commit another violation for which the officer can pull you over.

This law has always struck me as just another means for the State to raise money in the form of ticket revenue. It equates to yet another tax on the driving public and, to my thinking, it's onerous.

Why? Because not wearing a seatbelt harms only me if I'm in a traffic accident. I bear the physical harm and the increased insurance costs. Aside from that, one of the central tenets of this country is that the government is not a nanny. It's not here to protect me from myself - regardless of what I wish to do. Not wearing seatbelt does not menace others on the roads.

It look to me like yet another money grab by a government who has failed to plan for a rainy day.
Michigan had that go into effect just over a year ago, though most often than not, police will not pull over just for a seat belt violation.
while i can see your point of view in so much as it is just another "legalized intrusion" to raise funds....remember dont bite off your nose to spite your face.....they do infact save lives...seatbelts that is.

not wearing one is a persons choice...but ask yourself why wont you wear one...
We have had that law in my state for about 15 years, and it doesn't bother me. While I can see your point, I believe there are other factors. For instance, although it's not the states job to babysit you, people who fail to use saftey measures and are subsequently injured do take resources away from people who have been hurt through no fault of their own. i also like the law because it gives people incentive to be safe.
Indiana has this law in effect.

I have been pulled over not wearing a seat belt. That being my only violation.

I tend to agree with the seat belt laws for children, and I believe if you have children in the car it is prudent to wear one.
Though it seems like a victimless crime, perhaps it's not...

What if, upon impact, you fly out of your car and hit a person who is walking down the road with your projectile form?

Seatbelts surely cut down on the mess the paramedics have to clean up.

And what if you get into a wreck and die (instead of just getting injured) because you're not wearing your seatbelt? It would make the other driver a perpetrator of vehicular homicide, instead of just a participant in a fender-bender.

I am a habitual seatbelt wearer, and though I believe it's a personal choice, I prefer that my loved ones wear theirs when I'm in the car with them. It makes me less nervous.

But on the issue of money, I think you're right. It does seem to be a revenue generating tactic. Though in GA, where the law is already as you describe, the fine is only $15. No biggie, for those who really feel strongly about their right to not wear a seatbelt.
While I do understand what you are saying...

This law already applies here in Oregon. I can tell you, from my personal experience (I've been in several severe car accidents) wearing a seat belt more than likely saved my life. Pick and choose your battles of what you think may be unjust, this just isn't one for me.
Oh, and you are right, it is another way for the state to make money. Not like my state hasn't made money worse ways.
If a cop wants a reason to pull you over, it's easier than you think. Go to your DMV, JMJ and ask to purchase a copy of the motor vehicle code.

By wearing your seatbelt you are reducing life threatening injuries.

Besides it's not how well you drive, it's how well everyone around you does.
Make sure you got seatbelts on when you come to Canada....We have had this law for many years....About $200.00 if you get nabbed....:eek:
HeavyStick said:
If a cop wants a reason to pull you over, it's easier than you think. Go to your DMV, JMJ and ask to purchase a copy of the motor vehicle code.

By wearing your seatbelt you are reducing life threatening injuries.

Besides it's not how well you drive, it's how well everyone around you does.

Oh I know that, Stick. I've worked for the police for nearly 14 years now.

And I know that wearing a set belt can reduce injuries. That's not my objection. I object to the State deciding that it is their job to try to save my life, whether I want them to or not.
JazzManJim said:
Oh I know that, Stick. I've worked for the police for nearly 14 years now.

And I know that wearing a set belt can reduce injuries. That's not my objection. I object to the State deciding that it is their job to try to save my life, whether I want them to or not.

Hypothetically speaking-don't wear it, attach it with velcro.
hey Jazz, dont wear your seatbelt, I want to see you go through the windshield.
HeavyStick said:
Hypothetically speaking-don't wear it, attach it with velcro.

Heh. :) I've seen that trick before. ;)

My car right now has one of those wonderful automatic seatbelts that can't wait until my head is turned or some such before it pulls back and yanks my ear off, or chokes me, or grabs my hand when I'm reaching into my front pocket at the bank drive-though...

DeSade - It's not worth the severe brain injury to me just to gain the ability to trade insults only on your level.
JazzManJim said:

DeSade - It's not worth the severe brain injury to me just to gain the ability to trade insults only on your level.
you already have brain injury.
Anyways, no you shouldnt have to wear your belt. Its personal choice concerning safety. I think helmet laws are stupid as well.
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superlittlegirl said:
Though it seems like a victimless crime, perhaps it's not...

What if, upon impact, you fly out of your car and hit a person who is walking down the road with your projectile form?

Are the chances of this happening about a bazillion to one, or higher?

Although revenue is governments main goal..what they really want is a pretext to stop someone...which allows a search of the person and car for weapons...and just a reasonable belief turns it into a full search...its just another erosion of the constitution in the name of public safety...
JazzManJim said:
Why? Because not wearing a seatbelt harms only me if I'm in a traffic accident.

If I'm not wearing a seatbelt and get killed, it will cause immediate and permanent harm to my son. He shouldn't suffer for my stupidity.

Should it be legislated, though? I don't know. I'm torn on this one.
Problem Child said:
Are the chances of this happening about a bazillion to one, or higher?

more likely you will be ejected from the car as it rolls on top of you, or you flung across 50 ft of asphalt and spend the next 6 hours of your life having a trauma surgeon pick the tar and rocks out of your bleeding raw tissue
The odds are not so good, I admit.

I like hyperbolic suppositions quite a lot, though. They make me giggle.

Problem Child said:
Are the chances of this happening about a bazillion to one, or higher?

Re: Re: Primary Violations and Seat belt Laws

sigh said:
If I'm not wearing a seatbelt and get killed, it will cause immediate and permanent harm to my son. He shouldn't suffer for my stupidity.

Should it be legislated, though? I don't know. I'm torn on this one.

JMJ gave birth?
christophe said:
more likely you will be ejected from the car as it rolls on top of you, or you flung across 50 ft of asphalt and spend the next 6 hours of your life having a trauma surgeon pick the tar and rocks out of your bleeding raw tissue

Lovely visual before dinner.:D

Sigh~ Made a good point. As a mom, I agree.
I think we all agree that seat belts save lives.

Let's say you are in an accident and are not wearing your seat belt.

The Fire Department comes. You would be hurt, so they would send both the big truck and the paramedic squad. Maybe 4-8 people.

The police have to come to direct traffic so there aren't more accidents. 2-4 people.

The road crew has to come and clean up the mess your insides have left with the glass from the windshield you went through.
6 people.

And if you didn't make it, the police have to tell your family you died. 2 people.

That is a lot of man power because you didn't want them legislating you wearing a seat belt.

Some people don't have the skills to do this on their own. If it doesn't apply to you because you always wear your seat belt, then not a problem.

Maybe we should set up the police and fire department on a fee for service basis...
ksmybuttons said:
I think we all agree that seat belts save lives.

Let's say you are in an accident and are not wearing your seat belt.

The Fire Department comes. You would be hurt, so they would send both the big truck and the paramedic squad. Maybe 4-8 people.

The police have to come to direct traffic so there aren't more accidents. 2-4 people.

The road crew has to come and clean up the mess your insides have left with the glass from the windshield you went through.
6 people.

And if you didn't make it, the police have to tell your family you died. 2 people.

That is a lot of man power because you didn't want them legislating you wearing a seat belt.

Some people don't have the skills to do this on their own. If it doesn't apply to you because you always wear your seat belt, then not a problem.

Maybe we should set up the police and fire department on a fee for service basis...

Most of your post is a moot because except for the cops to notify the family, all those people would respond to the accident anyway, whether someone dies or not.

But, I suppose you could throw the coroner in as another person needed if someone does in fact die.