presto parts


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
Dear Lord I thank thee
for my pussy
for tits, and curves
and all things gurly

But once in awhile
I long for parts
that boys are born with
from the start

To have a cock
when I'm with a girl
is something that
I'd give a whirl

And maybe
that is contrary to the lesbian heart
but damn I wish
for presto parts.

PS. and othertimes, I just like having the soft squishy bits.
Ok, i admit it. I thought this was going to be a question about where to get a new inner lining for your crock-pot or a new butter dispenser for your popcorn maker.


I keep forgetting it's a porn board. :(
I know I'm disappointing lesbians everywhere.

Who knew it was going to be because they wanted a butter melter attachment for their airpoppers?
If you figure out how to do that let me know ASAP! I want to get some of that action!:D
sexy-girl said:
i like you just the way you are perky :)
you know what, sugah, I feel exactly the same way about you.

You're one of my favs.