President Obama endorses extramarital affairs; plays golf with Tiger

You're not saying it should read like this:

Obama endorses extramarital affairs; spends taxpayer money playing golf with Tiger Woods

(unread, out-of-context and unattributed truncated cut and paste here)

Remember...six point bolded font or better! :D
go that out of the way?? wha.....??? speak english boy

You're trying to hard.

You're not saying it should read like this:

Obama endorses extramarital affairs; spends taxpayer money playing golf with Tiger Woods

(unread, out-of-context and unattributed truncated cut and paste here)

Remember...six point bolded font or better! :D

I sit corrected.

Well done, Zumi.
Did Obama happen to endorse JOBS, at all, or is that just so not part of his agenda.....I mean, ya know.....
Did Obama happen to endorse JOBS, at all, or is that just so not part of his agenda.....I mean, ya know.....

Personal responsibility.

That means you should get up off the couch and go get a job regardless of what the President is or isn't doing.