President Deadbeat:


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Secret Service won’t pay Newport Beach for police at Obama event.“Newport Beach City Manager Dave Kiff billed the campaigns of President Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney for police security at their separate fundraisers this year in the city. Now that the Romney campaign paid its bill, the city is left in the awkward position of trying to collect from Obama.”
Secret Service won’t pay Newport Beach for police at Obama event.“Newport Beach City Manager Dave Kiff billed the campaigns of President Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney for police security at their separate fundraisers this year in the city. Now that the Romney campaign paid its bill, the city is left in the awkward position of trying to collect from Obama.”

Just tell him its not a bill but a penalty
METAPHOR ALERT: Obama stiffs California city $35,000 while Romney pays his bill.“Here’s how much financial trouble Barack Obama’s presidential campaign appears to be in: He’s stiffing the California city of Newport Beach $35,000 for extra security costs incurred when the campaigner-in-chief held a fundraiser in the oceanfront community early this year. The bill is already nearly two months overdue.”

Advice to future venues: Demand cash up front.

UPDATE: Durham, New Hampshire, too.
Maybe they should put a lien on Air Force One. Because you know if you owed a $35,000 tax bill, they would show up to take your shit.


Maybe MO shouldnt be wearing 6k sweaters when they owe money