Preference: Subtle or Overt Sexuality?


Really Really Experienced
Sep 5, 2002
When it comes to media or to real life, what is more of a turn on for you all? The subtle sexual innuendo or physicality, or an overt sexual statement or action?

I find that in media, be it pictures of film, that the implied or barely glimpsed is far more erotic and stimulating then the overt. If you look at enough porn, you kind of become numb to it. But an artistic picture that shows just enough to make you ache to see more, now those pictures remain powerful in your psyche. IT is as though all the possibilities in a picture that shows just a little awakens your imagination. You find yourself wondering what the fall of that breast will be like, what the curve of the hips will be. You wonder what the look on there face would be if you slowly dragged your finger up the soft skin of there side. A fully naked picture, or pornographic picture has for me mostly an initial sexual shock value that is arousing, but it quickly fades. There is nothing left to discover.

So which has more power to push your sexual buttons?

Um...what you said sounds about right to me. I've never been a big fan of the "in your face" variety of sexuality.
Elizabeth, bluemuse, - You both said subtle, but you didn't say why. Would you be willing to share a little about why you feel this way?

I'll share.

Subtle first. Get the juices flowing with little verbal flirtations and innuendoes. RL, movies, books....all of it.

Once the juices are flowing well the get in your/my face tactic works well but the subtlety needs to come first.

Most of the time.
I prefer the subtle approach to start with. Catching a glimpse of her thigh as she crosses her leg. The way she smiles or licks her lips. Once everything gets going then we can be more overt.:p :p
Subtle. The way she teasingly pretends to not know me when I see her in public. The way her voice trembles when she begs me to stop calling her. The way she plays hard to get by taking out a restraining order or telling me her big brother "Moose" will break my knee caps if I don't leave her alone

Yes, subtle. It's a huge turn on.

Okay.....when it comes to sexuality, I am not as moved by images as I am by words. I have never been one to gawk at attractive men or drool over the sight of an erection. I have been known to hide in another room when the male stripper arrives at the bachelorette party.

lol....No, I am not dead from the waist down. I just need for my mind to be moved before my body will respond. I admire beautiful bodies, of course. But I find watching a man unzipping his wetsuit at the beach, much more arousing than having a male stripper bump and grind in my face. And I will always be more attracted to the man who teases and flirts with intelligence and wit, than I am to the gorgeous hardbody who is direct about what he wants. I think I'm no different than most women in this.
oh, it's all about time and place and my mood really. Generally subtle, but the occasional in-yer-face is ok too.
Well said, Bluemuse.

The best turn-on gets teased out of the mind, first.
I will say I like subtle

But I am told that it goes right by me. I have been told Im frustrating at times because subtle hints get missed. Grabbing my cock and saying "gimme" has been known to work though. Is that subtle?
Re: I will say I like subtle

Bluesboy2 said:
But I am told that it goes right by me. I have been told Im frustrating at times because subtle hints get missed. Grabbing my cock and saying "gimme" has been known to work though. Is that subtle?

It is in MY book.
Re: I will say I like subtle

Bluesboy2 said:
But I am told that it goes right by me. I have been told Im frustrating at times because subtle hints get missed. Grabbing my cock and saying "gimme" has been known to work though. Is that subtle?

Good god, were you and Mr Keen seperated at birth, or what?
Definitely Subtle, the anticipation can sometimes be more gratifying than the actual sexucal act itself. All the teasing beforehand gives the imagination time to work it's wonders. After all, how many people have fulfilled fantasies that weren't quite up to the original expectations ???
mfs686 said:
Definitely Subtle, the anticipation can sometimes be more gratifying than the actual sexucal act itself. All the teasing beforehand gives the imagination time to work it's wonders. After all, how many people have fulfilled fantasies that weren't quite up to the original expectations ???

Boy that is an excelent point. The mind is far more nimble then the body.

Each has its savor, each has its time and place. Think of erotica/pornography like sex. Sometimes you want tender soft loving caressing lovemaking, and others you want hot nasty sweaty crazed weasel OH GOD YES FUCK ME HARDER GODDAMMIT!!! fucking.

Sometimes I want images that tease and tantalize:


(MC Photo Int.)

And other times I want depictions of raw primal fucklust:


I see no reason to forego either flavor. Variety is the spice of life.
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tortoise 'stole' my answer but he illustrated it so much better than I ever could have. Both subtle and overt work for me, it just all depends on the circumstances and my mood.
glorfindale39 said:
When it comes to media or to real life, what is more of a turn on for you all? The subtle sexual innuendo or physicality, or an overt sexual statement or action?

So which has more power to push your sexual buttons?


I like those subtle innuendos , the shyness that is rare in men when it comes to sex.
The simple ways and comments that he gives... a hint as to what lies ahead.

bluemuse said:
Well said, Tortoise. There is a time and a place for both.

Tortoise, bluemuse, - I would offer that there is a time and a place for both only with some people. For me, anytime things get to overt they tend to get less intense. Now realize that this discussion has been about desire, not about the act of intercourse. I think most people have had crazy sex once in a while. I'm talking about desire.

I'll give an example for me. Last Christmas I bumped into a woman as I walked into a clothing store. As we were face to face I only saw her face, and she was quite striking and smiled warmly. We entered the store and I proceeded to shop. I had forgotten about her really, was busy looking through racks of clothing. Then I looked up over to the display counter and saw her. I was taken completely off guard. She had taken off her long coat and laid it over the counter, and was leaning over slightly looking at watches. She had a long black skirt that had a slit that ran up to her upper thigh, and a button up shirt that was unbuttoned the top couple of buttons. The way she leaned over the counter caused her shirt to be open from the side just enough for me to see the gentle curve of her breast and the black lace of her bra. I stood literally transfixed in desire. She must have felt that tickle you can get when someone is staring at you because she glanced up and looked me dead in the eye. She smiled slightly and turned her attention away. I left the store in a state of complete sexual arousal. I have fantasized about that woman, and masturbated to the thought of her more times then I care to think of.

Now just recently at the gym I work out at here in the basement of my office building, a very attractive girl I have been sneaking glances at for some time gave me a view of her beautiful body naked. It was an exhibitionist thing for her I believe, and I certainly didn’t complain. I haven’t spoken to her sense, and have found myself thinking of it far less then I did of that beautiful woman in the store.

We have all heard people say the mind is the largest erogenous zone on the body. Most have us have probably even had sex were we were not tuned in or turned on mentally. I think desire is born in the mind and it is what carries us to physical passion. For me I think I get the most passion from longing and desire, not lust. Hard core only generates lust in me, and it is a short lived fire.

Anyway, I’ve rambled enough…..

subtle over all but a little overt once in a while isn't too bad.
coolest thang is to be able to appreciate and respond to both.....we all have different triggers....and those triggers can be complete opposites at different times.....the sexual psyche is incredible....the way our bodies respond to our mind.....what our mind craves at times.....the signals.....the urges.....based on desire....and lust.....