Posting privileges


Wicked Garden
Sep 12, 2024
I lost posting privileges in a thread. It says I did something I did not do which is absolutely disgusting. I need to know how to dispute this....
Is it a picture you took or that you own the rights to?
No, but I was led to believe that thread is for posting Internet pictures. Is this not the case? Because I know none of the pics in that thread are owned or were taken by the posters. They are all models...

I would never take or own a picture of what it was thought to be...
But, you would post it, because it was from the internet?
Because they are models..... I can safely assume that website owners have done their due diligence. If they aren't in jail and their business hasn't been shut down. That is the whole point is that it wasn't.
Here’s the thing, 90% plus of the images here violate the forum posting guidelines. I remove images every single day from every one of the threads in the forum where this image was shared. Many (most…nearly all) of the remaining images should not be posted here because they violate the rule I’m sharing in this comment.

With the goal of being consistent and fair, I ALWAYS remove attached images that are explicit or violate any rules, and I ALWAYS remove linked or attached images of persons too young to be shared at this site, graphic sexual activity, violence, and animals. I have removed many images shared by you. You are apparently noticing this for the first time, and only because you were banned from the thread. The fact that an image is shared online does not prove that the person depicted is an adult. I have asked several people if they think I overreacted to that image and every single person said that is a picture of a minor. If your proof is that is was shared online so she must be an adult… well, that’s not proof. You are, however, proving that it’s not YOUR image.


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If I even had a thought that it was I would have reported the place I got it from.

If I saw that image on a website, I would report it in a heartbeat. If I had the power to ban you from this site, I would have upon seeing that image shared.

It was reported by others for being an image of an underage person, that is how I became aware of it.

@Laurel is the site owner. Your recourse is to take it up with her.
Well, I will definitely report that website then and see what happens. It wasn't a random shared image. It is supposedly a reputable company. I have never knowingly shared an image of anyone underage. You might be right, but if so I am just as much a victim here.
Also, it would probably be good to let someone know when this happens. This way if they unknowingly do something they are informed and can take appropriate future actions. I understand that I have no proof, but that goes both ways both actions are basically a opinionated judgement call. That being said I will be more careful in the future.