Post in this thread if...


Hooded On A Hill
May 27, 2004
[ want to stick your pinky in Laurel's bottom and tell her penguin jokes until she giggles.]
[ want to stick your pinky in Laurel's bottom and tell her penguin jokes until she giggles.]

If she lets me get to that point, I'm not wasting time sticking my pinky in her bottom.


A penguin is driving along one day and his car starts making this really strange sound. So, he pulls into the first gas station he sees, jumps out of his car, runs up to the mechanic and says: "I need for someone to look at my car! There's something wrong with it!" The mechanic looks at him and says "Well I can do that but you'll have to wait about 20 minutes or so." The penguin looks across the street and notices an ice cream shop! So he says "OK I'll be back." He tosses him his keys runs across the street and has a big bowl of ice cream. He comes back, looks at the mechanic and says "Did you figure out what's wrong with my car?" "Well" replies the mechanic "looks like you blew a seal." The penguin quickly wipes off his face and says "Oh no, that's just ice cream!"
I realize that Laurel is a tiny thing, but I'm sure she can handle more than a mere pinky.
I dig her and all, but that's....odd.

I just wanna hang out with her, drink, laugh, and play with each other's hair.

Perg is a weirdo.
i would settle for a photo of manu's pinky inside laurel's bum. the kitty can listen to the jokes. i want hissing.
How did I miss this thread? It's the spoiler tag thingy, isn't it? Durnit. I nearly missed my own orgy! :( :D :rose:
How did I miss this thread? It's the spoiler tag thingy, isn't it? Durnit. I nearly missed my own orgy! :( :D :rose:

Two penguins are sitting on an iceberg, watching the scenery. One says, "You know, it really looks like you're wearing a tuxedo."

The other replies, "So, who's to say I'm not?"