Possible bug with favorited stories?


Literotica Guru
Feb 19, 2021
Yesteray morning, or possibly the day before, I got a notice that someone had favorited one of my stories. Today I went to their list of favorites to see what else was there. It turns out my own story was not in the list.

Is there a lag? A bug?

Here's something that sure looks like a bug. I just got notified of a Writing Group story being favorited by a user who is shown as having zero favorite stories, ever. ("Unicorn", 4 hours ago.) Could be lag, but suspicious.

I think when stories are added to a reading list, we see it as being favourited, but it isn't listed in their Favorite Stories.
I think when stories are added to a reading list, we see it as being favourited, but it isn't listed in their Favorite Stories.
Interesting. And buggy.

I checked the user who kindly favorited my story. They have one list, "Mine", which the Favorites page says has 25 entries. When you click through to view the entries ... 6.

EDIT: I just remembered that private lists exist. That might explain the invisible-to-author favorites, but not the same list having 6 and 25 members.

I think when stories are added to a reading list, we see it as being favourited, but it isn't listed in their Favorite Stories.
The message I got was that this person had "added your story to Favorites." Would I get that if they'd just put it on their reading list?