Hello there, an I had was that some run of the mill fellow would be dropped into a alternate universe based upon the situations that occur in porno story lines, most of the world up dumb-ed down so to speak, cars can be fixed by a few spanner turned, collage level math is just simple algebra and everything is generally easier so to speak.
however as our protagonist did not exist in this world he has no where to go, he must find
(and fuck) his way to establishing himself in this new world. he could be arrested and 'interrogated' by some police after being arrested for sleeping in a public place, a government case worker could assist him in finding a place to stay after some 'persuasion', he could get a job, delivering pizzas, fixing cars, plumber you name it, he could get fired after each one as he cannot manage time due to the sex he is having on the job, he could find himself in the employ of a lusty cougar as her PA/sex toy he eventually discovers how 'easy' things are in this worst and sets out for higher education, a plotline goes though his time at collage, co-eds, professors etc. then after graduation he would have to win over his new co-workers etc etc, where ever you want to o with this
however as our protagonist did not exist in this world he has no where to go, he must find
(and fuck) his way to establishing himself in this new world. he could be arrested and 'interrogated' by some police after being arrested for sleeping in a public place, a government case worker could assist him in finding a place to stay after some 'persuasion', he could get a job, delivering pizzas, fixing cars, plumber you name it, he could get fired after each one as he cannot manage time due to the sex he is having on the job, he could find himself in the employ of a lusty cougar as her PA/sex toy he eventually discovers how 'easy' things are in this worst and sets out for higher education, a plotline goes though his time at collage, co-eds, professors etc. then after graduation he would have to win over his new co-workers etc etc, where ever you want to o with this