Porn Over Politics


Stop Making Sense
Mar 20, 2003
Not sure, but I think I've found my favorite porno clip to get me through the intensity of the upcoming Prez Election (how DARE they have the final debate during the Lions/Bears game)...

Yeah yeah, it has squirt as one of the main keywords and that's not my thing, but when a cute girl gets the camera soaked and asks a hot man with the perfect dick/thrusts to stop as she is on the brink of convulsing even by the touch of his hand and later loses her balance after another explosion within 5 minutes, my vaginal interests are more than piqued.

Thought I'd share... you're welcome.
Or welcome to 2003 when I got here and wondered why so many were all invested in politics, fuck it , jerk or jill off and have fun!

I wish Roseanne Barr was a member here.
Do you like the "squirting" sun genre, or do you just like this video that happens to contain "squirting"?
Do you like the "squirting" sun genre, or do you just like this video that happens to contain "squirting"?

Did you not read my opening post?

I LIKE this video clip for many reasons, did you watch it?
Tebow might just be the best RB versus the Pats tomorrow. I hope coach Soprano has a few tricks up his sleeves like way back a few years ago when he outsmarted the Pats with the Wild Cat as Dolphin's Head Coach.

*I always call him Soprano, don't judge
I can't wait for your ASSessment of it all. Tissue?

Yes, well, it was pretty good. The only part I didn't like was when he was smacking his unreasonably large penis against her. It was too squishy sounding. Other than that, it was good.
So Mz. Jedi and Blobfish liked it, lovely.:rose::rose:

I rather liked him withdrawing his dick and slapping it around while she'd released and tightened up... If I had a dick I might do the same.

My only qualm is his right foot, heel, actually. He needs some of those tiny little Japanese fighting fish to eat those callouses away.


*ETA, my 43,000th post thankfully about PORN in here

It takes a little more than a woman saying "right there", and squirting to make it interesting for me.