poll Which oldie posters would you like to see more often?

Which oldie posters would you like to see again or more often?

  • Myst

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • Thomas Paine

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Mistress

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • ShyLady

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Nitelight

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Sparky Kronkite

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • CelestialBody

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • any of the ones Killermuffin has shot{bad joke}

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • no comment

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • someone unnamed

    Votes: 19 39.6%

  • Total voters


Tallahastezzi Kaffirs!!!
Feb 12, 2001
There are some posters of past who seldom post anymore,for various reasons or another unknown.Lives change...but memories remain.

Who would you like to see more?

You can vote on all choices.

Celestial Body has been posting relatively regularly recently.

Myst was posting a few days ago.

Not on your list but who I miss: Gingersnap.
I was about to say the same thing dear.

Kitten Eyes would be nice to be seen again too

Ginger + Rog, Debs would be good too.
I actualy recognize the names on this list, I must be becoming and oldie too!
But I vote to bring back......SIREN!

We need her wise counsel.

We really do.


PS: Shooting Muffy you say? Great idea!
Lancecastor said:
But I vote to bring back......SIREN!

We need her wise counsel.

We really do.


PS: Shooting Muffy you say? Great idea!

There's a typical Lanceism.

Mensa - oh most definitely.

Everyone on that list and...

Simply Me, shyybabe, Gnufi Poppets, Madame Pandora, Barb Dwyer, MistressHoney, Cheri, Xander, Desert Amazon (yes, I know she posts but not nearly often enough), Luscious Lioness (also not nearly enough), FlamingoBlue, BrainyBeauty, BrazenBlaze, Angel (also doesn't post nearly often enough), Ksss

And I wish cymbidia would come back.

I wish Siren would come back.

Oh - and maybe RisiaSkye could come visit the GB more often instead of spending all her time over at the BDSM forum.

TN_Vixen - you'd think PC might let her out of the bedroom every now and then so she could post.

Damn! I hate lists. I know I'm missing a couple of others.

Hmmm - these are not an oldies but I'd like to see them com back: GreenEyedGirl, wicked faerie, PolythenePam (who does post occaisionally but, again, not often enough).

JadedPast has been posting more - that's cool!
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"Mensa - oh most definitely."

Unfortunately, Mensa passed away.
Bob Peele (I think I mispelled it, shame on me)

I got an IM from hims 4-5 months ago, about nothing much. It was good to hear from him.

There's one person on Dilingers list that I got an email from this morning, and hear from quite a bit, but not saying who. Sorry Dillinger.

I'd also like to see TN-Vixen & Siren post again. Along with a few more who's names will slowly come back to me.
Never said:
"Mensa - oh most definitely."

Unfortunately, Mensa passed away.

I know dear... but that's why Silverlily and I would be so happy to see him post... to not have had him pass away.
plasticman33 said:
Estevie! No contest.

You sweet thing!

Miss you too! :)

Siren is one I wish would pop in and say Hi.

I'm sure there are others I'd like to see but won't remember who until they come back! :D