Poll: Biden hits record low approval with Hispanics


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
President Joe Biden’s approval with Hispanics has continued to nosedive, with the latest poll putting it lower than his approval with white Americans.

According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, the president now has just a 26 percent approval rating with Hispanics, just five points lower than his approval with white citizens at 31 percent.

Democrats have been losing ground among Hispanic voters since the Trump years as they move further to the left on social issues like transgenderism and abortion while pandering to the voting bloc with widely offensive phrases like Latinx. In fact, a recent poll showed that just 1.7 percent of Hispanic voters describe themselves as “Latinx” while most regarded it as a white elitist phrase.

According to you all, Hispanics are here illegally and can't vote anyways.
According to you all, Hispanics are here illegally and can't vote anyways.
Yeah, you know, they're bringing in drugs, they're rapists, etc.

And remember, the OP is someone who vowed to leave Lit if Trump lost in 2020. I guess he can't afford pass up his click payments.
Says who? You love polls, the same polls that had Hillary winning by a landslide.
The authoritarian propagandists base their entire pathetic virtual lives on polls and ratings. Holding democratic principles and having real lives is just too difficult for them.
Says who? You love polls, the same polls that had Hillary winning by a landslide.
I’m not aware of any polls that had Hillary winning by a landslide. Most had her ahead by a small margin.

The polls we are all looking at now show Brandon in deep shit. The top 3 issues in the CNBC poll are cost of living, Ukrainian, and immigration/border security. LGB!