politically correct


a work in progress
Feb 22, 2002
a couple of local nimrods were in the store today and one of them said something and the other jokingly said, "well, that's not politically correct." and the other asked what his difinition of the term was. they bounced it back and forth and then one of them asked me my definition and i said, "that's how people act when they're still in the lemming phase of their life and don't know how to be themselves so they say what everybody else in the world says." it ended the conversation and then i got to thinking:

how do you define politically correct and are you and do you really give a shit?
poitical correct = not putting any definative lables on anyone, or saying anything judgemental, incase we hurt someones poor little feelings.

political correct = a joyless arse raping of normal people to save the pathetic from imagined pain
I'mVan said:
poitical correct = not putting any definative lables on anyone, or saying anything judgemental, incase we hurt someones poor little feelings.

political correct = a joyless arse raping of normal people to save the pathetic from imagined pain

I like that. Very good.

Political correctness is a change in mindset reflecting the recognition that language is a powerful tool that can be used to oppress people: it is about not using language to label one group as inferior to another.

Political correctness is about not calling a business woman by her first name, while you call all her male colleagues by their last name. It's about not calling your white employees by their names, while calling your black employees 'nigger'. It's about not using racial slurs to win in an election against an Asian opponent. It's about newspapers not using derogatory terms to refer to minorities.

And yes, I give a shit :)

(It's just like old times, ain't it Ish :D)
I'mVan said:
Shovel = horticultural implement:rolleyes:
That's a pretty lousy definition, there are lots of horticultural implements that are not shovels. A much better one would be:

Shovel = a hand implement consisting of a broad scoop or a more or less hollowed out blade with a handle of variable length. :)
Used by those people who...

don't want to be different from the crowd.

A form of cowardly non-participation in an individual manner.

crysede said:
That's a pretty lousy definition, there are lots of horticultural implements that are not shovels. A much better one would be:

Shovel = a hand implement consisting of a broad scoop or a more or less hollowed out blade with a handle of variable length. :)

Don't pigeon hole me!
Politically Correct can be nothing more than being polite and treating others as you'd like to be treated.

It can also be taken to the extreme (vertically challenged vs. short, for example) so that it becomes useless except for as a source of humor.
Cheyenne said:
Politically Correct can be nothing more than being polite and treating others as you'd like to be treated.

It can also be taken to the extreme (vertically challenged vs. short, for example) so that it becomes useless except for as a source of humor.

You almost got a cookie on that one Chey. Keep it up.
Shovel - A manual implement used for the excavation of soil. Generally for the diversion of excess precipitation.

P.S-Too many people think being politically correct is bad because it involves actually thinking before saying something. It also means being held accountable by our culture when someone shows a lack of concern for the feelings of others.

Not offending, disrespecting or degrading someone unintentionally is a good thing and the minimal effort it takes to work toward that isn't asking much.
Ishmael said:
Shovel - A manual implement used for the excavation of soil. Generally for the diversion of excess precipitation.


You use your shovel to stop floods? :confused:
Shaq said:
P.S-Too many people think being politically correct is bad because it involves actually thinking before saying something. It also means being held accountable by our culture when someone shows a lack of concern for the feelings of others.
Actually, I think political correctness is bad because it presupposes that when I use a word I place judgement on a person. If someone is short - they are short, not they are short and inferior because of it. If you are black, your skin is balck (brown), not your skin is black and you are ____ (insert derogatory stereotype characteristic here.) And because the extrapolation that happens, particularly in America, shackles us in the use of words which are so profoundly absurd, and attention grabbing that they are counter productive.
Shaq said:
P.S-Too many people think being politically correct is bad because it involves actually thinking before saying something. It also means being held accountable by our culture when someone shows a lack of concern for the feelings of others.

Not offending, disrespecting or degrading someone unintentionally is a good thing and the minimal effort it takes to work toward that isn't asking much.

I think basic politeness and respect for others who've earned that respect is common sense. I think "Politically Correct" connotates an absurd extension of this. The example above where "non-judgemental" is concerned illustrates it well.

Here's something for you:
The Origins Of Political Correctness
A community declines when the majority of its citizens become selfish, and under this influence it slowly dismantles all the restraints upon self-indulgence established by manners, customs, tradition and law (See the law of reverse civilisation). As each subsequent generation of selfish citizens inherits control of the community, it takes its opportunity to abandon more of the irksome restraints which genius and wisdom had installed. The proponents of this social demolition achieve their irrational purpose by publicly embracing absurdity through slogans while vilifying any who do not support their stance. The purpose of the slogan is to enshrine irrational fears, or fancies, as truth through the use of presumptuous words, so public pronouncement:

Dissembles the real nature of the claim

Identifies any dissenters as enemies of the truth

Acts as an excuse for any crimes committed in its name
For example the slogan Australia is Multicultural is a claim that:

Different cultures are compatible.

People who contradict this claim are blinded by prejudice against other cultures.

People who contradict this claim are trouble-making bigots, which makes them enemies of the community, if not humanity, and deserving persecution.

Which is an attack upon truth, clear thinking and plain speaking .
This is from Camille Paglia...I think she knows Crysede:

"My message to the media is: Wake up! The silencing of authentic debate among feminists just helps the rise of the far right. When the media get locked in their Northeastern ghetto and become slaves of the feminist establishment and fanatical special interests, the American audience ends up looking to conservative voices for common sense. As a libertarian Democrat, I protest against this self-defeating tyranny of political correctness. (Vamps and Tramps, p. 431)

"White middle-class girls at the elite colleges and universities seem to want the world handed to them on a platter. They have been sheltered, coddled, and flattered. Having taught at a wide variety of institutions over my ill-starred career, I have observed that working-class or lower-middle-class girls, who are from financially struggling families and who must take a patchwork of menial off-campus jobs to stay in school, are usually the least hospitable to feminist rhetoric. They see life as it is and have fewer illusions about sex. It is affluent, upper-middle class students who most spout the party line - as if the grisly hyperemotionalism of feminist jargon satisfies their hunger for meaningful experience outside their eventless upbringing. In the absence of war, invent one. (Vamps & Tramps, p. 28)
LOL... this is a good one too....

"A major failing of most feminist ideology is its dumb, ungenerous stereotyping of men as tyrants and abusers, when in fact-as I know full well, from my own mortifying lesbian experience- men are tormented by women's flirtatiousness and hemming and hawing, their manipulations and changeableness, their humiliating rejections. Cock teasing is a universal reality. It is part of women's merciless testing and cold-eyed comparison shopping for potential mates. Men will do anything to win the favor of women. Women literally size up men- "What can you show me?"- in bed and out. If middle class feminists think they conduct their love lives perfectly rationally, without any instinctual influences from biology, they are imbeciles. (Vamps & Tramps, p. 35)
Can you guess who said this on Political Correct speech?

First: the opinion which it is attempted to suppress by authority may possibly be true. Those who desire to suppress it, of course deny its truth; but they are not infallible. They have no authority to decide the question for all mankind, and exclude every other person from the means of judging. To refuse a hearing to an opinion, because they are sure that it is false, is to assume that their certainty is the same thing as absolute certainty. All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility. Its condemnation may be allowed to rest on this common argument, not the worse for being common.
Fuck political correctness in it's colored, homo, retarded, fat, short ass.
RastaPope said:
Fuck political correctness in it's colored, homo, retarded, fat, short ass.

Hehe, not that we can't be polite, just because we refuse to be politically correct.
I'mVan said:
Hehe, not that we can't be polite, just because we refuse to be politically correct.

Oh, I'm polite enough, when need be. I just don't shy away from not offending someone.