Political Lies


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
Some lies make more impact, than others. Some lies are light and dry. They blow away with the slightest breeze. No impact, at all.


North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed a restrictive anti-abortion bill into law. During an October 2012 gubernatorial campaign debate,
McCrory said he wouldn't sign any additional restrictions on abortion into law.


North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) said he would sign into law a controversial anti-abortion bill if it reaches his desk, despite a 2012
campaign promise to oppose new abortion restrictions. During a gubernatorial campaign debate in October 2012, McCrory was asked,
"If you're elected governor, what further restrictions on abortion would you agree to sign?"McCrory had a one-word response: "None."


The North Carolina House is set to vote on a controversial anti-abortion bill on Thursday, one day after its provisions were attached
to unrelated motorcycle safety legislation without advanced notice to the public or Democratic lawmakers.

The motorcycle maneuver in the House Judiciary Committee came after North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) threatened to veto
a similar Senate bill on Wednesday morning. His top health official had expressed concerns as well. The Senate legislation would
require abortion providers to meet strict licensing standards and mandate that a doctor be present for an entire medical abortion.

Without giving public notice or letting Democrats on the committee know, Republicans changed SB353 into an anti-abortion bill,
which eventually passed on a party-line vote.


"Pink Motorcycle Helmets"

Senate Bill 353, formerly known as the "Motorcycle Safety Act"

The new bill was worked into an unrelated bill and brought up in a House judiciary committee meeting without any advance notice.
Rep. Ruth Samuelson ( Republican-Charlotte, NC ) said that was because details were still being worked out on Wednesday morning.

Rep. Ruth Samuelson said slipping the rewrite into an unrelated bill on Wednesday's committee calendar was necessary to advance
the bill as the General Assembly is working toward adjourning. Wednesday's meeting lasted close to two hours.


Jul 2, 2013

North Carolina's Anti-Sharia Bill Is Now Also Anti-Abortion

House Bill 695, which began as a cookie-cutter ban on the use of foreign law in family law and custody cases, now would implement
several restrictions on abortion services in the state.

The abortion provisions were tacked on to the bill late on Tuesday, which was then re-named the more omnibus-friendly
"Family, Faith, and Freedom Protection Act of 2013."


It seems to me that they’re trying to pass under cover of darkness legislation that would not otherwise be passed,”
NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina executive director Suzanne Buckley said. “They’re trying to pull a Texas.”
Some lies make more impact, than others. Some lies are light and dry. They blow away with the slightest breeze. No impact, at all.


North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed a restrictive anti-abortion bill into law. During an October 2012 gubernatorial campaign debate,
McCrory said he wouldn't sign any additional restrictions on abortion into law.


North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) said he would sign into law a controversial anti-abortion bill if it reaches his desk, despite a 2012
campaign promise to oppose new abortion restrictions. During a gubernatorial campaign debate in October 2012, McCrory was asked,
"If you're elected governor, what further restrictions on abortion would you agree to sign?"McCrory had a one-word response: "None."


The North Carolina House is set to vote on a controversial anti-abortion bill on Thursday, one day after its provisions were attached
to unrelated motorcycle safety legislation without advanced notice to the public or Democratic lawmakers.

The motorcycle maneuver in the House Judiciary Committee came after North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) threatened to veto
a similar Senate bill on Wednesday morning. His top health official had expressed concerns as well. The Senate legislation would
require abortion providers to meet strict licensing standards and mandate that a doctor be present for an entire medical abortion.

Without giving public notice or letting Democrats on the committee know, Republicans changed SB353 into an anti-abortion bill,
which eventually passed on a party-line vote.


"Pink Motorcycle Helmets"

Senate Bill 353, formerly known as the "Motorcycle Safety Act"

The new bill was worked into an unrelated bill and brought up in a House judiciary committee meeting without any advance notice.
Rep. Ruth Samuelson ( Republican-Charlotte, NC ) said that was because details were still being worked out on Wednesday morning.

Rep. Ruth Samuelson said slipping the rewrite into an unrelated bill on Wednesday's committee calendar was necessary to advance
the bill as the General Assembly is working toward adjourning. Wednesday's meeting lasted close to two hours.


Jul 2, 2013

North Carolina's Anti-Sharia Bill Is Now Also Anti-Abortion

House Bill 695, which began as a cookie-cutter ban on the use of foreign law in family law and custody cases, now would implement
several restrictions on abortion services in the state.

The abortion provisions were tacked on to the bill late on Tuesday, which was then re-named the more omnibus-friendly
"Family, Faith, and Freedom Protection Act of 2013."


It seems to me that they’re trying to pass under cover of darkness legislation that would not otherwise be passed,”
NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina executive director Suzanne Buckley said. “They’re trying to pull a Texas.”

It's called "politics" and the party in power always does it.
It's called "politics" and the party in power always does it.

Not so blatantly.

"Will you sign any bills restricting abortion rights?"


"Okay now that you elected me I'm going to sign this bill involving major restrictions to abortion rights."

Pols work for the money men, and that aint you.
Not so blatantly.

"Will you sign any bills restricting abortion rights?"


"Okay now that you elected me I'm going to sign this bill involving major restrictions to abortion rights."

I don't know of anybody who lies as blatantly as Obama, although there might be some pols. who do.

I am pro-choice in matters of abortion, and I would probably not sign any bills restricting them, but that would depend on the bill itself. However, that's I. There are some districts where the voters are strongly anti-abortion, and members of Congress from there will also be anti-abortion.
In his first public comments on the IRS' targeting of conservative groups, President Barack Obama called the situation "outrageous" and said he would not tolerate the IRS working in anything less than a non-partisan manner.

Oblamer on the campaign circuit today: "Those made up scandals".

House Bill 695, which began as a cookie-cutter ban on the use of foreign law in family law and custody cases

Why are they passing a ban on something that is already illegal if it violates current statutes?
(What is the difference between a "wild claim" and a lie ?)

Texas Tampongate 2013 and Texas Crapgate 2013

The day of July 12, 2013 - How to take food, beverages, and tampons away from uppity women who think they have rights.

Why would the Texas Department of Public Safety ask the attorney general to allow the agency to keep its documents about Crapgate secret ?
Why does the Texas Department of Public Safety want an exemption to keep Crapgate from state open records law ?

Newspaper offers some clues- Texas Crapgate 2013

Lt. Gov. throws Texas DPS under the bus in an attempt to explain Tampongate

July 26, 2013

In a July 12 press release, DPS brass claimed that troopers found-

"one jar suspected to contain urine"

"18 jars suspected to contain feces"

"three bottles suspected to contain paint."

There were no arrests. The Texas Department of Public Safety has not produced said bottles.

Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, contacted DPS Director Steven McCraw and asked him:
Where are [all of the bottles of paint, urine and excrement] they? In response, McCraw told Howard that the materials were not seized.
Instead, he wrote, "a visitor had the option of storing the items elsewhere or discarding them in trash boxes."

(Women had their possessions examined before they were allowed into the building. They were not allowed containers or personal hygiene items.)

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has backed up this claim that there were jars, and he knows this because he saw them.

July 18, 2013 Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has an interview with Waco Tea Party President Toby Marie Walker- Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst claims
that the poop-slinging plot had been launched by "individuals with the International Socialist movement."

According to Rep. Donna Howard and the Texas Department of Public Safety-
Multiple people – or one person with an extremely large bag – managed to get 19 bottles of human excreta through security
at the main doors to the Capitol and it was only when they went through a second checkpoint, at the Gallery doors, that
anyone noticed.

In spite of being confronted with the stinking evidence of a plan to muck up the proceedings, DPS didn't arrest anyone –
they just told them to take their poop home with them.

Rep. Donna Howard told the Austin Chronicle, "It doesn't seem plausible."

Reporters on the spot failed to find a single trooper who knew of any such contraband. Nobody even noticed,
let alone photographed Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst outside the Senate.

Jaime Leigh Tilley got chains into the Senate gallery and secured herself to the railing?

Waco Tea Party President, Toby Marie Walker asked, how could Jaime Leigh Tilley have gotten the chains through the Capitol security?

Simple, said Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. Either Jaime Leigh Tilley had stashed the chains in the chamber in the days before the debate,
or she had someone with a concealed handgun license carry the chains in for her.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (R) said, "If you have a concealed handgun license, you don't need to go through the X-ray."

Either there is a massive hole in security at the Capitol, or Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst is saying that DPS failed to secure the building.

What happened to the Republican war cry ?- You lied to the American people and you must pay!


Transcript- Did Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst perjure himself ?

Begins ~27:20]

Toby Marie Walker: “There were—

David Dewhurst: “Bottles of urine, bags of feces. Awful.”

TMW: “I know there’s people who say, ‘Oh that didn’t happen because DPS didn’t save it’.”

DD: “It did. It did. It did. I saw some of it.”

TMW:”…I’ve heard from members and other people who saw some of it.”

DD: “Absolutely and it’s the same as myself I walked over to where they were screening and they were getting bottles out
and smelling them, they were getting water bottles out and smelling and they had urine in it. And there were bags they had
set aside and were going to put in the trash and throw it out, of feces. Just despicable. Despicable.”‘


Walking back Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's (R) comments via a mouthpiece- and throwing the DPS under the bus-

Travis Considine, a spokesman for Dewhurst, said the lieutenant governor in fact did not see any excrement but rather
saw trash bags that officers told him contained urine and feces. He said that statement did not contradict Dewhurst’s
had previous remarks.

“That’s a silly little thing,” he said. Considine said any knowledge Dewhurst's office had of the suspected excrement came from
DPS. “We got the DPS press release, and we take DPS at their word,” he said.


Department of Public Safety director Steve McCraw added to the list of items that were confiscated and discarded by police including
”paint, confetti, glitter, bottles of bubbles, bags of balloons (not inflated), handheld air horns, a bag full of tomatoes” and two bricks,
which were being used to prop doors open and were not going to be used as projectiles, he said.

“The possession of these and other items is not a crime, and therefore, there was no basis to arrest and detain visitors who possessed
such items; however, they were denied access unless they discarded the items,” McCraw wrote.

“The Department never took possession of these items and had no justification to do so.”


Rep. Donna Howard responded to Department of Public Safety director Steve McCraw’s with “disappointment with the lack of clarity that he provides.”

“At the end of the day, we are still left with unsubstantiated claims, allegations of suspicious jars but no actual evidence,” she said.
“The lack of onsite documentation or eyewitnesses — either from officers or members of the public — seems to undercut the assertions laid out
in DPS’ original press release and now their response letter. To be frank, it doesn’t pass the smell test. ”

Humble beginnings- a little acorn becomes a tree

Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst emails-

A request to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's office revealed two text message exchanges about suspected excrement between
Dewhurst’s chief of staff, Blaine Brunson, and two DPS employees.

In the first exchange, DPS Commander Joe Ortiz texted Brunson, saying, “Bottles of feces and urine found.” In the second,
Lt. Bradley Weatherford said troopers had removed “a can of spray paint and a bottle of urine” from one individual entering the gallery.


{gsgs comment- What does it matter, if the truth rests with two Department of Public Safety employees. (Were these two people, fictional, too ?)
The Far Right got what they wanted- Slowed down the stream of women against House Bill 2 anti- abortion law, who wanted to testify.
They found ugly things to say about the Pro Choice women and their supporters. Without a shred of evidence as proof!

Winning! (At all costs.)

What happened to Texas GOP's Tom Dewey ?
Sanduskygate 2014

"The trial will likely not begin before 2014."


The Republican Election Machine used Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno
(registered Republicans) when it was worth it- "Look at that! Winners!"

{gsgs question- What is it about ancient Republicans, that makes them willing to do horrible things before they die ? Seems to be a pattern.}

The New York Times was not so quiet about the saga of Sanduskygate 2014-

July 31, 2013
Sports Section

Penn State president Graham B. Spanier, vice president Gary Shultz, and athletic director Time Curley have evidence against them.

Perjury, conspiracy, and endangering the welfare of children are the charges that face them. {gsgs comment-That sounds like Republican winners, to me!}

Two weeks ago, Penn State's trustees authorized the payment of nearly $60 million dollars to victims.
There was a two day preliminary hearing this week. Emails between the three men revealed that they
had decided in 2001 to confront Sandusky themselves instead of reporting the allegations.

Mike McQueary testified this week that Paterno had told him the university botched its response to the Sandusky scandal
and warned him that he would be the scapegoat. "Old Main screwed up." (refers to building that houses the offices.)

{gsgs comment- Paterno will not be there to tell about his role. He is dead. But ex-president Spanier is still a faculty member, on administrative leave!}

Another year, another trial in 2014 http://www.pennlive.com/jerry-sandusky/

They will have to face the ugly music that they made-


What is known is this: all three defendants in this case will be required to enter a formal plea to the charges on Sept. 20.
That will set the wheels in motion for the busy argument season to come.

Schultz’s attorney Thomas J. Farrell, in his remarks after Tuesday’s decision, said he would not expect the case to reach trial –
if it does – before spring 2014 at the earliest.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has kept a pretty low profile since taking office Jan. 15. That’s about to end.

Some suggest that Corbett or his allies managed the delicate child sex investigation so that it would not break in the middle
of the 2010 gubernatorial campaign, a suggestion that Kane exploited to great advantage in her own race last year.

“I was on the campaign trail almost two years; I didn’t go a single place without somebody asking me why why it took so long,”
Kane said this week in an interview with The New York Times (Pennsylvania section ?)

If these men had acted in a decent manner, the top headlines would be about these people-

NOXEN, Pa. — Severe thunderstorms and heavy fog were reported around the time a helicopter crashed in northeastern Pennsylvania
on Saturday, killing all five people on board, including a child, officials said. Monday.

All five died of multiple traumatic injuries when the helicopter crashed near Noxen, a picturesque town of about 1,000 residents.

The wreckage was heavily fragmented but there was no fire after the crash, Knudson said. The aircraft was equipped with a
device that records engine parameters for maintenance purposes, and that will be examined in Washington for clues as to the
cause of the crash.

Rest In Peace. I am sorry that your lives ended in this way. I hope that you did not suffer very much. :(

"....tired clichés about freeloaders undeserving of government help, living large at the expense of honest, hardworking taxpayers."

Who is going hungry ? People who work three jobs. Who is responsible for this problem ? "People who cannot be held responsible."

Here in the richest country on earth, 50 million of us — one in six Americans — go hungry. More than a third of them are children. And yet Congress can’t
pass a Farm Bill because our representatives continue to fight over how many billions to slash from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better
known as food stamps.

"One out of two children will be on food stamps at some time in their lives."
- Kristi Jacobson


{gsgs comment- The first thing that I saw was a middle aged man. A man with his beef cattle. He explained that his job was on the ranch,
but he had to get a second job.}

{I watched a US Representative as he tried to live on the restrictive diet of someone on food stamps. He found it difficult. Time consuming.
An experiment that ended in a week. He said- "A struggle, just to eat.

{I saw another Representative say- "I did not realize that they only had three dollars a day."}

Congressman Sandy Levin Learns to Live on $31.50-a-Week Food Stamp

June 14, 2013

It's all part of a protest Levin is making, along with more than two dozen colleagues called the "Food Stamp Challenge."

As the House of Representatives prepares to debate a farm bill that would slash $20.5 billion to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,
a handful of Democrats are living on $31.50, the average weekly benefit of a food stamp recipient, in hopes it might stop Republicans from voting
for the cuts.


Jeff Bridges has a site, to tell us about hunger in America-


(The trolls want to have fun everywhere- At the expense of hard working people and their children.)

Jeff had to post a note-

"Some dude has been posing as me on the guest book & Message Board."
"I don't plan to communicate that way so any postings from 'me' are fake."
"Please use good netiquette, guys."

Bottom line-

"Walmart is the Welfare Queen, here."
The wages that Walmart pays the workers are so low, their workers qualify for food stamps.
Walmart depends on the government to feed their workers.

Dr Mariana Chilton- "Your child is not different from that child. From her child."

{gsgs comment- One crucial difference. Your child will not know the pain of hunger. You child will not be damaged by a lack of nutrition.
Your child will not suffer from the damage that malnutrition will cause. Your child will not be condemned to a lesser life, because of food.}

Good for him. Lets get more such reasonable restrictions going in all 50 states.

Do you really have a problem with reasonable efforts to make abortion "safe, legal, and rare?" :confused:
"Governor McCrory lied, and children lived..."

Has an interesting ring to it for a bumper sticker.