Political Affiliations?


Masoch's 2nd Cumming
Jan 31, 2022
There's probably another thread asking this, but what would you Lit users say your political affiliations are? (by that I don't mean the particular party of your country that you're in, if there is one, but rather what the uneducated refer to as "ideology." What do you believe in?).

Also, please specify if you're a reader or an author on here as well, and what kind of stuff you like to read/write. I watched a video not so far back about political affiliations correlating with certain fetishes and became fascinated.
Ideology - a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Seems like the educated also refer to it as such, unless uneducated have started using words properly

I'm a modern day liberal, though lean more moderate than most. I prefer slow change as opposed to immediate change and dislike changing long standing systems of government for short term goals. Don't think any of my fetishes work their way into that perspective.
Ideology - a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Seems like the educated also refer to it as such, unless uneducated have started using words properly
The reason why I say that is because 1. the meaning of words isn't limited to dictionary definitions 2. "ideologies" as such don't exist. Ideas don't produce reality, reality produces ideas. For example, capitalism isn't an "ideology", it's a reality.
The reason why I say that is because 1. the meaning of words isn't limited to dictionary definitions 2. "ideologies" as such don't exist. Ideas don't produce reality, reality produces ideas. For example, capitalism isn't an "ideology", it's a reality.
Capitalism is an economic model. It's a reality for the US.
there are no republicans anymore. you're either a trumplican or a "rino." neither are republicans.
Yeah but it's not an "economic model," that's what I'm trying to say. It's a real mode of production.
It is an economic model

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

And certain countries use that model while others do not.

And yes, ideas are the basis of reality.
Also, please specify if you're a reader or an author on here as well,
Most posting to this thread are neither. They are drones who are freeloading on this erotica story website and not contributing anything to the core product of this site.

As for me, I am a registered Democrat, a liberal, and a prolific author on Literotica, posting at least one story a week for the last decade and a half.
without ideas, your 'reality' would be a very different experience: no televisons, computers, phones, electric-powered anything, no gas-fueled cars, no cars for that matter, no guns, no shoes, clothing, houses, education, language, politics, credit cards/cash/banks, agriculture... and so on, ad infinitum

i used to post poetry to the main site but removed them for future and current publications elsewhere, but still have a lot on the actual poetry forum over here on the bulletin boards.

i am left of center, politically, and prefer to see long-term, solid changes for good rather than abrupt changes that can be reversed and replaced with something worse, so ultimately i prefer it when there can be a majority agreement on what constitutes 'beneficial' for a country, even as i strive and hope for the kind of health service europeans experience as a way of life and way wayyyyyyyyyy better education in this country.

what do i read? very little now other than the poetry on the poetry forum and stories my husband posts. My main interest is in great poetry, but over on the main site it is almost all really really awful.
no televisons, computers, phones, electric-powered anything, no gas-fueled cars, no cars for that matter, no guns, no shoes, clothing, houses, education, language, politics, credit cards/cash/banks, agriculture... and so on, ad infinitum
Every single one of these things you listed is produced by REAL LABOR, not ideas in one's head.
I've been posting stories here for about a decade. The only way I can think of that my politics might come into the picture is that I identify as feminist and try to reflect that in my characters. My chief fetish, as anyone who has read my stories knows, is hairy pussies. I think that dovetails pretty well with feminism inasmuch as it amounts to women choosing not to comply with what is currently in style. But it's up to my readers to say if I've succeeded in that regard.
Every single one of these things you listed is produced by REAL LABOR, not ideas in one's head.
they would never be able to be produced 'by real labour' if the ideas weren't there first for their conception and then thinking about how to make them become something physical beyond ideas on a page
they would never be able to be produced 'by real labour' if the ideas weren't there first for their conception and then thinking about how to make them become something physical beyond ideas on a page
The ideas weren't there first. Labor made them possible.
I would say that, based on my personal experience, this board is dominated by lefties. I get nasty messages on forums and PM'd telling me pretty awful stuff. The upside is that there are women who have political kinks and want an evil white male Republican to dominate them, so there's that.
There's probably another thread asking this, but what would you Lit users say your political affiliations are? (by that I don't mean the particular party of your country that you're in, if there is one, but rather what the uneducated refer to as "ideology." What do you believe in?).

Also, please specify if you're a reader or an author on here as well, and what kind of stuff you like to read/write. I watched a video not so far back about political affiliations correlating with certain fetishes and became fascinated.
I’m a democratic socialist. I almost always vote for the Democratic Party but I wish I had a more progressive alternative.

I’ve published about 15 stories here.

I don’t have any big fetishes, but there are some common threads that run through my stories: power differentials, exhibitionism, and the juxtaposition of our intellectual and animal natures.
My affiliation is poverty. The chips I'm eating are worth more to me than either party or any ideology.
I don't read stories here. When I want to read a long story, not forum posts, I grab a book off my shelves. I have one chapter left in My Antonia by Willa Cather. Someday I might count all my books.
I am not Left enough for the Left and not Right enough for the Right. I always vote third party except for the time I voted to remove trump. No kinks involved here.
There's probably another thread asking this, but what would you Lit users say your political affiliations are? (by that I don't mean the particular party of your country that you're in, if there is one, but rather what the uneducated refer to as "ideology." What do you believe in?).

Also, please specify if you're a reader or an author on here as well, and what kind of stuff you like to read/write. I watched a video not so far back about political affiliations correlating with certain fetishes and became fascinated.
What are your political affiliations? What are your fetishes?
okay, you're too stupid to make this worthwhile my continuing. you do you. they do say ignorance is bliss so i expect you're a very happy person.
Dude, human beings had to labor just to expand their brains to even evolve and exist as the idea-having species we are now, if you go back far enough in history.