Plum colored hair


Come What May
Jun 20, 2000
I'm considering coloring my hair a dark purple. Good idea or bad idea?

College has corrupted me. I realize I've lost all perspective in the matter as two (sometimes three) of the people I hang out with on a daily basis have hair the color of slushies.

What is your reaction to people with odd shades of hair?
I really really wanted dark blue hair for a while. You should dye your hair just so I can live vicariously through you. He he.
Or go with hard wood. Don't like plum myself.
The dark purple actually looks cool when you first dye it. Not too far off a natural dark brown, but purple when something's shining on it.

After awhile though it will get kinda frizzed and faded out, because, you know, you're wrecking your hair follicles and what not.

I think it's worth it though if you need a change, and your hair grows quickly.

My favorite dye job of mine is when I got the skunk streaks on the sides of my head and dyed them blue. :0)
Go for it, Never, I want to live vicariously through you as well.

(take that however you wish)
I lived through the "Punk" color freaks me out anymore!
”If you're gonna dye the curtains, ya gotta dye the carpet too.”

What if I don’t have any carpeting at the moment?

“I really really wanted dark blue hair for a while. You should dye your hair just so I can live vicariously through you. He he.”

How could I say no to that? Anything for a friend.

“The dark purple actually looks cool when you first dye it. Not too far off a natural dark brown, but purple when something's shining on it.

After awhile though it will get kinda frizzed and faded out, because, you know, you're wrecking your hair follicles and what not.”

My hair is pretty damn healthy and it grows like a weed as well. I know, maybe if I bleach it, then color it, and then work glitter gel through it every day..

” Go for it, Never, I want to live vicariously through you as well.”
I don’t know. With all the resistance I’m getting on the board I’m not certain if it’s a good idea. :)
Depends on your complexion.

When I was in Israel about 8 years ago, every woman had died her hair plum - it got to really annoy me. Same in Italy back in '99.

But enough about me. Try it. If it looks bad, grow some more hair.
go for it! Just condition like mad!

My hair right now is such a deep plum colour it's almost black, but the true colour shines through when light hits it and stuff.

I think colourful hair is cool.. it shows personality, it shows spunk.. :)
If your hair is short, go for it. If it's long, think it over. I dyed my hair for several years, but stopped about a year and a half ago. Now half my hair is bleached out and unhealthy and the new growth is this weird straight texture (it used to be curly).
i say go for it. when you're in the professional world, it's more difficult to get away with crazy colored hair, so go for it while you can :)
vixenshe said:
I think colourful hair is cool.. it shows personality, it shows spunk.. :)

LOL..."it shows spunk" LOL

oh man, I know you didn't mean that the way I read it vix but damn girl, you don't wanna be saying shit like that in England I tells ya...
Also, if you dye your hair, you'll basically be dying it for the rest of your life (unless it's really short, or you can deal with two-toned hair). Once the plum, or whatever funky color, grows old or grows out, the only way you can get it back to normal again is to dye it. But you can never dye your hair your own completely natural color, and you'll have to keep dyeing it to cover the roots.
"Also, if you dye your hair, you'll basically be dying it for the rest of your life (unless it's really short, or you can deal with two-toned hair). Once the plum, or whatever funky color, grows old or grows out, the only way you can get it back to normal again is to dye it. But you can never dye your hair your own completely natural color, and you'll have to keep dyeing it to cover the roots."

Really? The bottle says it lasts two to four weeks.
I say do it while you can! If it looks bad, you can change it eventually. My roommate in college had a standard response when someone was hesitant to make a change in appearance:

"Your hair and nails grow back, your virginity you lose only once." Kind of bizarre, but true.
If your hair is the same general style as the last pic/av you used, I'd say yeah to plum, chum.

But I'd also consider a rich electric burgandy; I think either would work for you.

It depends on your eyes I think. Go with the one that'll make the color in your eyes pop.

Rich lucious color is hot.


Never said:
I'm considering coloring my hair a dark purple. Good idea or bad idea?

College has corrupted me. I realize I've lost all perspective in the matter as two (sometimes three) of the people I hang out with on a daily basis have hair the color of slushies.

What is your reaction to people with odd shades of hair?
Never said:
"Also, if you dye your hair, you'll basically be dying it for the rest of your life (unless it's really short, or you can deal with two-toned hair). Once the plum, or whatever funky color, grows old or grows out, the only way you can get it back to normal again is to dye it. But you can never dye your hair your own completely natural color, and you'll have to keep dyeing it to cover the roots."

Really? The bottle says it lasts two to four weeks.

Well, geez, temporary! You didn't say that! :p

Go for it then. Plum sounds tasty.
plum? you'll look like a divorcee from longisland.

just say no.
There's little chance of permanently ruined hair, especially if it's temporary hair dye. Look, if you blitz it even, you can also cut it short, which ain't so bad. I cut my hair boy-short in college cuz I'd killed my hair. These days it's back to lusciously long. Being young means ruining your hair for the sake of having fun and experimenting. That's what youth is all about.